Chapter 40: Same feelings (SPECIAL CHAPTER)

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16 years ago

          "See Jimin? It won't hurt.. You can trust me... A simple scar won't hurt Jimin!" Jungkook promised as Jimin was laying on his small bed holding his action figure close and tightly while Jungkook was right behind him hugging the young little boy from the back.

          "S-scars can hurt... Why do you want to hurt me, Jungkook?" Jimin asked worryingly as Jungkook shook his head.

          "Jimin... I'm not! Please... I promise you... This isn't just any old scar..."

           "What is it then, Mister?" Jimin asked as he turned around to look at Jungkook.

            "You do love me, right?" Jungkook asked as the little boy nodded quickly.

            "I love you more than anything, Mister!" Jimin claimed as Jungkook smiled and caressed Jimin's face.

             "Then.... you would do anything to protect what you love right?"

              "I-I want to protect you, Jungkook!"

              "So the scar... It protects the both of us from what evil lies ahead.. We won't get hurt, Park Jimin."

           "The scar... Will it hurt?"

            "Jimin, I've told you now, Pumpkin! The scar will be quick you won't feel it. Have I ever lied to you?" Jungkook assured as Jimin nodded agreeing to get the scar..

            Jungkook took out a knife and made Jimin look away, he used the knife to make a cut on his wrist as black ink begin to flow. Jungkook hissed a bit at the pain since he wasn't numb to it at all! Once he drew his blood out, he used the same knife to imprint the scar onto Jimin's skin. Jimin was scared, he kept his eyes closed the whole time and didn't really feel the scar at all! Once the demon was done, the ink blood was mixed in with the human's red pure blood.

             "See? I told you it wouldn't hurt.." Jungkook claimed as Jimin opened his eyes only feeling the warm blood drip from his neck. Jimin wasn't scared at all, he felt like a hero for saving his best friend, Jungkook.

              However, Jimin and Jungkook grew happy about the mark... But the angels that kept Jungkook tamed behind the mirror didn't like it at all! Soon, Jungkook was summomed back to the Night Realm as he was told not to bring the boy.

             Jungkook walked into the Night Realm without Jimin noticing it. Jungkook was signalled by the angels and if he wasn't there, they threatened to torture him in front of the human! Jungkook arrived to the hospital in the Night Realm and sighed seeing that the hospital seemed to have a different atmosphere now that the angels were there... As soon as Jungkook arrived to the building, the angels were whispering things... As they felt the demon's presence.

              "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" shouted one of the angels with their white attire, huge big wings and golden halo.

               "What about me?" Jungkook asked as he stepped infront of the three angels infront of him.

              The third angel grew upset and raised his hand to throw the demon against the wall. "WHY DID YOU DO IT?! WHY DID YOU MARK A HUMAN? YOU DISGUSTING RED-EYED DEMON..."

           Jungkook was thrown to the wall harshly as he coughed out black blood from his mouth. "S-such sacred angels are you guys.." Jungkook mocked as the first angel stepped up to the creature.

            "Demon... Do you know what it means to mark someone?! What's wrong with you?! You marked a human!"

           "So? You guys can't abuse me any longer.. I have a human.."

           "Bastard... We should take off those stupid horns, those wings and that 'halo' so you would be nothing but an embarrassment to the other demons..."

               "Such a black sheep... The only demon that caught a human form, wings, halo and horns.. You look like a mess!" The second angel giggled.

               "I think we should take those things off.. Only then he'll look like another human!" the third angel laughed as he walked up to the demon not making him flinch at all.

              "I'm not scared of you... You.can'! I marked a human...and you can't hurt humans" Jungkook growled.

               "Hmm... I hope the human doesn't mind suffering for a bit while we take off those things that makes you different from other demons..." The third angel claimed.

            "Haha, it only seems like you're an angel but dyed in black! Such a wanna be... So glad that the big man decided to punish you for trying to be one of us!" The first angel claimed as the other two angels held the demon down.

           "Marking a human... That goes against so many rules! You deserve to get your 'abilities' taken from you! You do not deserve them.... Trying to be so sly... I bet you love the human... Don't you?!"

           Jungkook stayed silent as the angel kicked Jungkook in the chest making him groan in pain. He was able to feel all of it. The angel then pulled up a mini mirror where it showed Jimin sleeping and cupping his chest like he just felt the pain.

             "Y-you all are not supposed to abuse humans!" Jungkook shouted. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU ALL?!"

             "We're only doing our job.. Jungkook, marking a human means your lives are shared from now on... Whatever he does to himself... You will feel it too and he will feel the pain of whatever happens to you." The angel claimed placing his hands on Jungkook's horns. "This is going to be the last time we torture you... But we are taking away almost everything from you! And the best part is... You get to watch the human you marked.. Suffer in his sleep!"

              "N-No!" Jungkook shouted already crying as the angels laughed at the sad demon.

               "Oh yes... You'll see what marking someone really means! Marking someone like this not only makes you both one.. But it also means you are slowly consuming his entire life.... He won't live long if you keep this going so we'll come back to hurt you very soon once he's dead. You thought you were helping him? No.. You're only killing him and taking his life. So let me ask you a question, who's the real monster here?"

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