Chapter 51: Curfew

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         Jimin was getting ready for his late college class as Jungkook was asleep. Jimin didn't feel like going to his class for the afternoon since he felt a little weak but Jungkook would ask him many questions on why is he missing out on education. Jimin began to put on cologne like he always does as Jungkook heard Jimin walk around. This woke the demon up as he sat up quickly. "Park Jimin... Where are you off to with all of that cologne?" Jungkook rubbed his beautiful ruby eyes as Jimin looked back to see his lover staring through the dark.

            "Getting ready for college. Jungkook, turn on the lights you are always in the dark!" Jimin giggled. "Creep."

            "Hmm I guess you can say that I am use to this. The Night realm was really dark so I grew to like the dark now." Jungkook replied. "Classes close to night... It's 5pm now.. If you aren't home by 10pm you'll know what will happen."

            "I never really did cross that curfew line~ are you going to punish me, Jungkook?~" Jimin joked.

            Jungkook got up and walked to Jimin. "Just don't disobey the curfew... You are very special to me.." Jungkook replied as Jimin nodded. "Give me a kiss, Pumpkin." Jungkook whispered as Jimin smiled and walked up to Jungkook to give him a quick kiss. "Go well.."

              "Goodbye! Love you!" Jimin waved and quickly picked up his bag and ran out of the apartment place as Jungkook was left alone as always. Jimin never understood why Jungkook never got out of the house and explored happily... But Jungkook would just say; "I'm for your eyes only." Jimin appreciated the loyalty but at times he wanted to go out with the demon and walk around with him and go on dates like normal couples.

             Jimin arrived to college as his professor worried about Jimin the other day since he did hear about his mother. Before class began, the old wise man dressed formally walked up to Jimin and smiled. "Hello, Park Jimin." The old man greeted as Jimin stood up to bow and greet his professor.

            "Good afternoon, Professor." Jimin greeted as he can see the professor's concern. "What seems to be the problem, Professor?"

              "I was worried the other day, how is Mrs. Park, is she alright now?" The professor asked as Jimin made a smile and nodded.

              "Of course she is, thankyou for asking. Mother will take it easy from now on. It was a miracle that she survived." Jimin claimed. He knew deep down that he helped his mother along with Jungkook but there was no way he would say something like that!

           "How well." The Professor said as he walked off. He was a very caring professor towards his students and all of his students cared about him and payed their kind respects towards the teacher since he was the one teaching the new minds about lectures in class. Teachers are to be well respected!

             After his class, Jimin thought about his two good friends and walked out to the hallway calling them. Jimin wasn't thinking of going home just now. He hasn't went out in a while and it was only 7pm so he had around 3 more hours of freedom before he had to go home. The boy called his friend Taehyung so the three friends can hang out again.

              Then, Taehyung finally answered. "Hello?" Taehyung answered as Jimin smiled.

              "Hi, Taehyung! Where are you guys? I just got out of class and was thinking if we can hang out for right now?"

            "Oh, Great timing! Hoseok and I were about to go out and have some Soju at the bar. Want to tag along?" Taehyung asked as Jimin looked at the time. "Of course we'll have other drinks too! I can handle it but I'm not so sure about Hoseok if he can handle it... well, we'll see!"

           "Alcohol? Hmm.. Sure." Jimin answered. A few drinks wouldn't hurt so Jimin wanted to tag along with friends. Jimin was well aware that he had a curfew so he agreed to meet up at the drinking pub down the street near a fried chicken shop. When Jimin hanged up, he made sure to add in an alarm clock that was called. "Head home." just so Jimin wouldn't have to come home to an angry demon.

         Jimin walked out of the campus excited to finally hang out with his good friends without feeling left out. Jimin finally understood that he shouldn't bother the couple or run off if they were making out. He would just sit there and allow it now.

          Later on, when Jimin arrived to the pub, he saw Hoseok and Taehyung laughing together as they already began pouring drinks for eachother. There was many people dancing there too like it was a bar/club. There was flashing neon lights with the typical groups of girls dancing and flirting with men they would find, groups of friends, men that only came to the club in hopes of hooking up with someone for one night, creepers lurking around the corner and alcoholics. Jimin didn't mind seeing these people here, they were only having fun and passing time so Jimin just walked along to meet up with his two friends.

             "Oh Jimin! You are finally here!" Hoseok smiled and patted Jimin's back while the red haired man pulled up a chair next to his two friends.

            "I thought you wouldn't show up since you've been busy for a while but I'm glad you are here now! Let's drink." Taehyung claimed as the man serving the glasses walked to them and handed Jimin a glass and walked off since Taehyung had the bottle of Soju to pour for his friend. There was no such thing as pouring your own glass here, it was all about having a friend pour the glass for you and you pour the glass for your friend.

          Taehyung poured Jimin a glass of clear Soju as Jimin thanked him. The three friends hanged out together drinking and there was no issue at all, until...there was a middle aged man with red sunglasses, brown hair, black suit and white shoes giving off a rich man vibe. This man was watching Jimin's every move the whole time... He knew Jimin was the only one in the group with no date. The man was obviously the creeps that lurked around staring and came to the club in hopes of hooking up with someone for the night in a hotel room.

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