💉 7 💉 Be My Baby

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The next day was just like any other day for me. Nothing in particular seemed off and yet I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was going to happen. No ride was given to me that morning by the man with the blue Camaro which put me at some ease however it did little to nothing for my nerves. School was fine with the exception of Billy just staring at me and watching me paint just as he had done days previously, however it ended with me getting frustrated again and forcing myself to leave the room before I smashed his face into my palate. No matter how many cigarettes I smoked how many sketches I produced on work sheets, I still couldn't shake the feeling. Even when I got home with no troublesome blonde trailing after me I just continued to grow...anxious? nervous? fearful? 

But of what? 

I don't know.

Being home alone let me breathe somewhat, Dustin was off at Mikes doing god knows what with his friends and mom was out and about getting last minute Halloween decorations. While ,I of course, sat alone in my room with the sound of the misfits blasting through the speakers, cigarette dangling in between my lips as my eyes transfixed themselves on the paint splattered canvas laid out before me. In my mind I was deciding which color to use next with out ruining my latest master piece, abstract was always a good distraction for me, putting just absolute nonsense on the canvas made me smile and forget my troubles as I threw layers upon layers of color on the no longer blank sheet. 

Grabbing one of the various paint brushes I had, I dipped it in the open can of black paint and began to spread the rich color across the canvas. The louder the music became the harder I flicked the tool and the more aggressive the paint flew. A wicked smile placed itself on my lips as some of the color splattered on my exposed legs and arms, small spurts of laughter left my crazed smile as I began to giggle like a mad man, until I forcefully pulled myself back together before I completely lost it. 

Dropping the brush that was in my hands I took a step back to admire my work. Looking at every square inch I nodded in approval before crossing my arms over my chest and taking a drag from the cancer stick, letting the smoke crawl out from between my smiling lips like a misty fog creeping out from between the forest trees. Tapping some of the ash out the open window I went to reach for my red can of paint but the sound of the door bell ringing made me stop.

 Silently cursing myself. I snuffed out my cigarette, paused the record and walked towards the front door thinking that maybe it was the mail man with my package of canvases I had ordered not too long ago.

 Not even bothering to check the peephole I unlocked the front door and opened it. But what stood before me was in fact not the mail man. 

What stood before me was non-other then the nightmare himself.


Whom was leaning against the door way a smirk plastered on his face as he looked me up and down with flirtatious eyes. Looking down at my attire to not only realize that the shirt I was wearing was so baggy that it covered the shorts I was wearing but that the paint had left more marks on my body than I had thought. Realizing I must have looked like I was in the middle of doing something I shouldn't be I blushed slightly and hid my lower half behind the door. His gaze making me feel uncomfortable as the sudden rush of nervousness from earlier washed over me again. 

Rather than letting him in or even asking why he came here in the first place I slammed the door in his face but instead of having it completely shut like I expected I only had it be pushed back open with a hard shove. Such immense pressure nearly knocked me to the ground as I watched with stunned and angry eyes as he stepped through the thresh hold before slamming the door behind him. Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth he shook his head in dismay as he stalked closer to me my eyes narrowing in on his beastly presence as I readied to defend myself.  

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