💉 9 💉 Death Trap

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For the rest of the day Mavis felt as though she was being watched, not just by the eyes of the blonde madman but also the eyes of her peers. Was it true that rumors of her and Billy were already starting to swirl about? and if so she was curious, as well as, worried about what they might say. But nonetheless the teen went about her day, acting as if the bruises on her wrists weren't still there or that the shivers she got from the looks her peers would throw her were due to the cold temperature of the school everything had to seem normal in fear of dragging those she loved and held close into this hellish nightmare. 

As the end of the day rolled around the teen ran to her locker and snatched her skateboard and jacket before running out of the school in hopes of missing Billy and his attempt at giving her a ride home, but as soon as she made it out he was right there waiting for her. Leaning against the hood of his car, eyes glued to hers as he gestured for her to come over. His expression blank, something the girl wasn't use to seeing, she had to admit she would rather see him smile in all his wickedness than look at her the way he did now. Shaking her head in refusal she was about to skate off but what he said made a cold shiver run down her spine.

"If you don't get in the fucking car, I'll be sure to run over your brother when I see him on my way home! and his little shit headed friends!"Looking over at the the middle school which held her brother and his friends she suddenly remembered that they were riding their bikes home so they could prepare for a night out trick or treating. Dustin usually rode with his two other friends, Mike and Lucas fearful of the outcome that was to come if she refused his offer she sighed and flipped her skateboard up before luging it under her arm and making her way to him. 

With a ghost of a smirk appearing on his face he knew he had finally got her where he wanted her.  As he watched from the corner of his eye as she threw her stuff in the back seat of his car. Deciding to enjoy the fresh autumn air the two stood outside of the car, both silent as they waited for the middle school bell to ring. Her back was to him as she leaned against the passengers side door with her arms crossed over her chest, lips pressed together in a thin line as she tried to ignore the burning sensation in her back.


"I deserve an apology damn it." He finally said as he watched her pull a cigarette out from her leather jacket pocket. Rolling her eyes in response she lit the cancer stick before taking a drag and blowing it out the slightly rolled down window. 

They had just left the parking lot of the two schools with Max sitting in the backseat pleased to see Mavis she gave her a slight smile before getting in but suddenly frowned when she realized the hell that was in store for her. 

"Come on Mavis. I want my damn apology." He growled as he pressed down on the gas a little more his eyes rapidly looking from the road to her but she didn't care, a little increase in speed never hurt anyone and it's not like he would actually crash his beloved car out of sheer anger. However the child who sat in the backseat could only silently plead with the teen and to just tell him what he wanted to hear so nothing too drastic would happen, after all she knew her stepbrother better than anyone else. And this silent treatment she was giving him would only do more harm than good. 

With that being said as Mavis redirected her gaze from the passengers side window to the one in front she was able to see that along the horizon were three small children on bikes. Squinting her eyes slightly she took a closer look only to recognize Dustin, Mike and Lucas. Who were biking down the barren roads, without a care in the world and having no idea about the car that was slowly speeding up behind them.

"Billy slow down." Mavis said as she looked from the trip to the mad man who only sped up even more. Letting out a low chuckle he hook his head as he looked from the road to Mavis who was now gripping her seat tightly hoping her brother would get out of the way.

"Billy stop it, it's not funny anymore!" Max shouted from the backseat as she saw they were getting closer and closer to the three boys. Feeling her eyes water with tears she tried to pry her eyes away from the horrific sight, but just couldn't. Anxious to know if her brother would notice his horrible fate that was slowly creeping up behind him.

"I WANT MY FUCKING APOLOGY FIRST AND MAYBE! JUST MAYBE I'LL MISS HIM AND HIS LITTLE FRIENDS!"Billy shouted as he looked from Mavis to the road, eyes squinted in concentration as he tried to make it look like he was going to hit the kids.

"BILLY STOP IT!" Mavis screamed as her brother finally looked behind him and started to pedal faster along with the others. Noticing his sisters terrified face Dustin could see the genuine panic in her eyes as she tried her best to take control of the situation but there was really nothing she could do, all she really could do was tell him exactly what he wanted to hear. 

Unable to keep their eyes off of the terrifying scene Max and Mavis watched with bated breath as the boys tried to swerve to the other side of the road, but Billy was hot on their trail making any chance for them to escape impossible.

"TELL ME YOU'LL BE MINE AND THAT YOU'RE SORRY!" The high he was getting out of this was incredible as he saw the look of genuine fear in the teens eyes, it only excited him more when he saw that her strong nature was quickly breaking down into one of vulnerability all because of him. Her tears, her begging and pleading through trembling lips and glossy eyes filled with fear and worry made his lips curve into the most sadistic grin she had ever seen. 

"SAY IT!" Unable to withstand this torture anymore she couldn't bare the thought of risking her brothers life like this over her own happiness and pride and with out even thinking she shut her tear filled eyes, letting what ever tears she had in them roll down her cheeks as she screamed out:

"I'M SORRY!, I-I'LL BE YOUR GIRL JUST STOP!"As soon as it was said the three boys swerved off the road and into the grass just before Billy could hit them. Opening her eyes at the sound of bikes crashing against one another the brunette stuck her head out the window and saw her brother helping up Lucas and Mike who seemed uninjured thankfully. 

Helping his friends up, Dustin looked up and saw the mess of curls fly out the window his sisters expression too far away to be seen but he could tell she was disturbed...deeply. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! YOU ALMOST HIT HER BROTHER AND HIS FRIENDS!" Max shouted as they sped on down the road, Mavis now back in her seat sat there petrified, Cigarette  still burning between her fingers as she felt her heart nearly jump out of her chest from the fear that was still pumping through her veins.

"WHOO! SEE THAT BABY! THAT'LL HAPPEN AGAIN AND AGAIN IF YOU DON'T DO AS I FUCKING SAY NEXT TIME!" He laughed as he ran a hand through his blonde curly locks his gaze now shifted over to the woman who slowly lifted her shaking hand to her lips to bring the half finished cigarette for a final puff. The close contact with the burning end of it burned her lips but she didn't even feel it as two silent tears rolled down her cheeks.

Realization suddenly settling in as she knew that no matter how much she fought, begged, screamed, ran, ignored and even cried there was no way she was ever gonna get away from him.

The frightened look on her face was still very much present as he reached over and grabbed her clammy hand. Gripping it tight while she let it fall loose in his grasp, he brought it up to his lips for a small kiss, as if sealing the deal of this toxic relationship that was starting to bloom between them making the monster that he was finally satisfied.

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