💉 11 💉 Take A Walk On The Wild Side

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Running into the dead of night was never a good decision to make, especially on Halloween night when anything could happen. But that didn't stop Mavis who was now walking in-between parked cars and crushed beer cans. Every soft noise she heard made her jump a bit but still she kept up her path of destruction with a look of fierce determination that sent a shiver down your spine.

The loud music slowly began to fade away as she let it become blurred out by the little voice of wisdom she kept tucked away, however it decided that now was the time to yell and curse her for the dumb shit she pulled tonight and especially allowing herself to go with him to this stupid party and even more so since she didn't put up a fight! She was so undeniably angry with herself that she just wished she would die.

 Trick or treating with the gang seemed like a dream now, staying home to paint till dawn sounded fantastic like it always did... but now she couldn't because she refused to cause a scene at her own home. She should have pushed herself past the emotional breaking point and told him off, but she was just so tired

Tired of him.

Tired of fighting.

Tired of everything.

She hated herself. So much so she refused to look in the mirror and see the disappointment that was her own reflection. Had she really become so weak that she allowed herself to be embarrassed, used, and drained all in one day? These waves of emotions and actions that were drowning her made her panic as she began to realize she might never resurface. 

"MAVIS!" Shouted a voice from behind her. But it was blocked out by the sound of her heart beat and inner voice screaming at her. it was like she was back in her room where the outside world was nonexistent but the outside world was real in this case so much so that she couldn't even hear the person who was just a few feet behind her who was still shouting for her to slow down.

 It wasn't until the person lightly grabbed her shoulder that her attention was quickly caught. Instinctively she spun around and nearly punched whoever it was in the face but quickly paused once she recognized the cowering figure. The anger and rage she had conflicting in her mind made her become blinded until she saw the soft features of her beloved friend.

"Easy Mav, easy." Jonathan said as he held his hands up in surrender, showing her that he wanted nothing but to just talk. Putting her fist down she felt her bottom lip tremble along with the feeling of tears pricking her eyes for the second time that day. The reality of situation hit her long ago but the emotion that was settled on was just pure sadness as she reached her arms out and pulled her friend into a tight embrace. Still confused as to what had just happened back at the party Jonathan just brushed it off and hugged the woman close. 

 All reason and explanation went out the window as she heard her sob and whimper onto his shoulder.Seeing her breakdown like this shocked Jonathan but didn't surprise him, he knew that the bottled up emotions had to let loose one day he just didn't think it would be on halloween night. She never shed this many tears in a day before and she hated herself even more now because of it.

Feeling his friend shake with fear and anger Jonathan hugged her tighter before resting his chin on the top of her head as he whispered comforting words to her.

"Sh,sh shhh. You're okay, You're okay." Never once giving him an explanation as to why she was acting like this and never once questioning why the two just stood there in the mass of cars in the dead of halloween night. It was rather peaceful something that Mavis would have appreciated if she wasn't in the circumstance that she was in currently. Knowing now wasn't a good time to press on about previous events or twisting emotions Jonathan pulled away slightly and looked down at the mess of a woman before whispering those few simple words that could make anybody happy in an instant.

"Lets get you home yeah?" Nodding her head in agreement she let him escort her to his car with a protective arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her close to his side in a comforting motion made Mavis feel as though she was safe and that his arms would protect her from the evils of this world. 

However the feeling was temporary when he had opened the passenger side door of his car. Giving him a thankful smile she got got in and instinctively crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Just wait in here, I need to go check on Nancy."Nodding he gave her a reassuring smile before shutting the door and racing back inside.Sucking in a deep breath Mavis closed her eyes and slowly let it out, her body shivering due to how anxious she was to leave but as she slowly opened her eyes she saw the angered figure of Billy standing in the door way. Eyes scanning the area in search of his lost and angry girl who was now currently ducking in the backseat of her friends car. Peeking out from between the two front seats she spotted him walking towards her, the anger that radiated off of him was strong making everybody that came into contact with him an available punching bag. A freshly lit cigarette hung from his chapped lips as he continued to scan the area.

The closer he got to the vehicle the deeper Mavis sunk into the floor, her breathing shaky and heart beat thumping loudly in her ears as she tried her best not to seem noticeable in the small, cramped, space. God knows that if he found her hiding in the back seat of Jonathan's car he would break the window open and drag her through it. Outside, he ever so slightly peeked in through the back seat window, by now she had huddled herself into a little ball the black leather material of her jacket blending in perfectly with the darkness. Letting out a frustrated groan he kicked one of the tires and began to walk away, a frustrated puff of air leaving his lips as he slowly walked away.

"I swear to god Mavis when I find you, you'll be wishing you stayed hidden." He muttered to himself as he moved onto the next car. Letting out a sigh of relief the frightened teen slowly sat up and peeked out the back window to see him two cars away. Carefully climbing back into the front seat again she watched as Jonathan walk out of the house lugging a drunk Nancy under his arm. The tipsy girl looked a mess with a huge red stain on her nice white turtle neck, hair all out of place and mascara running down her redden cheeks. 

Both of them having a rough and terrible night. 

Opening the back seat door Jonathan lightly laid the drunk girl down across the seats. Mavis, assisting him with the seatbelt which he silently thanked her for before making sure she was locked in good and tight so she wouldn't do anything stupid during the car ride. 

"Why was he lurking by my car?" He asked as he raised a confused eyebrow to his friend. Seeing her start to shiver he took off his jacket and draped it over Nancy's  shoulders. Mavis always admired the way Jonathan handled his friends, since he was technically considered a freak at Hawkins he had no friends except for her and Nancy. The two girls didn't see Jonathan like that, they saw him as someone they would trust their lives with, but Mavis considered him more like a brother. Sure, he was shy and a bit more of a loner on his part but that didn't make them love him any less.

"Just guess. " She said as she cracked a smile on her chapped lips, trying to give some indication that she was okay for now and that the sudden outburst was nothing to worry about. Smiling he   gave her a goofy look before shaking his head and shutting Nancys door then running to the drivers side.

"You?" Winking at him he gave a light laugh before starting up the car in order to get away from the loud house party and the crazed maniac that was still searching for his lost kitten.

 Backing out of the crowded driveway and onto the dark street Mavis rolled down the window and looked behind her, curls flying violently in the cold, stinging wind as she scanned the area to make sure that Billy was gone and out of sight but instead she found him standing in the middle of the road behind them looking at the car with enraged eyes. Twisting his face into one of pure rage he threw his cigarette at it in anger before cursing her name and shouting at the top of his lungs:


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