Chapter 39: Cured

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          Jungkook finally stopped as his eyes still glew blazing red. Jungkook didn't have any pain from just bleeding. He looked up and smiled at Jimin seeing the human feeling weak. "I think we are done here, Jimin..."

            Jimin opened his eyes slightly and let out a sharp breath, "Jungkook... W-will she be okay now?" Jimin asked as Jungkook covered his wound with the bandage he wrapped around his arm.

           "Why don't you check?" Jungkook smiled as Jimin teared up quietly with tears of joy. He was glad that his mother was going to be okay. It was odd how a bloodshed over a sick person can work... The point of the bloodshed was to give in the well blood of someone who is healthy to someone who fell ill or is growing close to death.

            Jungkook rolled up his sleeve and wore his coat over his white dress shirt. "Guess I'll have to change... This suit is ruined now..." Jungkook claimed as Jimin was staring at the hospital bed blankly.

           "Jungkook.... Please take me back home..." Jimin whispered as Jungkook followed the human's request. The human was very weak now even if he wasn't the one who dripped the most blood.

          Jungkook carried Jimin after he placed all of the items back into the bag and carried it along with the boy. Jungkook picked Jimin up bridal style and began to take Jimin out of the Night Realm. The hospital bed was plain now, all the blood that was shed was gone! This means that the bloodshed worked and Mrs. Park would be fine now.

           Along the way out of the building, Jimin rested his head back on Jungkook's shoulder breathing heavily. The demon saw Jimin and tilted his head feeling concerned. "Jimin? Are you okay, Pumpkin?~"

           "Mmm... I-I just want to go home..." Jimin whispered moving his weak hand up to hold onto Jungkook's collar. "M-my head hurts... Jungkook..."

             "I told you it was going to be alot... Even for you. You are very fragile Jimin." Jungkook pointed out. "Now you know you'll have to eat alot from now on... Listen to me when I tell you to eat or sleep." Jungkook advised as Jimin layed there feeling weak. It was like his body was numb and his head hurted. He just wanted to get home.

            When the two stepped out of the Night Realm and back into the real world, Jimin was already asleep in Jungkook's arms. Jungkook looked down at the human and kissed his forehead as he began to place him down onto the bed. Jimin's shirt already had blood stains and Jimin needed to wear his sleep attire but the boy was already asleep.

           Jungkook decided to take matters into his own hands and look for some sleepwear for the mortal. Jungkook brought out a male white tank top and loose yellow Pj's that Jungkook thought would look good on him. The demon set the clothes onto the bed as Jimin slept, he walked over to Jimin and began to take off the black cloak Jungkook placed on Jimin so he can wear in the Night Realm and the boy's shirt. Jimin felt this and opened his eyes slowly to see Jungkook on top of him taking off the human's clothes!

           "...Jungkook.... W-wha-"

          "Shh... I'm just changing your clothes, Okay Pumpkin?~"

          Jimin nodded and layed his head back. He wanted to change his own clothes but he felt too weak to do so. Jungkook pulled down Jimin's pants as the boy was left in his dark green underwear while the demon can see a print of Jimin's member. Jungkook stared for a while as he reached to get Jimin's yellow bottom Pj's while he kept staring at it. He wanted to touch the human, the demon too had his own desires and lusts and Jimin seemed to fit each and every one of it!

         Jungkook slipped the bottoms on Jimin and watched how Jimin arched his body up towards him so Jungkook can slip on the waist band of the bottoms fully onto Jimin. Jungkook loved seeing Jimin's almost exposed body.. He grew attached to it and wanted to hear Jimin moan to every erotic touch the demon gave him with only hearing screams of his name.

             Jungkook hasn't seen Jimin's body like this ever since the day Jimin touched himself infront of the mirror, exposing his length along with his sensitive points he touched to make himself moan. The demon stopped fantasizing and placed the tank top over Jimin. By there, the demon unwrapped Jimin's wound and left it out for a while as he began to heal it. Jimin felt the demon lick along the cut and it made him shiver at the warm tongue that licked along his stinging cut. Soon, the cut didn't hurt anymore but the scar was of course, still there so Jungkook grabbed a new wrap of bandages and wrapped only two tight layers on the mortal's arm. Jungkook got rid of the old bandage wraps and left Jimin to rest as he decided to change his bloody stained clothes.

          Jungkook knew Jimin was asleep so he only changed infront of the boy. He took out a few clothes he made appear, another white dress shirt with frilled cuffs, black slacks, and black suspenders. Jungkook changed into this instead and watched the boy sleep calmly in bed after turning off all of the lights and standing by the wall.

               Jimin opened his eyes and saw Jungkook staring towards him and sighed, "Jungkook... Please come sleep with me.. I won't get better if you're not here~" Jimin smiled as Jungkook chuckled walking up to the human on the bed.

           "I wanted you to have your space to sleep... I don't want you to feel too much."

           "Jungkook, you should already know that you are my cure for anything~" Jimin claimed as Jungkook finally got onto the bed crawling up to Jimin and hugging the boy to sleep. Suddenly, when Jimin took a glance at the mirror... He didn't see Jungkook's reflection. Only his was present.

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