Chapter 66: Falling ill

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            Jimin was at school the following week, he hasn't been feeling well lately. At times he would find himself unable to go on and do most of the things he loved to do like sitting under the tree and thinking around campus... Jimin was getting sick and wouldn't be able to do such a thing like that now since snow began to fall.

            Class has just ended and everyone was on their was as Jimin was in his morning class looking out into one of the big windows. He couldn't go outside without coughing uncontrollably and his demon gave him medical teas but this illness wasn't curable.. It was death approaching slowly and no one can escape that.

            Jimin sighed thinking of how sick he was getting. Just today, he didn't want to leave his warm bed and get to his campus because he wasn't feeling well.. Jimin just wanted to stay home now and didn't feel like going to school now...

        Jimin's P.O.V

           I can't step outside, it's tough for me to get up in the morning and start my day normally now... Just like the freezing, cold and still dead plants outside, I feel like my body freezes time to time like a part of me just died... But soon starts working again.

            Jungkook, he has been veey thoughtful and kept making me tea and saying it was nothing but it was... It feels like death is approaching me. I don't know what I have.. These symptoms are unheard of. It was like my sould travelled to the most coldest place and became stuck with only little moments to live. Was I really dying? Either way... Jungkook would have told me about it. At times when I come hone from school, I would come to my room and lay down not feeling well. It was like my body ran low on energy because of how sick I've gotten. Jungkook would walk into my room and cry by the doorway, was there something he wasn't telling me?

      There would be times when I would cough and there would be nothing but red blood that had a little dark-ish red in it almost like Jungkook's blood... I wouldn't be afraid or even check in the hospital. Why would I go when I had Jungkook here to heal me properly? He saved my mother and I knew he could save me.... He always does.

          However, I wouldn't understand it when I would ask him to help me get rid of this illness, he would just pat my hair and say things like. "It won't kill you, you'll be fine from now on, you'll be healed soon." I really hated it when he would keep things from me like this.. I would think that I had a right to know but a part of me says I shouldn't... Maybe Jungkook wants to keep me safe from whatever I have.

         Jungkook didn't seem like the type who would lie to me. Yes, he's a demon and all of them are called disgusting and evil creatures... But Jungkook is different. He tells me the truth and knows what's best for me. Is it strange if I say that if I was to die soon, I would be okay with it? Jungkook has given me everything I wanted and made me happy towards the end. Besides, if I really was to die soon.. I would know Jungkook would always find a way to get to me. Even on those days where I would wake up on the wrong side of the bed and get all angry... My demon would be there to make me laugh and smile again. I trust him and I tell him eveyday how much I appreciate him. Normal or not... I still love him.

Authors P.O.V

          Jimin looked down on the desk infront of him and wanted to cough now... Jimin brought out a black tissue paper Jungkook got for Jimin so no one would see what Jimin coughs up. The boy coughed into the tissue and folded it up not wanting to see what it was now... His blood was slowly turning black but Jimin didn't realize it now because he was using black tissues now because of Jungkook.

            Jimin walked up to the garbage bin and disposed of the tissue when Hoseok and Taehyung walked in to see his friend all alone in the empty class.

           "Jimin! Why are you here, all alone?" Taehyung asked running to the boy.

            "Too cold outside... I'm sick..." Jimin whispered as Hoseok walked beside him and patted his back.

           "Did you get the figurines to work?" Hoseok wondered.

         "O-oh... I-I did!" Jimin smiled as he went to his desk.

          "I'm glad you are safe now!" Hoseok claimed as Jimin smiled at his friend.

           "I've always been safe.." Jimin stated making his friends grow confused at what Jimin said.

           "Have you had a fingurine before?" Taehyung asked as Jimin shook his head.

            "It's tough to explain... But those figurines won't do anything. It's not a spirit.. I just have someone home with me not a monster or bad spirit." Jimin confessed as his friends were very confused now.

           "Do you... Have someone special? A lover?" Hoseok asked feeling a bit excited.

           Jimin nodded. "I won't need those figurines since I have someone who loves me and will keep me safe." Jimin smiled. "His name is Jeon Jungkook... I haven't shown him to you all before because he isn't very social. But I want you both to see him now!"

              "Jimin finally fell in love?" Taehyung smiled happily. "Oh I am so happy for you!!" Taehyung hugged Jimin happily as Hoseok joined in too. The two were happy to know Jimin finally found love and wanted to finally meet him. "When can we see him?"

             Jimin giggled at his friends reaction and smiled. "After your classes today!" Jimin claimed gathering his things ready to get home. "After your classes, please stop by and I'll show you him!" Jimin claimed as his friends nodded agreeing to the invitation excitingly.

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