💉 37 💉 Don't be late

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"I think a certain someone is wanting to ask you to homecoming but is too scared to am I correct?" Nancy grinned as we sat around our usual lunch table, with the unbelievably stale and grotesque food they always served with a starling warm bottle of milk. Picking at the limp half cooked pizza I pushed my tray away from me and instead took a spoonful of corn. Looking at my friend with a raised eyebrow and pursed lips I shrugged and continued to chew in thought about who it could possibly be when all signs pointed obviously t-

"it's obvious I know but, in all honesty I think he's a bit scared to ask you." watching the smirk spread upon her face I stared at her a minute longer before turning my attention to the schools courtyard which was barren since it was the middle of December. Surprisingly the snow hadn't fallen yet and the temperature seemed as though we were in the midst of a snow storm! the rapid winds didn't help as well.

"don't look at me like that you know exactly who I'm talking about." she giggled as she tore apart pieces of the brown paper bag which had contained her lunch. I envied that Mrs. Wheeler still packed her kids lunches while our mom was far too busy to do it for us. Dustin and I had no trouble packing our own lunches but the fact of the matter was we had a terrible memory and it spanned to that of a goldfish. So you could imagine our faces when we're one period away from lunch only to remember that we forgot to pack it and would have to use the five dollars we always kept handy in our pockets for lunch money. It was an absolute pain in the ass, but it was the price we paid for being so side tracked most of the time.

"maybe, maybe not. I have a lot of men in mind. none of which I would consider going with anyhow." shaking her head she sighed and leaned back in her seat. Blue eyes rolling to the back of her head as she put the scraps of brown paper back in what was left of the bag, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear she leaned forward and whispered the name that would never be etched in my little black book. A name that would never be thought about when making mental notes of other potentials in my mind. He was too good for that book. Way too good.

"I get he's my ex and everything but that doesn't matter anymore. The point is Steve is crazy for you and I think you should just buck up the courage and go with him." looking at her for the first time in a while I puffed out a huge puff of air and scooped up another spoonful of the now cold corn. Shaking my head at her I put the spoon in my mouth and then waved it at her like a wand, showing her that I needed a minute since she hated it when I would talk with my mouthful.

"listen Nan," I began as I swallowed the bit that was left in my mouth.

"I get that Steve has a thing for me, and is most likely dying over the fact I haven't discussed a word of homecoming with him but it's not like we're dating or anything. I see no point in bringing a date if I'm just going to be with my friends the entire night." I saw no point in bringing a date. If anything I would accidentally leave him stranded while I danced with my friends. I know it would be an absolutely shitty thing to do in those circumstances but when you're high on adrenaline and good times you forget about things like dating and such. All in all I couldn't stand to leave my date alone like that, so I just chose not to go with one, even if my forgetful mind caused the man to become a blur.

"it's called being a good and courteous friend Mav. And besides it wouldn't be like a date thing.It would be more like... a friend thing." rolling my eyes I stared out at the courtyard once again before hearing the obnoxious yet humors laughter of Steve. Two of his friends stood side by side with him as they too laughed at whatever it was they were chatting about, his eyes caught sight of mine and instantly looked towards his friends before gesturing to the table we sat at. His two friends nodded and fist bumped one another good-bye, both going their separate ways as Steve took a seat at the table. his cheeks a bright red from laughing too hard, eyes brimming with tears as he wiped them away and pressed his palms against his cheeks. His smile wide as it showed off his pearly whites.

"hey guys," smiling at him like we weren't just talking about him a second ago, we said our hello's before returning back to our lunches. Putting the last spoonful of corn in my mouth I chewed slowly before glancing at Steve from the corner of my eye, who was suspiciously looking at me with a full on smile still stuck on his face. His never fading smile made me raise my eyebrow in curiosity and my mind think back to my friends words.

"so Mav I heard you were going to homecoming." throwing my hands up in the air, I swallowed my food and threw my spoon down on the tray. I was completely and utterly fed up with people not being able to comprehend the fact that I, Mavis Josephine Henderson am going to homecoming for the first time and is actually willing to come out of her room for a school event that required me to dress up decently for once. What was the fascination?! what made me the subject of everyones conversations? why was it that god damn important? the world may never know.

"I don't see what's so god damn special about me going? I mean for Christs sakes it's bad enough I got Nancy coming at me in all different directions but now I got the whole school talking about it! what does a girl gotta do to get a break around here?" I exclaimed as I threw my hands up in the air with frustration. Laughing at my behavior and words Nancy giggled and shook her head, Steve grinned and held his hands up in surrender as they both eyed my red and flustered face amusingly.

"Jesus fucking christ guys, I can never catch a break anymore. I just felt like doing something for me for once is that SO life changing and SO important that I got the whole school talking about it?" the two looked at one another then back at me, their faces surprised yet filled with delight as they turned back to look at me.At that moment my hands were still thrown up in frustration, and my cheeks had grown a slight tinge of red as I puffed out aggravated air from between my lips which to them looked comical but to me looked intimidating. But in reality I must have looked like an idiot, because Nancy and Steve began doubling over in laughter which made my arms fall and frown turn into a smile as I too began to join in on the laughter.I was over thinking something simple and stupid yet again. I'll admit.

"calm down Mav. I was just asking if those rumors were true or not. That's all." Steve chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. Quickly glancing over at Nancy I saw her looking at me from the corner of her eye with a smile that read: "either you do it or I will." both of us knew that the other asking the question would result in unwanted attention from our peers which  was not, nor ever, needed in these circumstances. So rather than having Nancy ask and me making myself look like a fool trying to interrupt her sentence as loudly as I could, I sacrificed myself to ask the burning question inside Steve's mind, or, perhaps, at this point, the burning question inside EVERYONE who knew I was going to homecoming.

"Steve, wanna be my homecoming date?" with furrowed eyebrows he processed my fast paced question and unfurled his eyebrows before looking at me with joyful, sparkling brown eyes. His lips curved into a wide toothy smile as he nodded his head yes, too excited for words he tried to spit them out as best as he could with out stuttering but all in all it was no use. The question came out of nowhere and unfortunately he wasn't prepared for it, glancing up at the clock I counted down the seconds until the bell rang. His voice was still a trembling mess until Nancy lightly snacked his back to get him back in shape. Smiling at her in a thankful manner he looked at me and opened his mouth to give his verbal response but before he could the bell rang signaling the end of lunch and the conversation.

grabbing my satchel, I got up and lightly patted Steve on the back before walking away. But as I did so I called out to him three simple things before disappearing into the mob of teenagers.


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