💉 33 💉 Coming Clean

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One month later:

"Now I must warn you, I'm an artist not a make up artist. So if this doesn't turn out the way you expected it to I'm apologizing in advance." The older giggled as she pulled out a small eye shadow pallet from her make up bag. The small square case only held four bright colors which consisted of hot pink, sky blue, purple and lime green, they seemed untouched, like she had just bought the pallet fresh out of packaging. When in reality she had found it buried deep with in her make up bag from a year ago and had forgotten it was there.

The child in front of her nodded and patiently waited for her friend to carry on with whatever she had planned to do to her already beautiful complexion. Rubbing some of the makeup on a small brush she began to spread the purple pigment onto her eyelid, not being used to the weird sensation she began to squirm a bit causing Mavis to stop. Watching the child open her eyes to reveal worried brown irises she began to feel self conscious about the whole idea of going to this little get together, it was her idea anyway, but she still felt unsure about all this. It was her first time being around kids her own age and better yet having fun for the first time ever! But it all of a sudden seemed so scary to her.

"Don't be nervous, don't be scared and don't you worry about a thing," grabbing her hand she lightly squeezed it and gave the small child a reassuring smile. The same one that was given to her on their first encounter, it was then that she realized hat she had no fear in doubting herself and that she really could do this. Mavis's opinion mattered to her no matter what, and so she took her words and ran with them.

"You are going to walk in there and you are going to be the bell of the ball! Everyone will see how beautiful you are, even Mike." She whispered the last part in case her father overheard which luckily he didn't. He may say to never keep secrets but what was one messily little crush gonna do? besides Mavis loved meddling in the lives of those she loved, it was her secret joy. Bitting her bottom lip the younger hesitated for a minute before nodding her head.

"okay." smiling as wide as she could Mavis sighed and nodded in agreement.Watching brown irises be covered by long lashes she continued with her work, trying her best not to make her look like a clown or one of her paintings. Becoming interested in the process of his daughter getting ready for her first night out, Hopper got up from the sofa and walked towards her bedroom. Leaning against the door way he happily watched as the two bonded like many girls do, but to him this was special, it was special to him because after all this poor girl had been through she deserved a night of fun. No matter what.

finishing up with the eye shadow and blush she applied a light pink lipstick to her lips. Once done with her master piece she smiled and watched the child smile as well. Again she trusted Mavis's judgment and opinion and so when she handed her a small hand held mirror it only sealed the deal.

"see, pretty?" adoring at what she saw through the small glass she looked up at the older with eyes sparkling in amazement. She couldn't believe what she was seeing in front of her. She couldn't believe how amazing and beautiful she looked, and it was all thanks to her friend who vowed to her to help her and be there for her when ever she needed it. Tonight was one of those occasions where she needed nothing but a friend. Throwing her arms around her the child hugged her as tightly as she could.

"pretty." she whispered as she felt Mavis hug her back. Pulling back Mavis took a good long look at her friend who she missed like no other, still not believing she had been gone for almost a year. It felt like centuries since they had last seen one another but it was great to know that they could pick up where they left off even with the long absence.

"what do you think dad?" she giggled as she gestured to the child, standing up from her bed he looked his daughter up and down, head to toe. A smile still etched onto his face as he nodded in approval, the dress she had picked out looked well on her, the hair style framed her features perfectly. What he saw before him wasn't his daughter but instead an angel.

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