💉36💉 Freedom Never Felt So Good

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Shrugging on her leather jacket, the oldest Henderson opened the front door and stepped out into the cool December air, the soft and cold breeze that swept by her made her hum with delight but it wasn't the reason for her smile. It was the absence of the blue Camaro that was usually parked at the end of the drive way. No sign of aviators or long curly blonde hair, no feeling of sweaty palms or gritted teeth, she was completely calm and content. No anger, anxiety or fear dwelled with in her, just pure relief.

Pulling out an unlit cigarette from her jacket pocket with one hand, in the other was a brand new silver lighter Jonathan had gifted her as an early Christmas present with the words: " The Ziggy to my Stardust"  engraved in cursive on the front. Tracing over the words with the pad of her thumb she flicked back the silver cap and watched the little orange flame arise from its place. Lighting the cancer stick she greedily sucked in the sweet nicotine and closed her eyes in bliss. She never knew how amazing freedom felt until she had it stripped away, she could finally breathe for the first time in awhile and it felt unbelievably amazing.

"Would you stop staring off into the distance like you're in a movie please? I can't be late for school." Dustin said as he brushed by his day dreaming sister, and making his way to the Impala where he threw his back pack in the back seat before getting settled up front in the passengers side. Rolling her eyes she put the cigarette in-between her lips, and got into the drivers seat.

 Starting up the car she allowed the car to warm up for a minute or two before backing out of the driveway and down the road towards Hawkins high and middle school.

All was silent until the passenger decided to speak up.

"So homecoming huh?" Dustin grinned as he looked at her with a mocking smirk. Glaring at him she took the stick out from between her lips and sighed heavily. It's all he had been saying since last night when she raided her mothers closet for some sort of dress to wear.  But it wasn't until now that she decided to answer him since she was either A, too tired to speak, or B, his question was too bothersome to answer.

"What's it too ya curly?" She muttered.

"I can't believe you're actually going! I-I'm starting think you're not my real sister, but instead replaced with a ro-" Before he could go any further with his dumb little conspiracy theories of who she may or may not be she stopped him.

"Get to the point."

"Its just that... why are you even going?" In all honesty she didn't really see what the big deal was, she was just getting dressed up for one night and one night only, it wasn't something to really get excited about. 

"Because... I need to do something for myself for once. I keep protecting you and the others all the damn time, and its just about time that I do something for me ya know." she shrugged as she took a drag from her cigarette before blowing the smoke and ash out the slightly cracked window.

"It's rare that you want to look decent. Hence why i'm so curious." Glaring at him she punched his arm and heard a small whimper leave his lips making her grin in satisfaction.

"It's rare for you to shut up and let me be. Sooner or later you're gonna miss me, and the rides I give you in the winter. So be thankful for all that I have done so far." Remembering that his sister would be graduating and going off to art school made the boy grow a bit quiet. Sure it was literal hell having her around but it wasn't always like that. He sometimes enjoyed the music she would blast while she worked, the occasional left over cookie she would leave for him, and the amount of loose change she would give him for the arcade when ever he needed it. 

But most of all he loved the car rides. Every single one they went on he took this time of privacy to open up to her and speak about things that weighed on his mind while she only gave her input on what she would do. He liked how she didn't judge him for being weird and nerdy because she was like him in someways, they understood each other in more ways than one.

"I am, I am... I'm actually glad you're still taking me to school, now that you know who is out of the way I can finally get my personal chauffeur back." He grinned as he kicked his feet up on the dash and linked his hands behind his head. Shaking her head she made a sharp right turn and knocked him out of his comfortable position causing him to bump his head on the window and knock his feet off the dash.

Glaring at her he rubbed his head and sat up straight again.

"Hardy har, har. You're lucky I don't shove you out of this godforsaken car."

"Too bad we're already here." He snapped as they pulled into the school parking lot. 

"Next time then." She laughed as she parked the car and got out along with her brother who went in a different direction as her, his friends smiling and waving at the two of them all the while she smoked the last of her cigarette and waved back to them.

"Have a good day and don't get killed!" She shouted at him, causing the boy to ignore her and keep walking.

" I LOVE YOU!"  She shouted causing him to turn around and flip her off before carrying on his journey. Sighing she threw the last bit of her cancer stick onto the ground and snuffed it out with her sneaker before grabbing her satchel from the back seat and making her way inside. 

After the whole Billy situation her peers looked at them differently now, like the order and balance of it all was back in place which made the female happy, no more parting ways so the two could walk a clear path to class, no more rumors and no more possessive Billy. Everything was back to normal, just how she liked it. 

Walking by the said man she glanced over to see him flirting with a brunette from her calculus class, her cheeks were flushed pink as she listened to his sweet words which made Mavis feel nothing but nauseous and slight pity for the road ahead of her if he managed to stick around after the quick fuck he was planning on getting. Shaking her head she located her locker and spotted Nancy standing beside it, meeting their gazes she gasped and ran up to her with a wide smile plastered on her face eyes sparkling with glee as she shook the curly haired teen violently. 

"ARE YOU GOING?! ARE YOU REALLY GOING?"She shouted as she stopped shaking her. 

"Who told you?" She asked monotonously as she twisted the lock to the proper combination before opening it and grabbing her supplies for the next three periods. 

"Mike did! I can't believe you! you're actually going to homecoming!"She squealed once again as she began to jump up and down, her reaction causing people to give them weird glances as Mavis looked away from the eyes of her peers.

"Keep your god damn voice down." She growled lowly as she slammed the metal door shut,  pouting Nancy huffed and leaned up against the locker next to her. Eyebrows furrowed as she hugged her books closely to her chest.

"Sorry god! can't I be excited for my friend who for the first time is doing something for herself!" Rolling her eyes Mavis looked away from her and began to make the short walk to the art room.  Nancy still beside her as she rambled on about homecoming and all the fun the two would have. Some of the things that Nancy had pointed out didn't seem too bad, like the free food for example, made the teen smile in thought. 

"Yeah, you keep enjoying that enthusiasm i'll be makin' art." She grinned as she walked into the art room.

"You're not gonna regret it!"

"Already am!"

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