💉 38 💉 Little Black Dress

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"but how do I sit in it without showing my undies? because you know I don't sit like a lady." I said as I sat on my desk chair with my legs spread a good distance apart. In fifteen minutes, as was instructed, Steve and Jonathan were to pick me and Nancy up for homecoming at my house. And guessing that he didn't want to get fucked up he was going to keep to his word. He had also promised me that he would be ten minutes early. But glancing at my clock he had four minutes left and I doubted he would get here in that small window of time.

but as of now me and Nancy sat and waited. Well more like I waited and she just continued to add finishing touches to her hair and make up. While she did that, I spun around in my desk chair trying to make myself as dizzy as possible with lazily done make up and hair turning into a frizzy, curly, mess, which I for one didn't mind. But Nancy on the other hand eyed me frustratingly as she saw how careless I was with my appearance. She was even more frustrated at the fact all eyes would be on me, and when they were I would be looking like a hot mess and not up to the expectations everyone hoped I would be. Nancy was all for presentable appearances, I on the other hand was not.

"well that's easy," she said as she walked over to me with a grin. picking me up from under my arms she sat me up straight and closed my legs so my knees were almost touching. Groaning I let my friend nit pick at my lazy appearance, her lips pursed together in frustration as she placed loose strands of hair behind my ears. Applying a light layer of lipstick and mascara she took a step back and admired my appearance, her lips now formed into a smile as she sighed and threw me some loaned black kitten heels.

"sit straight, cross your knees or ankles, smile but not too wide, ask for things and not reach. And most of all cover your burps, please for me."bowing my head I sighed and nodded in agreement. If it would make my friend happy for at least one night I'm sure it wouldn't kill me.

"fine but I won't be happy to do it." smiling brightly she clasped her hands together and smiled as wide as she could at my answer. But before she could express that answer our ears perked up at the sound of the door bell ringing. Peaking my head out through my doorway I saw my mother get up to open the door. But due to the wall being in the way I couldn't tell who it was, but guessing by the way my mother gasped the both of us knew it was our dates.

glancing over at Nancy who smiled reassuringly, placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. She could tell how nervous I was by the way my hands had grown a light sheen of sweat, my eyes wide and scared as I felt like I had just made the biggest mistake of my life by agreeing to go to this stupid high school event that didn't even matter. But as I looked into the eyes of my friend and remembered the small speech I gave to Jane, I knew I had made the right choice.

"Don't be nervous, don't be scared and don't you worry about a thing...You are going to walk in there and you are going to be the bell of the ball! Everyone will see how beautiful you are." smiling with her I opened my bedroom door and together we walked out. Nancy looked exceptionally beautiful with her hair permed into a curly up-do and purple plaid dress. While I wore a simple black dress that was borrowed from my mothers closet since I didn't own anything formal.

 While I wore a simple black dress that was borrowed from my mothers closet since I didn't own anything formal

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