Chapter 71: Plead

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           Jungkook carried Jimin in the Night Realm hurrying through each isolated building to get Jimin to the hospital in the realm. "W-when a good soul dies.. Angels come down to take the soul from the corpse..." Jungkook claimed while dashing to the hospital building, hoping to get there before the angels do. A small portal to the gods will open and Jungkook would be able to walk in taking Jimin to the gods.

             Soon, Jungkook arrived to the hospital where he found a white portal open with nothing but a blank room ahead. This was heaven. Jungkook ran inside not carimg about how he was risking his all... Jungkook ran with Jimin in his arms as up ahead he saw the three angels infront of the God of honesty and life that punished him into this endless days of isolation. Jungkook ran in as the angels quickly looked at his direction in disbelief. How did he know about this place?

              "Demon... Why did you come here?" One of the angels called out walking towards the demon ready to hurt him. Suddenly the God raised his hand making the angel stop.

             "Hold it... Certainly the demon has something he would like to say..." The God claimed as he was sitting on a high throne next to many other empty thrones as his attire was gold for his title of honesty. His face was covered by a light and Jungkook or the angels could never see his face. "Demon.. Why are you here?"

             "I-I did something... Something wrong." Jungkook cried looking down and carrying the human in his arms. "I knew what I did was wrong... I ended up killing someone I loved.."

            The angels suddenly looked at eachother realizing that the human he marked finally reached his end... But how wasn't Jungkook a human now? Jimin killed himself before it can happen.. He risked his life so one day when he is older, he can meet the immortal demon again and fall in love.

           "Did you... Mark him so you can become human, Demon?" The powerful man questioned the demon as he held out his hand pointing to Jimin's ring. "What is that?"

            "P-promise ring... We promised ourselves together..." Jungkook whispered. "I-I want to see him!" Jungkook shouted shedding tears as the angels were still shocked to know that the cruel creature had his regrets and feelings.

             The God of life and honesty remained silent... Until the angels spoke up. "S-sir! He broke many rules! He needs to be punished for his sins.. Tampering with the life span of a human! This isn't fair to the huma-"

         "Angel, that does not matter now, the human reached his end." The God claimed and looked back at Jungkook. "Demon... I'll give you a moment to speak to the human..." The God took pitty on Jungkook and wanted to see if the demon really has learned. He raised his hand and suddenly, Jimin let out a sharp breath and woke up.

            "But, si-"

            "Silence, Angel...." The god claimed as Jungkook quickly placed Jimin down and hugged him until he opened his eyes. "Let me see where this goes.."

           "JUNGKOOK!" Jimin shouted in tears finally looking up to see Jungkook was there. "J-Jungkook!..." Jimin cried. "W-where are we?"

            "Shh... That doesn't matter.. What matters is now you'll be safe..." Jungkook claimed. "I'm sorry I kept you from loving others.. I was a voice in your head, preventing you from loving anyone! If I can turn back to the time when you were well and healthy.. I would!" Jungkook sobbed as Jimin didn't want to look around but to focus on Jungkook.

           "Jungkook I don't care if you haunted me with the voice making me never fall in love, because we ended up together at the end... I'll have another life and see you soon.. I won't remember any of this but in another life I will love you the same as I do now. Soon, I'll be well, healthy and when I meet you again we can get married at the Night Realm..."

             "No Jimin! I don't want to loose you!" Jungkook cried and placed his hand over his heart. "I may not have a heart but with you I felt like I actually had one and would feel a beat once in a while when we'd hold eachother close. I would take all the consequences thrown at me just so you'll live.."

           "Jungkook... No... Please. I can't live There's no way now.." Jimin whispered. "I'm already too far gone. You'll have to wait for me, Find me.. I'll come back to you!" Jimin said as he dried the demons bright blue tears in his red ruby eyes.

               The God and Angels were watching.. The god of life and honesty stared at the two realizing Jungkook had many regrets that he confessed... Jungkook was different. A Demon like him will never fall in love but Jungkook did. This fascinated The God and he cleared his throat signaling that Jungkook's time was up.

             "Demon... Jeon Jungkook.." The God called out getting Jimin and Jungkook's attention. "That was your name when you were a human.. Jeon Jungkook.. You were wanted from so many crimes in your life you were sent to death." The god claimed. "I punished you for lying and ending innocent lives hoping one day you you will learn from your mistakes in the mirror... And so, you did." The God said as he pointed to Jimin. "You fell in love... Something a demon isn't meant to do. Maybe, I can give you a second chance at life..."

         Jungkook looked down at a Jimin who was in tears as he looked up at his demon hearing the news of the God wanting to give Jungkook a second chance to live. "Jungkook.." Jimin smiled and caressed Jungkook's face happily.

          An angel stepped forward and nodded. "Demon, for you have learned to love like no other demon.. You are not a demon we all thought you were... Because of the human and your love for him, we will mend the fractured life spans and give you both life so you will live a life you've earned. No more suffering." The first angel claimed. "On behalf of the other angels... We apologize for punishing you for all these years for little things we found annoying.." One of the angels claimed as everyone felt a smile on The God's face as he raised his hand.

        With that, he restored Jimin's health and gave Jungkook the gift of life again.... Helping the two return back to the Night Realm to get back to the real world as humans.

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