💉44💉 Sparks Fly On The Fourth Of July

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One year later:

It had been officially one year since the event's of Billy, the demogorgan, and Jane's return, all of it had marked some of the worst and best moments of the oldest Henderson's life. 

In regards to the Billy situation, before and after she had moved to campus she managed to keep a good distance between herself and Billy. In the hallways at school he never looked at her, nor glance in her general direction. It was as if he didn't know her and she didn't know him, which she really didn't mind. Though there was still the whispers and rumors of him plotting to take her back or still claiming that he loved her, She knew better than to believe it.

After all they were just dirty rumors.

Over the course of the year Mavis had graduated high school and had been accepted to the art school of her dreams with a full ride! Upon finding out the news she fainted and was woken up to her mother frantically calling out her name. 

The move was the hardest part.

Steve and Mavis were still in love, though they were a good distance away from each other and the one was pursuing her studies while they other worked at an ice cream store, it rarely gave the love birds time to talk. No matter what they both remained faithful to one another, no suspicion of another person on the side was ever raised when they talked, nor would the thought nip at the back of their minds. As long as they told the truth and nothing but everything was okay. 

But speaking of long distance Dustin didn't take it very well at first. 

None of the party members did in fact.

 When she was loading her belongings into the impala the kids just sat on the front lawn and watched, not even bothering to help every time they would see her come out with another box they would all let out a collective sigh of sadness as if they couldn't believe that she was really packing EVERYTHING up and leaving them for who knows how long. 

 And because of the unknown amount of time that she would be away they all crowded around her in a big group hug. they squeezed her so tightly she almost lost her balance and toppled over the kids, but even if she did they wouldn't seem to mind considering the fact  that even after telling them numerous times to let go they still refused. 

In the end tears were shed, comforting words were told, and another round of hugs was given to the group and before they knew it Mavis was already crossing the town line and forging her own path.

Along with Steve Dustin would call his sister almost every night before he went to bed just to tell her about his day and how the group was doing. Sometimes he would even ask if she wanted to know about Billy, but the answer would always be a hard, 'no', his life never interested her and to know what he was up to now a days was just as uninteresting.

And now here she was driving through her familiar childhood neighbor hood, eyes scanning the roads and walkways lazily as she let the rolled down window of her Impala blow the hot sticky July air through her frizzed up curls. With Joni Mitchell's 'big yellow taxi' playing in the background she had one hand on the steering wheel and the other hanging out the window, as she tapped her fingers against the black exterior to the beat. 

Turning onto her street she could feel her stomach began to bubble with excitement. The  rush of seeing her family face to face for the first time in a year was finally getting to her as she saw the familiar rose bushes and stone walk way of her mom's house. Pulling into the driveway she noticed that the living room curtains had moved slightly causing her to raise a curious eyebrow as she turned the car off, but before she could step out into the open a head of curly hair resembling her's threw the front door open.

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