Chapter 49: Playtime~

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        Jungkook managed to make Jimin feel like he was in a trance.... It was tough for him to move since Jungkook was there making out with him constantly until Jimin let out a moan from their wet and seductive kisses. Jungkook softly bit Jimin's bottom lip in the kiss as he held him against the wall of the shower.

          "Ah~ Jungkook... Ah-ah... T-touch me again... Please... Fuck me." Jimin moaned in between the kiss as Jungkook was proud to give it to the human.

          "Begging... Oh how I love it when you beg for it, Jimin~" Jungkook pressed Jimin onto the wall making Jimin face the wall as he had his backside view exposed to Jungkook. Jungkook still jerked Jimin's cock and remembered how Jimin would touch himself and and touch his sweet points, so Jungkook did the same teasing Jimin by touching the human along his slit as veins began to for right on the sides of his penis. Jimin breathed against the wall letting out moans and whimpers on how Jungkook touched his sensitive member. Jimin kept his eyes shut huffing as the demon only traced his hands to Jimin's balls and rubbed it gently massaging it. Jimin suddenly dropped his hand down to hold Jungkook's that was touching him and moved Jungkook's hand lower to touch the underside of his cock. Jimin blushed while he guided Jungkook's hand down to his penis again where the demon jerked off the boy again making the human shut his eyes.

             Jimin was horny to feel Jungkook's length inside of him again... He wanted be pleasured by Jungkook and enjoyed it. Jimin moaned while Jungkook stopped around the tip and rubbed Jimin's slit gently causing the human to whimper. "A-ah-ah..... Jungkook.... I-"

            "Shhhh...." Jungkook silenced the human from the back and kept his thumb on Jimin's slit softly circulating it. "You act like a slave to my touch.... Jimin, am I good for you?" Jungkook asked whispering into Jimin's ear as Jimin nodded quickly not being able to take the tease, he was hard and all he wanted was Jungkook. "I believe I asked you a question that needs answering..." Jungkook quickly began to jerk Jimin off hearing the boy mewl and slam his hands onto the wet shower walls again as he slid them down keeping his mouth open and whimpering as he closed his legs time to time. "Did I tell you to close your legs?" Jungkook asked spanking Jimin's ass with his free hand and making him stand with his legs spreaded slightly.

         "Ah! Ngh~ Jungkook!" Jimin moaned as Jungkook smirked.

         "You won't disobey me.. Right?" Jungkook asked smiling as Jimin shook his head quickly.

          "Mm.. No! Jungkook- I-I would never disobey y-you!" Jimin cried as Jungkook kissesd the back of Jimin's neck. "Such a good human... My Jimin~ let me reward you..." Jungkook smirked and slowly pressed the head of his cock into Jimin making the human let out a moan. "You like it, Jimin?~"

           "Ah-AH YES!" Jimin moaned loudly as Jungkook smiled slamming deep into Jimin and raising the human's right leg while he thrusted deep into the human hearing the boy's cries and loud moans. "Jungkook! JUNGKOOK- mmngh." Jimin moaned as Jungkook thrusted his errected and hard member upwards into Jimin grinding his hips in deeply until Jimin gasped panting while the water of the shower still ran. The water ran along their bodies making sounds of Jungkook's wet balls slam onto Jimin's wet skin. Jungkook squeezed Jimin's ass tightly making Jimin moan on how Jungkook grabbed his rear tightly. Jimin turned off the shower water and proceeded to hear nothing but the sounds of wet slapping and thrusting.

           "Mmm~ Jimin... Moan louder for me.. If you want my cum you'll have to earn it." Jungkook claimed as he pressed Jimin's hands against the wall holding him up forcefully until thw boy was moaning loudly and whimpering.

              "JUNGKOOK I-I'M CUMMING!" Jimin shouted as Jungkook kissed Jimin's neck and licked Jimin's earlobe and began to suck it erotically making Jimin feel a shiver down his spine. Jungkook let out his moans into Jimin's ear as the human found it hard to keep himself from cumming!

             "AH JUNGKOOK!~" Jimin moaned cumming onto the shower walls squirting his white cum as Jungkook still had in a few thrusts in him before he can cum aswell.

             Jimin arched his back, panting weakly as Jungkook kept thrusting until Jungkook managed to find Jimin's sweet spot again. "F-fuck... I think I'm gonna cum here..." Jungkook hissed under his breath as Jimin kept moaning until he felt warm liquid release into his entrance. Jimin let out a sharp breath keeping his mouth open as he catched his breath.

             Jungkook slid his hands down to Jimin's hips and held them as he pulled out. The demon didn't stop there, he saw something he liked which was Jimin's perfectly rounded ass and licked along the side of his cheek to suck a hickey down there making Jimin's eyes widen letting out a sharp gasp, surprised Jungkook wasn't done. Jungkook then turned Jimin around as he was now facing Jimin's penis that was covered in white cum. Jungkook began to suck the cum off of Jimin's cock and gently play with it with his hands as he then began to suck Jimin's balls under his length.

          "Ahh.. Oh Jungkook- ah... Hah..." Jimin panted as Jungkook smiled licking the last bit of white cum off the sides of Jimin's cock and slit. Jungkook stood up kissing Jimin and making sure he doesn't look down at the demon's arm.

              "I love you Jungkook!" Jimin claimed finally catching some breath as Jungkook kissed the side of Jimin's forehead.

              "Love you too. Let's do this again soon, okay, Pumpkin?" Jungkook stated as Jimin nodded holding Jungkook's head close and continued to kiss him as the demon turned the shower water back on again so they can finish washing up now after playing around together.

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