💉 4 💉 Second Encounter

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He came to school the next day with a sense of determination in his eyes. Once he wanted something and locked sight of it, it was hard to drive him away. What happened the night before caused him to have dreams of the future. A future where Mavis was his to have and his to love, he was so infatuated with her that he didn't even think to look twice at the group of girls who were eye fucking him on the spot when he got out of his car.

Instead of giving them a smirk or a wink he walked towards the school building with his signature smirk and eyes scanning the crowd of teens in search of the one girl that had been on his mind all night.

"Just don't do anything stupid alright?" Said a voice from behind him, the same soft and velvety voice that he heard from last night replayed in his head as he looked over his shoulder and saw the same set of curly hair walk by him. Her and her friend not noticing Billy or his growing smirk as they continued to walk to first period.

"I won't I promise. And remember Dustin is staying after school for AV club and then him and the guys are going to mine." Mavis nodded and waved her friend good-bye as she walked into the classroom with Billy stalking closely behind. He looked down at the crumpled piece of paper in his hands that had his classes on them and began to smile wickedly. 

Art, was the only way Mavis could truly express herself and show the world that she could paint anything that came to her mind. Creativity flowed through any medium she chose wether it was: paint, charcoal, photography, pencil, colored pencil she managed to out-stand and amaze anyone who came to admire her work. She won every art show, made posters from prom to pep rally's and even was the lead art director in all the school plays. She was the best of the best and everybody knew it.

Once the bell rung and everybody scrambled to their seats waiting for the teachers directions, Mavis was in the middle of grabbing her supplies not even bothering to pay attention to the teachers instructions nor to the male who crept up from behind her.

"Hey pretty kitty, remember me?" he smirked causing her to roll her eyes. The scent of cologne and cigarettes radiated off of him like a repellent making her cough as it nearly suffocated her. Brushing by him in order to make her way back to her seat she become slightly cautious not to have any article of clothing touch him in fear the strong male scent rubbed off on her. 

"Mind telling me what you're working on?" He asked as he followed her to her seat which was conveniently empty. 

"Art." She snapped as she poured more blue paint on her palette. 

"Wanna be a little bit more specific?" he asked as he rested his cheek in the palm of his hand, his sky blue eyes watching and observing her every move as well as taking in slight observations, for example:

The three silver rings on her right and left hand. 

Her nails were shaped into what seemed to be little daggers. 

The thin gold necklace that had a little gold heart charm was placed between her index and thumb fingers whenever she was a tad bit nervous concerning the due dates the teacher would remind the class about.

Her face would twitch slightly when ever she heard the sound of a chair scrape across the floor, or when a metal ruler fell on the ground. 

Small yet personal things...

"A painting."

"A painting of what?"

"A painting that is way too complicated for your simple mind to comprehend." She said as she began to add soft paint strokes to the half finished piece.

"Maybe if you tell me what it is my "simple mind" might be able to comprehend it." He said with his ever present smirk.Letting out a sigh she put her brush down and turned to face him, chin resting in the palm of her hand as she began to feel her cheeks heat up with irritation. Annoyance hinted in her eyes and tone as she gritted out her answer to his smug face.

"It's a replica piece of Vincent van Gogh 'Cafe terrace at night' but with my own twist of course i'm using paint instead of oil pastel while doing this i'm giving myself more of a challenge by trying recreate his exact strokes which is what gives the piece life and texture," Her big words surely caught him off guard, but he wouldn't let that show. Continuing to sit there with his smug face she could tell that he was slightly impressed with her words judging by the way his eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Try and comprehend that." She teased as she turned back around to continue on with her work.

"Well I think it's lovely much like yourself." He said lowly enough for just her to hear. 

That was the last straw.

 She was now completely over him and his flirty ways so much so that it made it difficult for her to concentrate on her work! so before she said or did anything rash she instead slammed her brushes down on to the table and stood up before walking out of the class room. 

Frustration written all over her face as she stormed down the hall with visible smoke coming out of her ears. The people whom were hurrying about in the art room trying to accomplish their work took no notice to her walking right out the room.

Laughing to himself he knew now what pushed her buttons to the point where she was forced to leave, and to him this was perfect, he loved a good reaction and this was by far the best one so far. But in the back of his mind he regretted doing that...who was he going to stare at and admire for the rest of the period?


"He won't quit Nanc, he won't stop flirting with me and i'm sick of it!" Mavis groaned slightly as she took a drag from her cigarette. Continuously pacing from one end of the bathroom to the other, eyes looking from the the tiled floor to her friend who was leaned up against the wall with her head nodding in understanding.

"Did you try ignoring him?" she suggested as she tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear, baby blue eyes following her friends uneasy moments as she watched her shakily take the cigarette out from her lips. 

"I do! but he just won't stop! he is literally everywhere! he's in my first period class! the one class where I can't be bothered!" She groaned as she threw her hands up in the air. Sighing the girl walked up to her curly harried friend and planted her hands on her shoulders causing them  to look directly into one another's eyes. 

"Look Mavis you're the strongest girl I know, you can totally beat and or ignore the crap out of him. You can do this, I believe in you and you know Dustin, he's ready to defend you no matter what. Trust me he'll move on eventually! Guys like him get bored if girls don't fight back." Nancy's words sunk deep into her skin as she began to nod in understanding. Knowing Nancy was always right in these types of situations the woman let out a heavy exhale before removing her friends hands from off her person. 

"You're right, like always thanks again Nanc." She gave her a hug goodbye sucked the last of her cigarette before throwing it on the tiled ground and stomping it out with the heel of her boot before walking out of the bathroom with Nancy trailing behind her. Both of them going in opposite directions with their backs turned to one another, all was quiet until Mavis heard her friend call out to her. Turning around she saw that her friend was still looking the opposite way and yet she could still hear the smirk on her face.

"If worse comes to worse you have my permission to kick his ass."

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