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"Billy please, I-i worked really hard on those pieces, t-they mean everything to me." Shakily I rose up from my bed, eyes wide with fear as I watched him stare at the painting I had done of his inner-self. The so called monster that had snuck into my room Halloween night to give me a good-night kiss. The inner monster that almost killed my brother and his friends. The inner demon that had found a liking to me and would now never let me go.

Grazing over it with his rough finger tips he lightly traced over the beady red eyes and sharp teeth on the paper, and oddly enough he seemed almost amused by it. Having seen his true self in person made his eyes twinkle with humor and lips curve into a smirk as he licked them, then slowly drew his attention back to me. His facial expressions were calm but his hands clenching the papers tightly revealed the anger boiling over. Deep down he wasn't just angry, he was furious.

Quickly I began to wrack my brain, trying to see if I could do or say anything to make him put down my life's work and forget about all of this, but the only thing that came to mind was to lie my way out of this. Slowly I walked towards him, my hands held up in surrender as I tried to plead with him to put down my work.

"Billy I-i-i love you?" The statement turned into more of a question as his upper lip curled into a snarl, dark eyebrows furrowed together. Slowly shaking his head he watched with almost entirely black eyes as I cautiously walked towards him. Just by the look he was giving me, it told me he didn't plan on letting me off the hook so easily. And that he planned to torture me with everything he had.

"Liar." He growled as he ripped the stack in half.

"NO!" I screamed as I fell to my knees in agonizing distraught. My life's work was being torn to pieces right before my very eyes and all I could do was watch with tears streaming down my face.It must have come to be a joyful sight to him, seeing me become so weak made the demon before me smirk and continue ripping my artwork to shreds. Acting as if it was nothing but paper with stupid doodles strewn across them. Screams of bloody murder left my lips as I tried to piece my work back together all the while Billy tore more work off my walls. Under his breath he muttered swear words and threats as he bent canvases in half, ripped papers split down the middle, kicking half empty paint cans across the room, breaking brushes and pencils in half with his bare hands as if they were twigs.

My screams rang loudly through out my small bedroom as I begged for him to stop this cruel act. But he looked as if he had only just gotten warmed up.

"BILLY PLEASE! STOP IT!"I screamed as I quickly got up off the ground hoping that he would spare the few works that I had left. Looking around he huffed and puffed before making eye contact with the all of artwork behind me. Meeting his gaze I attempted to block my art with my body but that was was nothing but a mistake, for he shoved me away as hard as he could.

The sound of pounding footsteps banged along the carpeted floor of the hallway outside, signaling that Dustin and Steve had heard the commotion that was going on inside my room. Their fists began banging on the locked door as they begged for me to open up to see if I was alright. But I couldn't, even if I wanted to I couldn't. This is my fight, my work and my life and I would be damned if my loved ones got involved.

"MAVIS! OPEN THE DOOR!" Steve shouted. But it was muffled due to the sounds of my loud and horrid sobbing.

"YOU THINK I'M A FUCKING MONSTER!? I'LL SHOW YOU A MONSTER!" he shouted as he smashed one of my splatter paint canvases across the wall sending me into a whirl wind of emotions that were overwhelming me at the moment. Tears continued to run harshly down my cheeks as he continued out his angry streak, hurling myself at various pieces did no match, it didn't even slow him down if anything it fueled his anger more.

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