💉 15 💉 Here We Go Again

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"Stay the fuck away from Harrington." Billy growled lowly as he scanned the crowd of kids in search of his step-sister. The girl in front of him quickly looked up and furrowed her eyebrows at the demand before rolling her eyes then looking back down at her sketchpad.Not giving a single care as to what he was asking of her. His jealous and possessive attitude towards her and those she loved was driving an even deeper wedge between this so called relationship as she noticed some of her mutual friends weren't saying, 'hello' or even glancing her way when she would smile at them...knowing that this was his doing made her blood boil.

"He's my friend." She stated bluntly with her eyes still looking down at the sketch she was working on.Since she didn't want to look at Billy while they waited for Max she decided to bring out her sketch book and have a go at anything she didn't finish. However it didn't stop him from having his harsh blue eyes burn into her hunched over form causing her to grow goosebumps.

"I don't give a shit Mavis!" He spat as he glared over at her peeking up at him from over her  glasses he did the same.Curling her upper lip in disgust she pushed her glasses up with her middle finger and continued her work. 

"You don't talk to him. You don't look at him. From now on you're off limits to him." Slamming his fist down on the roof of the car people started to look over at them in curiosity to see what was going on. But Mavis kept her head down trying to avoid their wide eyed stares, all the while Billy glared at them daring them to say something. Spitting out a luge on the ground beside him he looked back at the middle school and noticed the 'pest' that was making her way towards them. 

Her red hair flew in the wind like fire, making her all the more noticeable against the crowd of kids and teenagers. Noticing that his burning gaze was no longer as bad as it once was Mavis looked behind her and saw the familiar face skate closer to the car. Giving her a smile she gave her a slight wave before closing her sketch book and packing up her belongings. Taking her glasses off and shoving them in her bag she opened the door for the girl and watched as she climbed in before getting in herself. Glancing back at the girl Mavis could tell that something had happened while she was at school, and the outcome was not good just by looking at the way she was avoiding eye contact with the two teens in the car.

Sensing this Billy looked at her through the rear view mirror, his dark eyebrows knitted together as he watched Mavis's brothers friend Lucas walk back to the school. every so often looking over his shoulder at the car.

"Hey, whats wrong?"The brunette spoke as she twisted around in her seat to look at the girl who had her arms crossed over her chest in annoyance. Eyes never leaving the window as she bluntly stated:


"Then why do you look so upset?" Billy pressed as they pulled out of the parking lot.

"I'm not upset, and even if I was why would you care?" She spat as she looked over at her step sibling who's blue eyes were piercing into hers at her snappy remark.

"Because Max you're a piece of shit but we're family now whether we like it or not, which means I'm stuck looking out for you." He said as he lit a cigarette and passed it to Mavis, who was now back in her seat and digging around for one but had some how ran out. Glancing over at him she took it from between his fingers and put it between her lips for a long inhale before blowing it out the open window.

"Right, cuz what would I ever do with o-" Suddenly the car came to a halt the two women nearly went flying out the windshield as Billy turned around and grabbed Max's wrist the sudden gesture making the brunette look at him wide eyed in shock, but quickly turned to one of anger when she heard the red head let out a small gasp of pain. 

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