💉 10 💉 Red Drinks And Red Cheeks

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When she managed to get home surprisingly safe, she ran to the front door in a rush of fury and worry, with her mind else where she threw her skateboard down on the front lawn like it was nothing and completely ignored the repeated shouting of her name and strings of profanities following after. Whatever he had to say she didn't care to hear it as she threw the front door open before slamming it shut mid sentence. The loud bang of the door causing her mother as well as the cat that sat on her lap, to jump in surprise.

Watching her daughter quickly walk by with a troubled look on her face, Ms. Henderson raised a concerned eyebrow towards her first born.

"Mavis honey?is everything okay?" Rubbing the startled cats uneasy form Ms. Henderson spoke out to her child before she could disappear for the entire night, as she often did when she was upset. 

"Y-Yeah, everything's fi-fine." Her voice was a bit shaky but it seemed to convince her mother that nothing was truly wrong, due to her silence afterwards. Continuing on her war path to her brother's room she didn't even bother to knock first as she threw it open, brown eyes searching frantically for the curly top until she found him pacing back in forth, walkie talkie in hand. 

Watching him for a brief moment talk on the device to probably Lucas, she let out a sigh of relief, a hand lightly rested over her racing heart as she felt it nearly burst out of her chest due to sheer worry and fright for her siblings safety. Unable to say any words due to the large lump in her throat all she could do was stand in the door way of his bedroom and watch as he continued to ramble on and on about tonight's big plans, still completely unaware of his sister nearing a breakdown. 

  Finally looking up at he furrowed his brows at her confused as to why she was just standing there watching him, but when he noticed her slightly red eyes and trembling bottom lip he quickly went on high alert. 

His sister doesn't cry.

Everybody knew that. 

People thought that she was heartless because they have never seen her shed a single tear not even when their grandfather died, no quivering lip or damp eyes...she was just calm.

But this? this was something that worried him, and soon enough he caught on to why she was acting in such a way. 

"Lucas I-I'll talk to you later." As soon as it was said she ran to her brother and immediately wrapped her arms around him, the lump in her throat still ever present as she let out a quiet sob and sniffle in fear of mother over hearing. Tears she had been holding back for so long finally slipped through as she held her sibling close, closer than she had ever done before. An unusual gesture for the pair but neither one minded or spoke up about it.

Stunned that his sister was all of a sudden hugging him like it was the last time she was to ever hold him as well as CRY in front of him, he quickly gave in and squeezed her back just as hard. Rubbing a gentle hand up and down her back he lightly shushed her and whispered to her reassuring words of: 'it's okay.' and 'i'm fine.'

"I'm s-so glad...you're sa-safe." She whimpered into his shoulder, thankful and relieved that he was safe and sound after being hunted down by death.


-Later that evening-

Due to it being Halloween night, many of Mavis's friends were out at a local Halloween party, hosted by some girl she didn't know but knew her somehow, because when she walked into sixth period the girl handed her an invitation and smiled cheerfully: 'don't be late!'  Looking down at the crumpled orange flyer in her hand she sighed and threw it in the trash can beside her bed. 

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