Chapter 47: Clarity

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        Jimin was laying on Jungkook kissing him while Jungkook smiled having his arms wrapped around the human. "Go to sleep already, Pumpkin~" Jungkook claimed as Jimin giggled.

            "Why do I have to sleep while you'll be awake?" Jimin asked playing with Jungkooks hair and making it stand.

           "I pleasured you.. You should go to sleep now, Pumpkin~" Jungkook laughed as Jimin shook his head.

           "No I won't sleep~" Jimin layed on Jungkook smiling and giggling like a baby. "Won't you take off this dress shirt for me?~"

           "Mmm... Pumpkin get some sleep." Jungkook cupped Jimin's face. "God... I love cupping your cute little face, Park Jimin..."

           Jimin smiled. "All I know is your name.. Jungkook but what else? Don't you have atleast a family you remember of?" Jimin asked curiously. This was a very nostalgic moment for Jungkook. It reminded him of the moment when Jimin first learned Jungkook's name back then.

             "Jeon... Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook claimed.

              "So you did have a family you remember.."

               "Mm no I don't." Jungkook replied. "I made that up a long time ago... When you asked, I gave you a made up last name so do you want to know what you said?"

             Jimin nodded, "What did I say?" Jimin asked curiously looking excited.

              "You told me your name will now be Jeon Jimin~ you told me this so I wouldn't be the only one with the name Jeon. So, you decided to take part of my fake family name." Jungkook chuckled. "You are so adorable."

             "Jeon Jimin... I may not be married to you or related to you in any way but I like the way that sounds~ I guess my name will be Jeon Jimin between the two of us for now. Soon, when we marry... I can be Jeon Jimin permanently!"

               "Mmm... My Jimin.." Jungkook kisses Jimin again. "Go to sleep now or else I won't let you keep the name." Jungkook joked as Jimin shook his head quickly and giggled.

            "You can't do that Jungkook!" Jimin giggled laying on Jungkook's chest and staring up into the demon's eyes.

            "Why not?"

           "Because I'm wearing this.." Jimin held up his hand that had the promise ring.

            "Oh Jimin, did you keep that on during our little session? You'll have a dent on your skin!"

             "No I won't Jungkook~ It fits perfectly! I will wear it until I die." Jimin smiled as Jungkook kissed the human's hand and gently removed the ring again. "I don't want you to lose this.. It's okay for you to take it off to sleep."

             "I understand~" Jimin allowed his lover to take off the ring and place it gently by the bed. "I'm going to sleep... Please hold me close again tonight." Jimin requested with another smile.

            Jungkook smiled watching Jimin close his beautiful eyes to sleep while he held his demon close. Soon, Jungkook was still looking out into the room. He would occasionally stare out into nothing. This was a habit for Jungkook since he did this for all those years waiting for Jimin... What would he think about? Nothing... He would try to remember his memory of times he was alive but no memory would come to him.

          The man upstairs gave him a second chance at life... But this time he was going to live an eternal life with an evil figure showing he was a demon. But once he arrived to the night realm... He was gifted with wings, horns and a halo. This only made the angels jealous and angry that thier look was mocked. They looked for a flaw the demon committed so they can reduce his tickets to freedom.  They were bullies but Jungkook didn't mind them because he marked a human and that's all that mattered.. But now he regretted it all... He was slowly taking the life of a real, pure, angel in his eyes.

              Jungkook looked down to see Jimin shiver because of how cold the room became. Jungkook kissed Jimin's forehead and placed the boy down on the bed as he walked over to grab a blanket for Jimin. Jungkook picked up a red blanket and walked back to the boy and wrapped him with it. "There.. Now you look like a cute tomato~" Jungkook chuckled quietly and sat on the edge of the bed staring at the mirror. His reflection wasnt there... It's not like it was before. Through the mirror, Jungkook watched Jimin sleep quietly... Jungkook then took off his dress shirt finally revealing his arms. The reason why Jungkook refused to take it off was because Jimin would see that the two would have the same cuts... Even the cut Jimin tried to end his life by, it was mirrored onto Jungkook but on an opposite arm. It was the same huge cut and of course the cut of the bloodshed. Jungkook stared at the huge scar and sighed. Every little cut that was on Jimin, Jungkook had it too! But the only cut he had that was different was Jimin's scar that proved Jungkook was apart of Jimin...

            Jungkook looked back at Jimin seeing the boy sleep peacefully. Jungkook sighed as a little bright blue tear was shed, "I'm going to save you, Jimin... I'm going to be normal too.. and I promise the both of us will get out of this problem alive... I know so..." Jungkook promised the sleeping human. He was very sure that he was going to find a way to keep Jimin alive. There was no way he was going to give up now. Jimin was all he was fighting for and the demon knew there was a way to save Park Jimin from death.... He just needed to know how to do it.

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