Chapter 24: Live long or die alone

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       "Y-you are surprisingly warm.." Jimin pointed out. "Aren't demons... Supposed to be cold?" Jimin asked moving his small hands up to Jungkook's clothed chest.

           "It's difficult to explain." Jungkook replied rubbing his hands along Jimin's Fluffy and red hair. "Shouldn't you be asleep, Pumpkin?"

            "I just want to talk to you now, Jungkook~ and.. What's with the name Pumpkin?"

             "I used to call you that before.."

             "You remember alot of things from before... Why can't I? Why Can't I remember a thing?"

             "Pumpkin~" Jungkook looked at Jimin and made a kiss to Jimin. "I said I'll explain it soon..."

             "I-is it.. A good reason why I forgot most of my time with you?" Jimin asked Jungkook now looking back at the demon.

             "No..." Jungkook sighed. "I failed to protect you... You, somone I should care for... Everytime I look back at it, I feel like... I'm going to cry.."

           "Y-you experience emotions too?" Jimin wondered.

           "You do too, Don't you?"

           "Yes I do, Jungkook. I'm a human."

           "I go through the same things too.." Jungkook smiled and moved his hand up to cup Jimin's scar on his neck. "Has anyone wondered what this was?"

           "I think, some of my friends realized it... But then they never bothered to ask. I think they know I'm suicidal." Jimin sighed and layed his head back onto Jungkook's chest and hugged the demon sonhe can sleep.

          "But I saved you... You're better now with me here." Jungkook kissed Jimin's head. "Who are your friends? You never mentioned them.... What have you been doing lately?" Jungkook asked wanting an answer.

            Jimin had his eyes closed on Jungkook's chest already wanting to sleep. "Taehyung... And Hoseok... They are my best friends... But at times I feel left out because, Hoseok and Taehyung are dating. I don't have no one."

              "You have me, Pumpkin~" Jungkook added as he caressed Jimin's back gently. "Did you stay lonely all these years?"

            " had a few girlfriends along the way. But I couldn't make them stay because of this voice that haunted me. I couldn't stay in a relationship because of that stupid voice!"

           "Oh....what a shame..." Jungkook claimed as Jimin got silent. "Sleep now.."

           "Jungkook... C-can I bring my friends to meet you?" Jimin asked. "It'll be amazing... I can show them somone who really loves me!"

             "Oh Pumpkin, I don't think that's a good idea..." Jungkook claimed. "You don't need to show them anything about me! I'm for your eyes only."

          "Are you nervous, Jungkook?~" Jimin giggled sleepily.

          "I-I just don't want to meet anyone else but you... I only want you in my life!"

          "You're very weird, Jungkook..." Jimin giggled. "So... You never made up your mind?"

           "Of what, Jimin?" Jungkook asked.

           "So we can go to the Night realm!! I am very interested.. I really want to know!" Jimin added. "I want to escape this world for a while and see something new!"

             "Something new.. The night realm is just a place full of can't go past one part of the land and the only light source there is, is the light of the red moon."

            "I'll hold your hand the whole time! So I wouldn't get lost." Jimin said.

            "I know you will." Jungkook chuckled.

              "Jungkook... After you serve your punishment, will you leave me?"

             "Afraid so... Ah, I'm over one thousand years old so time will catch on.. No one in this world lives up to my age.."

             "B-but you look young!" Jimin exclaimed. "You don't deserve to die like this! W-what if... when we are together, you just pass on? What will I do?!"

          "Jimin.. I won't leave until another eternity."

           "B-but then.. I'll get old and die without you!"

            "Don't worry about it, Jimin. Enjoy life right now... Enjoy how amazing life is!" Jungkook held Jimin's small hands.

            "H-how can I sleep if I know you won't grow old and die with me?" Jimin asked. "A-and if there's any chance I become immortal... Everyone around me will die!" Jimin cried.

            "Shh..." Jungkook hushed the human. "Don't think about this too much.. I told you you'll get distracted, Pumpkin."

            "I-I'll lose you!" Jimin said beginning to cry. So far Jimin only met the demon for a day already and he was crying just knowing he will lose the most perfect thing in his life.

            Jungkook felt bad about Jimin. Back then, Jimin would cry on Jungkook's chest about many things, his father, how lonely he felt and nothing else... But Jungkook never knew he would see the day that Jimin would cry about losing the demon who has become very close to the Human.

            "Pumpkin, Are you going to lose me now?" Jungkook asked.

            "N-no... I'm not.." Jimin wiped his tears.

             "Then be happy! I don't like seeing you so glum.. It makes me feel horible."

               "I-I'm sorry.. Jungkook.. My mind always travels to the back of my doubts and brings them up to make me worry.."

              Jungkook smiled and kissed Jimin's head. "Pumpkin~ you're adorable. Live life to the fullest, okay? Always remember that, Park Jimin. I love you~"

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