💉23💉 Planning My Funeral

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Sighing heavily the older Henderson leaned against the security guard station and watched as he warm breath became fog that disappeared within seconds amongst the midnight blue sky. In the back of her mind she continuously wished and prayed for just one cigarette to calm her jittery nerves, she also craved the comfort of her home and art supplies as she began to think up absurd ideas on how to reconstruct some of the art work that Billy had trashed. But the more she looked back at how torn and ripped a good portion of them were she knew they couldn't be fixed no matter how hard she tried.

She hated to think about it, even though it was something that needed to be discussed she refrained from speaking on it, it wasn't the time nor the place anyway. So she did what she did best open up the little box in the back of her mind and throw the memory in it before locking it up tight with all the other shitty memories she had.

 The group of kids who stood around arguing about this whole ordeal being stupid and unrealistic carried on through the wind as Mavis turned away from them and instead drew her attention to the woods from which they came, completely unaware of the friend who was still ever so determined to hear what had happened. To know why she refused to ask for help knowing that her friends were just a few feet away, why she was allowing for this abuse to persist. 

Mustering up the courage he leaned his bat against the guard station and over to her. His face contorted in concern as he stood before his friend with worry written in his dark brown eyes. Noticing the sudden presence beside her the young woman straightened her posture and brought herself back to the earth shattering reality.

"Yes?" She questioned as she crossed her arms over her chest. In her mind Mavis knew she had lost almost everyone because of Billy, everyone she once chatted to had up and left her because of fear or jealousy over the blue eyed blonde that hung around her. But looking into Steve's eyes she knew her faith and friendship still remained in him and never would it move even if they had once lost it for a brief moment. 

"Talk to me." Rolling her eyes in annoyance she turned away from him, again she wouldn't speak of what caused her emotions to become so all over the place or even what the fuck happened back at the house. It just wasn't the right time and besides the memory was locked in her little box where it would stay and never see the light of day.

"No." She growled as she bit the inside of her cheek hard, her temper slowly rising as she tried to calm herself down by trying to steady her breathing. But Steve as pestering as he was walked over to the side she faced, his eyebrows raised as he too was slowly becoming fed up with how closed off she had become.

"Why? obviously you need to talk about it? why not with me! even worse you're going through this alone! you never do that! you never break down like this! ever since that dickwad showed up you have become a completely different person and that scares me!" By now the attention of the kids had been snapped towards the two upset teens, Dustin eyed his sister curiously before opening his mouth to intervene but quickly Lucas smacked a hand over it, surely he would just make it worse if he tried. 

"I care about you alright! and I can't help you if you don't talk to me!" She knew Steve cared for her well being and seeing her change into something she wasn't terrified him, he was afraid that this would last forever and that he would no longer see her smile, or feel the warmth of her presence be the same as it use to be. 

But that warm presence quickly replaced itself with a dark and angry one looking into his eyes she furrowed her brows and furiously kicked the guards station angrily, the loud sound that came from it causing the kids to jump slightly as they watched her temper unfold.

" Because there is nothing to talk about! I'm fine! I can deal with this shit on my own! I don't need your help or anyones! okay?! so let's just fucking drop it!" Suddenly a car zoomed right by the group causing everyone to become confused and taken aback by the sudden change in scenery. All thoughts of anger and destruction left Mavis's mind as her and the kids watched as Hoppers police van skid to a stop right in front of them. Rolling down the window he gestured for everyone to get in.

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