Chapter 57: Unsolved

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            Jimin covered his face panting as Jungkook moved up to the boy and drew Jimin's hands away forcefully. Jimin looked up out of breath as Jungkook just let out a laugh holding Jimin's hands. "Don't tell me you want to sleep now!" Jungkook chuckled as Jimin smiled laying his head back onto a clean pillow.

           "You were so rough on me... If I didn't tell you to take a break, I would have died!" Jimin giggled as Jungkook held Jimin's face closely. "You made me ruin one of my pillows!"

         "Ah~ Jimin... If I was to break you, that would have felt good...for me."

         Jimin laughed and shoved Jungkook. "I'm going to rest here.... Until I want to get up."

         "Mm? No shower? Come on, let's go wash up together~." Jungkook cooed as he caressed Jimin's hair.

          "No. You're too sexual!" Jimin claimed turning over as Jungkook kissed Jimin's neck.

          "I don't get it~" Jungkook joked as Jimin pushed the demon laughing to himself. "-Ah! Jimin!"

          "You're an annoying demon!" Jimin snickered as he faced away from the demon feeling him move his hand up along Jimin's body.

           "My pumpkin~" Jungkook whispered and kissed Jimin's cheek before standing up. "I'll go wash u-"

            "I change my mind!" Jimin said getting up and grabbing a towel before walking to the bathroom with his lover.

             The two showered together. No touching or anything else so far, just casual washing for them. After the shower, Jungkook removed the bed sheets and stained pillow to add in new bed sheets sheets that were cherry red. Jungkook loved seeing Jimin's red hair so he picked red bed sheets to tease the human about it. He was wearing a dark grey dress shirt now with black pants and white socks as he was making the bed.

          Jimin was only wearing his underwear still searching for daily attire. Jimin was looking for the outfit until he noticed, Jungkook was always wearing formal clothes! The human was curious and decided to ask him. "Hey, Jungkook!" Jimin walked up to the demon and tapped his shoulder. "Jungkook, why are you wearing that? Wear something comfortable!"

             "I-I just like this style.." Jungkook claimed as Jimin folded his arms.

             "I can give you my grey sweatpants and long black sweater Or those white T-shirts you love! So you wouldn't have to wear that again to sleep and to wake up in." Jimin claimed taking out the sweatpants and black sweater. "Here!"

             Jungkook stared at the clothes and back at Jimin. "It's fine, Pumpkin. I don't think I'll fit it, your body is very petite and mines is muscular."

           "Hm? Oh... Sweatpants can still fit you! A white T-shirt is very loose so you can use this and we can lay down together and cuddle!" Jimin claimed feeling a bit more better from his headache.

              "Okay. I-" Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Jungkook knew that the delivery guy must have placed the groceries down by the door now. "I'll wear these and cook you something to eat."

             Jimin layed on the clean bed with only his grey underwear and stretched arching his back. "Ah- Jungkook~ you don't have to cook for me... I'm not hungry."

               "Hmm... If you starve now, you'll have a stomachache." Jungkook claimed as he walked out of the bedroom to open the door. He would always leave a note for the delivery guy to drop the groceries by the door so Jungkook can pick them up.

           Jimin sighed and made a smile as he layed back onto the bed. Just then his phone began to ring and he can already imagine it was his friends, when Jimin checked the caller ID, it was his mother.

            "Hello?" Jimin answered as the mother was on the other line.

             "Hi, Jimin. Did you check the news, My son?" Mrs. Park asked as Jimin replied with a no. "Well... There's a wild animal on the loose! This animal left bite marks and scratches all over a corpse and dumped the body in the forest! Everyone believes it's a wolf... and detectives ran a test on the body to find that it was from an unknown creature... And it only gets worst.. Because, that corpse was the vice president of the company I work in.." Mrs. Park claimed.

         "What was his name?" Jimin asked feeling bad about the vice president of the company his mother worked in.

           "Jun Kyu-rin. All of employees have to attend the young man's funeral... Such a shame that he had to get harmed by an odd creature. We all don't know what creature it was but his case will close soon. So quick."

            "Really?" Jimin suddenly remembered the name... The face too! This man was trying to get in bed with Jimin just last night and wanted to know everything about him! Jimin then realized... The man didn't die because of a creature.. He was killed by Jungkook. "I-I guess I'll have to look into this.." Jimin started to feel sick, he had to see what this was! It was the only way he would see what Jungkook was capable of. "Stay safe, mother." Jimin then hanged up the phone and quickly tried to access the news website.

             Jimin scrolled through the news and finally found the unsolved case news. He watched it from his phone and heard the details and theories of this case of Kyu-rin. Some say he was drunk and led himself to the forest nearby but then others say it was the opposing company that hired a man to kill the vice president. These rumors surfaced until the news had an exclusive video of the man running off holding his hand out like he was getting pulled by an invisible figure to the forest.

        The man looked alive but he had so much wounds. Kyu-rin was limping with his scars, he held a bottle of wine, a bag and had his eyes covered by sunglasses. He seemed lifeless as if his body was being dragged... By no one... Jimin knew this was Jungkook all along. Everything about it had the demon's name written all over it!

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