💉16💉 Laughing With Tears In My Eyes

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"It's in there?" Steve asked as he looked from the cellar shutters to me, eyebrows raised in curiosity as he tapped the bolted lock with his bat. The loud echo of metal causing me to jump slightly as the three of us awaited for a loud growl to erupt from the locked doors. Deciding to take a couple steps back, in case it broke through the lock, I would be at a safe enough distance where it wouldn't attack me first but instead, Steve who at the moment seemed a bit skeptical to see if this thing was alive or not. But judging by the lack of noise that was coming from the small space I doubt it was.

"Is it even still alive?" I questioned as I rested my hands on Steve's shoulders before pushing him towards the locked double doors. Looking back at me he gestured for me to do it instead before grabbing my hand and dragging me forward, however I managed to slip from his grasp and shove him forward which then progressed into us nearly wrestling each other for a good minute or so until Dustin had to separate us.

"Guys come on let's just get this over with so we can forget about it okay?" He snapped making me look down at my beat up sneakers than to the still shut cellar. Slowly nodding in agreement I again pushed Steve towards the holding cell of this horrible creature. 

Letting out a loud sigh he looked up at the sky then over at Dustin with the flashlight on and burning his eyes.

"If this is a fucking prank, your ass is grass." He said seriously, making my sibling squint and shake his head.

"It's not a prank! go and see for yourself!" Looking away from the somewhat creepy looking prison Steve looked at me before blinding me with the flashlight. Stumbling backward in confusion I squinted away from the light before letting out a frustrated groan. 

"If you're involved with this y-"

"Yes, yes, my ass is also grass! would you just go already!"Giving me a warning glance he nodded to Dustin who unlocked the shutters before pulling both doors back to reveal the dark abyss known as the cellar. Every step Steve took my breath hitched, truly I was scared for my dear friend, even though he has dealt with these things before, I was still fearful of his life.

A couple seconds of silence go by and me and Dustin looked at each other in confusion. Why was there no screaming? yelling? or growling? why was it so quiet? 

"Um, g-" Suddenly the doorbell rang.

 Letting out a long and exaggerating groan I walked towards the back door. But just before I entered the house I turned to look at Dustin seriousness hinted in my voice as I eyed my sibling carefully.

"Make sure he doesn't die," Giving me a thumbs up and toothy smile, my tension eased only slightly before I made my way into the house where the doorbell continued to ring furiously. Turning my walk into a slight jog I raced to the front door, not even bothering to check the peephole like I had forgotten to do the last time, I opened the door to reveal my worst nightmare once again. The same damn smirk on his cheshire cat-like lips, blue eyes shining with lust and want just as they always did when he looked at me.

 But at the moment something seemed a bit off about him today, judging by the extensive amount of cologne he had on, along with an obviously- just torn bouquet of roses from my mothers garden- I got the slightest notion that this was going to be quite the conversation.

"Oh, it's you." Watching his smile grow even wider he nodded and handed me the bouquet of roses, his hand nearly a bloody mess from the sharp thorns. Frowning at them, I peeked over his shoulder and saw the hole in the rose bush and excess petals and leaves that had spilled along the driveway. 

Mother was sure to be upset about these. 

"I want you to be my date to homecoming." Letting out a loud uncontrollable laugh I shook my head at such a ridiculous question. I was laughing at how stupid he must be to actually think that I would be his date to homecoming, after all the shit he had said and done he really thought he had a chance of going with me.

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