Birthday gift {Bonus}

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          Hoseok and Taehyung were walking down the side walk holding a birthday gift for Jimin. It was his birthday and they haven't seem him ever since that day they thought he was crazy!

            "It's weird how Jimin finally texted us telling us that he wanted to show us something..." Taehyung added as he hand his hands locked with Hoseok's. "Should we be worried?"

             "Ah, he's not crazy! Maybe he wants to talk to us... That whole entire situation scared me but I'm glad he finally decided to reach out to us. Atleast it's better than being ignored forever." Hoseok claimed and smiled at his lover while they were approaching Jimin's place.

              "But if he kills us, I am not going to talk to you anymore!" Taehyung joked as Hoseok laughed. The couple finally reached the door and let out a deep breath as Hoseok knocked.

              Inside, Jimin was wearing a blind fold as he was sitting on the couch, moving his head around as Jungkook was wearing red sweater, blue jeans and timberlands while he hanged up streamers for the birthday party he was throwing for Jimin. He made sure he got Jimin a nice cake and decorated the apartment place with balloons, however, Jimin couldn't see any of it.

           Jungkook was the one who sent the text to Jimin's friends as he kept it a secret from Jimin. As soon as there was a knock at the door, Jimin turned his head at the direction it came from and slowly tried to raise up the blindfold. "W-who is it?" Jimin asked as Jungkook smiled and walked up to Jimin, cupping his face and giving him a kiss on the warm lips.

            "No looking, Pumpkin~ I want you to look when I say you can." Jungkook stated as he stood up walking to the door.

             "You always use this blindfold on me! Even when it comes to making lov-"

             "Shhh!" Jungkook said as he opened the door to see Jimin's friends. He quickly placed his finger over his lip and allowed the confused couple in. They didn't know who was that handsome brown haired man who was in Jimin's apartment.

             Jungkook then closed the door and he can feel Jimin was getting anxious to see who it was... Jungkook quickly pulled Jimin up as Hoseok set the gift onto the table, realizing the mysterious man brought Jimin many other gifts too! This gave Taehyung and Hoseok the idea that this man could be Jimin's boyfriend.

              Jungkook then slowly took off Jimin's blindfold with a smile as Jimin opened his eyes to see his good friends he hasn't seen in a very long time, after college!

            "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Hoseok shouted as Taehyung quickly hugged Jimin and soon Hoseok joined the hug too.

             "I haven't seen you guys after graduation!" Jimin claimed. "But even before I was ignoring you all..." Jimin continued as Hoseok patted Jimin's head.

            "It's okay, Jimin... We forgive you! We were at fault for neglecting you..." Taehyung replied as he was still hugging his close friend. Suddenly Taehyung looked up to see the man still standing there and watching the two. "Jimin... Who's that?" Taehyung whispered as Jimin pulled away from the hug.

           "This is Jeon Jungkook." Jimin said as he went to stand next to his lover. "My Husband~" Jimin stated as he held up his wedding ring as Jungkook let out a laugh feeling embarrased.

             "Husband?! Why weren't we invited to the marraige?!" Hoseok shouted as Jimin started to laugh.

              "There was no ceremony, just legally married. We didn't have much to marry like that but we both loved it this way... Mother was there too." Jimin claimed as Taehyung nodded.

           "I feel so horrible, It's like we missed a huge chunk of your life! You need to tell us all about him and you! Tell us what you guys will do now together! Children? A new home?....childreenn???" Taehyung asked as Hoseok shoved Taehyung and laughed.

       "Don't mind him! Please tell us, we are dying to know everything! Don't leave out one bit of it!" Hoseok said as they sat down on a couch as Jungkook walked to the kitchen.

           "I'll go bring the drinks!" Jungkook said as Jimin sat down on a one seated couch staring at his friends.

            "Well, in order for you guys to understand this.. I'll have to start all over from the beginning... It's tough to believe but please keep an open mind." Jimin said as he pointed to the same mirror Jungkook came from, hanging on the living room wall. The mirror was cracked and still showed no reflection or light.. This is what made Hoseok and Taehyung grow so interested.

            Jimin let out a deep breath as he began. "It all started when I was young... And I found that mirror in my attic..." Jimin said as he glanced at his husband in the kitchen getting the drinks with a smile on his face as he looked up at Jimin and winked. Mouthing the words "I love you" quietly so he wouldn't interrupt him.

          By there, Jimin told the two everything and didn't expect them to believe it at all but Hoseok did.. He remembered the demon but never saw him until today. The day was spent with laughter and cheers while they drinked and shared funny stories.

            Towards the end of the perfect day, Jimin finally cutted the cake, while everyone was singing happy birthday to Jimin. Jungkook picked up frosting with his finger from the chocolate cake and placed it on Jimin's cheek as he let out a cute laugh making Jimin giggle.

             "Jungkook!" Jimin laughed as Jungkook kept laughing and came closer to Jimin to give him a kiss.

        "I love you, Pumpkin~" Jungkook whispered to Jimin's ear so he wouldn't put frosting on him as revenge but Jimin just giggled and brought up the frosting on his cheek and pressed it on Jungkook's face giving him more than what Jimin received.

           "Ah, nice try~" Jimin claimed as Jungkook had more frosting on his cheek than Jimin. "But, I love you too, Jeon Jungkook~" Jimin whispered as he gave his husband a kiss while Hoseok and Taehyung took a few pictures, cheering and laughing along too happily.


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