💉25💉It's Easy To Make Friends (1)

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"Mavis meet Eleven, Eleven meet Mavis." The little girl looked up at the teenager with wide brown eyes, almost resembling a deer caught in headlights. Seeing her curled up in a ball of fear Mavis slowly dropped to her knees and extended her hand out to the scared child. Sure the situation was bizarre as all hell, but nothing exciting ever happens in this quiet little town so she courageously took the situation on. Completely unaware of the consequences her involvement could have.

"Hi, i-it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." She spoke softly. The kind tone making the young girl slowly begin to unravel herself from the ball she had formed, but still having her knees tucked up to her chin she examined the outstretched hand, looking at it curiously to see if accepting it would be some sort of trap.

But looking into Mavis's warm brown eyes along with the sweet smile that grazed her lips made her think less and less of the dangers this new person could be. Slowly she reached her hand out and lightly grasped it giving her a toothy smile the teen shook the frail hand gently.

"Nice to meet you Eleven." Taking her hand back the young girl smiled and nodded in agreement. 

Glancing over at the one who had called her here in the first place she watched as Mike frantically began to beg Mavis for her help.  He knew he couldn't just leave the girl here without his mom knowing so he had no choice but to ring up the Henderson home in hopes of finding out that Mavis had skipped for the day. 

"Can you do me a favor Mavis and please take her to your house while I go to school? Please!" With calm eyes the teen watched as Mike frantically threw his coat and backpack on while he did so he began to go on and on about why she should do it and how grateful him and the guys would be if she did this favor. 

However all of that went in one ear and out the other. 

Once he had finished she gave the kid an easy smile, and stood up from her spot on the floor. Patting his shoulder she lightly pushed him towards the basement steps, signaling for him to just go and that she had the situation under control.

"Do you even have to ask?" She giggled  as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

Mike, having a tiny crush on his friends older sister looked at her sheepishly before shrugging his shoulders and feeling the heat of an embarrassed blush run up his neck and color his pale cheeks. Quickly Mavis turned to Eleven and reached out her hand for her to take. Accepting it she stood up and gave her a confusing look, before looking at Mike worriedly. 

"You're gonna go with Mavis for a little bit. Just until I get back okay? I won't be long promise." Bitting her bottom lip nervously she nodded and followed the two out the Wheeler residence. Luckily Mrs. Wheeler was already out at the store making it much easier to take the girl out of the house with out her noticing. Putting her in the passengers seat, Mavis buckled her in and lightly shut the door, afraid the loud noise would startle her. 

"thanks!" Mike called as he quickly rode to school on his bike. Smiling she waved the kid off and quickly got in her car before Mrs. Wheeler came back.

Pulling out of the drive way the two began to make the short ride to the Henderson home, all the while Mavis silently observed the young girl from the corner of her eye. All the while the passenger became fascinated with the window and all its contents that became blurred on the other side, her warm breath causing the glass to fog but then quickly disappear.

"So Eleven how do you like Hawkins?" When she didn't answer she looked over and found her still starring out the window. Her eyes widening at the houses and vegetation that flew by her in a blur. Smirking to herself she watched as the girl became intrigued with life and its surroundings, all the while the rest of the world had become use to it. She wished she could discover things like nature all over again. 

"Yeah, The outdoors is something beautiful ain't it?" She chuckled as she watched the wide eyed girl nod and continue to look around at all the dry dead leaves that had covered Hawkins barren roads.

"I know you're not much of a talker but where'd you come from?" Looking from the window to Mavis she pursed her lips into a thin line. She had never really thought about where she had come from or where she lived at. She always thought of the lab as her 'home' until now of course.

 Shrugging her shoulders in response, she didn't really know how to answer the question except with an I don't know. 

Nodding Mavis decided not to pursue her into answering any more personal questions, seeing as how the subject made a whole new look come across her face. A look that showed deep worry and concern, especially if it made her slink down deeper into her seat.

" I get it, we all run away from time to time reasons known or unknown. When I was a kid that was the one thing I always wanted to do, it was always just run. No place in particular I just wanted to run just about anywhere, really. It didn't matter where I wanted to go as long as I was anywhere but here." 

"G-go." Eleven peeped. The tiny voice made Mavis's eyes widen in surprise, it was the first time she had ever heard her speak and never did she realize how limited she was in speech.

"I-I can't go. Even if I really wanted to I can't. I have a life here, a brother I need to take care of, a mother I need to help support. Sadly my life is here in the one place where nothing ever happens." She trailed off as she began to think about all the other reasons why she couldn't leave Hawkins and all the amazing friends she would have to leave behind. This place was attached to her, all her memories good and bad were here, she hated herself for being so reliant on this little town. So much was here, even though it didn't look like it somethings in this town were not meant for her to leave behind.

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