Chapter 12: Chasing

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         Jimin soon joined his mother as they sat down together at the table enjoying Kimchi fried rice. This dish had rice, cooked vegetables and meats with a fried egg on top! Jimin was eating his last dish with his mother before he was to leave.

          "Jimin... Please make sure you eat. I know you'll get a job first but please know, if you want to reach your goal... You'll have to work hard to get it." The kind Mother advised her son as she used the chopsticks to eat the fried egg ontop of the rice.

          "Yes, Mother." Jimin replied. "You would tell me that alot... Alot to the point where I go by that phrase now. I'll have to work hard to succeed." Jimin nodded. "I will do my best!" The young boy assured making his Mother feel more comfortable in letting him get a job.

            Mrs. Park did own a car and had plans on taking Jimin to his apartment with the mirror. She didn't want her son to get hurt while he was dragging that thing with him. When the time came close, Jimin went to the room to take down the mirror from the wall and realized, there was even more dust on the wall and the back of the elegant frame. Jimin didn't care about it now and just took the mirror with him. The red haired man took the mirror to the mother's  Kia Picanto car and secured it making sure it wouldn't fall off.

         Throughout the car ride, Jimin kept looking back at the mirror worried it might break! So he told his mother not to drive too fast and drive slowly or moderately. Jimin really cared about his childhood treasure. What he believed in was that maybe, he can remember all of this if he only spent time having the mirror in his place.

          Jimin finally came home holding the big mirror with care. "T-this is my place.." Jimin claimed as if he was talking to the mirror. "I guess you'll look good in my room!" Jimin then walked into his room kicking the door shut and kicking off his shoes to hurry to the room.

          Jimin noticed there was an iron nail sticking out of the wall right infront of his bed. Jimin raised the mirror and hanged it up humming to himself. "There..." Jimin kept smiling at the mirror. He loved how it made him look. "I love it." Jimin giggled as he went to sit on his bed. The reflection of his bed and himself was there and he giggled waving at his reflection. This is the happiest he has been for a while now. It felt like he had a good friend next to him and it was no one other than his reflection.

           But of course, Jimin soon had to leave the mirror and get to school. Again.... Everywhere he went was the same couples as before! Jimin tried to keep himself together... Until he saw his ex walk by with another guy. Jimin felt a bit thrown off, he didn't expect his ex would bring up someone else and walk around campus with him. It was like her way of making him jealous.

           It only got worst when he knew he had the next class with his ex and her new lover. They were at their desk giggling and flirting as Jimin sat behind them hearing their conversations of dates and movies.... It made Jimin feel like he wasn't good enough to give the girl what she wanted.... Yet again, he didn't feel any feelings for the girl. Jimin just thought that the girl's new relationship showed that she understood the feelings and finally met her special someone that meant alot to her....While Jimin just stayed watching shows and movies hoping for love to come to him.

             Jimin sat at the courtyard after his class and watched the couples run off together making him envy. "...This makes me feel bad.." Jimin whispred to himself and covered his face. Luckily before he began to cry, his best friends came around to sit next to him as always.

          "Hi Jimin!" Taehyung saw Jimin and sat next to him as Hoseok joined. "How have you been?"

           "Same as always.. But I did see my mother and ate well.."

            "Thats good! Still thinking of Love?" Hoseok asked while he fixed his red jacket over his black shirt, jeans and white shoes.

              Jimin only looked ahead at a tree. "My ex.. She has someone and I still don't." Jimin pointed out and sighed.

             "Ah, I see.. But Jimin, don't let this keep you down! Don't pay any attention to this! How many times do I have to tell you?"

              "...But Hoseok.. I-I am a lovable person.." Jimin said. "Relationships fascinate me."

              Taehyung rolled his eyes. He was tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. "Ugh Jimin this is always the case with you! Maybe you need a break from all of this love thing! Hoseok and I will take you out today! You don't need someone now.. It's patience and fun you need. We can't have you depressed like this..." Taehyung worried as Jimin felt like his day got brighter. It actually felt good to know he still had his friends that will try their best on trying to keep him happy. He just hoped he wouldn't become a third wheel again.

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