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Cool December air enclosed every inch of Mavis's exposed body. Her jacket left inside, hanging on the back of her chair, shoes underneath the table she and her friends sat at, but she didn't care. If anything she felt the stinging air was a beautiful, toe curling, sensation that made the heat and sweat from dancing quickly disappear. Her arms and shoulders that were bare grew a trail of goosebumps over the smooth surface of her skin, her bare legs and feet grew numb as she sat on the concrete stairs of her high schools back entrance. Tears running down her face along with the mascara Nancy had put on her, lipstick gone as she continuously licked her chapped, cold lips. Her knees were to her chin as she muffled her sobs into her dress. She could feel her eyes becoming sore from all the crying she had done in the last fifteen minutes. Her teeth began to chatter as she thought about returning inside but the thought of all those eyes on her once again and the humiliation of having people see her so afraid and weak made her rethink that decision.

Billy's words rang relentlessly in her ears as she tried to block them out but it seemed impossible for her to do such a thing. She wanted to bash her head against the brick wall behind her until her cries were silent and her head became a bleeding mess, all because of a man's confession of love for her, his begging and 'I love you's' made her head hurt but her heart was hurting even more. But most of all Mavis was embarrassed, the night of the house party on halloween was different, him kissing her in front of a crowd of her cheering and chanting peers was nothing. But tonight was different, tonight the wide eyed stares of friends known and others unknown scanned the scene before them of a terrified girl and frustrated man who's expressions changed constantly. The silence that covered the room made it even worse, every time she closed her eyes she could see the eyes of hundreds of students looking at her, watching someone once so strong cower in fear of something as simple as a man.

she felt as though she deserved this in some odd way. She felt like this was god punishing her for stepping out of the house and doing something way out of her comfort zone. Like it was his way of saying: "should have stuck to your guns kid." shaking her head at such thoughts, she brushed back her fallen curls and let out a shaky sigh. Leaning back against the cold brick wall she reached up her dress in need of a cigarette, pulling the pack out from between her thigh and the rubber band that held it in place, she put a stick in between her lips and went to reach for her lighter but groaned in annoyance as she remembered she had shoved it in her leather jacket pocket that was still left inside. Frustrated, she threw the stick and buried her face back in between her knees. Even after all that had happened inside god still had his way of punishing her.

hearing a voice in the distance call out her name Mavis's blood run cold. the wind carried and distorted the voice making it sound like a known enemy's. Pressing her back against the cold bricks she smacked a hand over her mouth and squeezed her eyes tightly as she felt the presence draw closer and closer. Leaves crunching under the weight of heavy footsteps made her breathing suddenly stop in fear of the particular, unwanted person finding her. But when the person turned the corner it wasn't who she thought. It was the exact opposite in fact. His footsteps paused as he looked down at the crying, mess of a girl.Even through the frizzy untamed curls, faded lipstick, red-glossy eyes, and cheeks stained with mascara he still found her just as breath taking.

"I hate him, I-i hate him...s-s-so much." she gritted as she looked up at her friend. Bitting his bottom lip he took his suit jacket off and pulled the girl to her feet. Putting the jacket around her shivering form he hugged her close to his warm body. Feeling as though she was an icicle the man hugged her tighter and tighter to reassure her safety and warmth. Loving the warmth she was receiving Mavis continued to sob and shiver into her friend as she felt his shirt become wet with her tears as it stuck to her cheeks. Resting his chin onto of her head he began to shush her, slowly rocking her back and forth he let the beauty cry and cry until no more tears could be produced, he shushed her until her sobs were quieted to whimpers, but he didn't stop holding her until he knew she was okay.

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