Chapter 23: The dream~

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       Jimin was kissing Jungkook as they stood up holding eachother in their arms infront of the bed, Jimin only caressed Jungkook's face into the kiss and huffed when the demon kept finding his way to kiss Jimin's neck and suck his neck seductively.

            "Jungkook..." Jimin moaned moving his hand up Jungkook's chest as he wanted to make the demon stop. "S-stop... P-please..." Jimin whimpered as Jungkook acted like he didn't hear. He began to kiss Jimin's neck and slowly take off the human's clothing.

            "Don't you think... I have a say in this too?" Jungkook stated as his voice echoed deeply. "You don't know how beautiful you are... When you just take off your clothes for me~"

                Jungkook then managed to take off Jimin's sweater and underwear so he can lay the boy down gently on the bed. Jimin looked up feeling scared, he was going to have sex with a demon! But at the same time... He wanted to feel him.

                Jungkook only took off his cloak and unbuttoned his classy suit with frills on the cuffs. But, Jungkook didn't take it off entirely... He only unbuttoned his shirt revealing his chest and only his chest. But he pulled down his pants and underwear halfway as he gently used his fingers to tease around Jimin's hole... Jimin wasn't hard or aroused just yet.

           Jungkook gently leaned over onto Jimin and begin to kiss him as he still teased Jimin's rim. Jimin was breathing harshly and becoming impatient for Jungkook to finally do something to him. Just as Jungkook and Jimin began to have messy kisses as they tongue kissed, Jungkook surprisingly pushed his big length in making Jimin arch his back due to how dry it was. The pain was there but Jimin didn't care and only focused on the dominant.

            The human felt a sting in his entrance and mewled closing his eyes tightly while Jungkook kept kissing Jimin to distract him from it. Jungkook groaned as he kept thrusting, moderately moving his hips back and forth as his length kept smashing in to Jimin and pulling out just to get in again. Jimin cried his moans reaching to Jungkook's hair. He started to love the feeling of Jungkook pummeling Jimin's entrance. It was like he actually felt it!

           Jimin looked down to see Jungkook's arm had a similar line of ink going down his arm just like the cut Jimin had on himself.. But Jungkook's was filled with ink staining his fancy attire. "A-AH... AH!" Jimin moaned loudly. It sounded almost close to a cry as Jungkook kept thrusting deep until he found Jimin's sweet spot. He made sur he caged the human under him not wanting Jimin to leave or run off... But why would he think like that if Jimin truely loved the demon?

              Jimin woke up on top of Jungkook calmly resting on  Jungkook's chest. He had another wet dream and it was getting on his nerves. These dreams have been common and Jimin feared if Jungkook can see them too! But Jungkook couldn't read his mind, atleast that's what Jimin thought.

              Jimin sighed laying on the demon's chest... All he did was move his head up to see Jungkook was Just staring up at the ceiling. It seemed as if all of his life he has been thinking that now it seemed normal to him to trail off and wonder. Jimin wished to see what Jungkook thought everyday, the suspense killed him.

          Jimin let out a sharp breath onto Jungkook's clothed chest making the demon focus on the human. "Can't sleep?" Jungkook asked as he caressed Jimin's face.

             "I-I had.. A dream about something..." Jimin whispered. "Something..." Jimin continued, he didn't want to get into too much details. It was five-in the morning and Jimin didn't have classes until later on in the morning so he was only up for a while.

         "How did you end up sleeping on me like this?" Jungkook asked as he rolled Jimin's red hair back. "Hmm?"

           Jimin blushed feeling Jungkook's hands comb his hair back. Then he realized.. If he had a wet dream... Why wasn't he aroused? Why wasn't he hard like before or even feel slightly sweaty and wet? Jimin looked down at his underwear to see he wasn't hard... It was like something pleasured him already! Jimin then began to think, what if Jungkook pleasured him and he was asleep the whole time to even realize it?

         "I-I don't know... I'm sorry for sleeping on you like this.." Jimin claimed as he tried to get off but the demon placed his hands on Jimin's shoulder making him stop from moving away. Jimin quickly moved his eyes up to meet with the demon's red gleaming eyes. "Jungkook..."

           "I never said it bothered me.." Jungkook whispered moving his hand up to hold Jimin closer to his chest. "I love having contact..."

            Jimin let out a giggle as he rested on Jungkook's chest. "You've been alone all these years, you don't know what contact is."

              "Then.. How do I know about this?" Jungkook raised his right hand up to Jimin's red hair and his other hands down to hold Jimin's lower back as he planted his hand there with a smile. These were Jimin's favorite spots back then when he was a kid, Jungkook memorized it and knew Jimin loved it.

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