💉31💉 Burn Baby Burn!

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"Come on guys! just a little more this way!"Mike directed as he followed the map he had made before the group had started their adventure into the underground for what felt like hours but was really only twenty minutes. The clouds of dust and dirt had become thicker the deeper they ventured in search of the hive mind, with weak flashlights being their only source of light.

Looking around at the surprisingly spacious tunnels Mavis's anxiety about her fear of being caved in, eaten by one of those demo-dogs, or even worse lost began to slowly come to a boiling point. Constantly she looked over her shoulder in case anything tried to sneak up on them, jumped at whatever little noise was made, she had been in a similar situation like this before, back at the junk yard, however this was different...

This wasn't a wide open area, this was an enclosed space with little to no light or place to run and that made her break into a nervous sweat.

"Mike, I love El just as much as you do but are you even sure what you're doing?" Mavis asked as she looked over at the 'leader' of the party. Stopping he looked over at his friend and tried to reassure her and the rest of the group that everything was fine as long as they stuck to the plan. It was fool proof! he promised. We would be out of here in no time! he swore.

"Trust me on this, follow me and we'll make it!" He shouted through the bandanna that covered his nose and mouth before turning back around and continuing on his journey. Knowing it was no use stopping him Mavis along with the rest of the group let out a tired and fed up groan as they continued to guide themselves through the twisted winding trails of the unknown.

But no matter the conditions or how tired they were the group trudged on in the name of their friend. But it wasn't long until a shrill scream from behind caused the group to stop and see Dustin in a cloud of thick dust, screaming as loud as she could Mavis ran to her brothers aid. Grabbing his flailing hand she pulled him out of the dust cloud and yanked off his mask, the dust that managed to get caught in his mouth caused him to cough and spit like a mad man. 

"SHIT! IT GOT IN MY MOUTH! SHIT!" He shouted as he fell to his knees dramatically, by now Mavis realized that her sibling wasn't in fact dying or in any danger at all but was instead being over dramatic like always. Gritting her teeth at him she pulled him up off the floor and patted his back hard, the group let out another series of groans as they to felt themselves begin to panic over their friends safety/ 

Finally stopping his coughing and spitting fit he looked up at his friends and sister realization finally coming into play as he was happy to find himself not at the pearly white gates where grandma would be waiting for him. 

"You done?" She asked irritatedly. 

Flashing the group a sheepish smile Dustin dusted the dirt and grime off his clothes and pulled up his mask, before giving them a thumbs up. The group muttered swears under their breaths before turning away.

Hoping that now would be a good time to have a heart to heart with his friend Steve ran up beside Mavis and lightly nudged her arm. Looking into his soft brown eyes she saw a friend who just wanted to help her out with the demons she was fighting, battling something on her own was her way of saying she was a lone wolf and that she didn't need anyone or anything, and that she didn't need anybody to take care of her...when in reality she needed all the help she could get. 

Steve being the concerned friend that he is begged to be let onto the battle field to defend her from all that could harm her, but she refused and knew that he would get seriously injured if he got caught in the crossfire which, believe it or not, happened!

"Hey I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay with you not telling me what happened between you a-"

"Thanks for understanding Steve. I really do."She blurted out.

Steve was bad at timing these little heart to hearts and she knew that full and well. But here of all places? sometimes she wondered if he was dropped on his head as a baby. Looking at her with hurt filled eyes he let her continue to pace in front of him, his heart felt heavy as he watched his friend still have a rain cloud over her head, instead of having the sun shine down on her like it always had.

Frowning at his failed attempt he, mentally slapped himself across the face and continued to follow along their seemingly never ending walk to the hive mind. Which didn't take long to discover by the sound of a frantic Mike flailing his arms about and shouting:

"We made it! guys we made it!" smiling triumphantly, Lucas passed up the lighter fluid and began to throw the liquid all over the quickly growing roots. Once it was done Mavis grasped the lighter in her back pocket, the same one that she always used to light her cigs, before flicking the cap back and watching the orange flame dance on the silver burner. Gesturing for the kids to get back Steve made sure they were a good distance away before giving her the go ahead.

 Smirking to herself she muttered quietly:

"Burn bitch burn."

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