💉 12 💉 The Monster Under Her Bed

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Arriving at her front door Mavis glanced back at the sleeping Nancy, wondering if she should help Jonathan take care of her poor friend, but with a gentle hand rested upon hers and his reassuring smile her worries were quickly put to rest. 

"You had enough for one night, let me take her home, okay?" Taking one last glance at her friend she nodded and reached over to hug her friend. It was the only way she could thank him for being there when she needed someone the most, not only for that one time but for multiple cases. He in a way was like her guardian angel, always looking out for her no matter where she was or the situation, Jonathan would always be there to support her and she would do the exact same for him. 

"Thank you." She whispered in his ear as she let go, smiling he nodded and gestured to the front door of her house.

"Get some sleep, you need it." Giggling she kissed his cheek thankfully before getting out of the car and walking to her front door. 

Completely unaware of the blushing mess she left her friend in Jonathan felt the heat rise in his cheeks and lightly brought a hand to the imprint of her lips against his cold cheek. He never had another girl kiss him like that before, even though it was a small peck on the cheek he didn't care, he was happy to be the hero who saved the damsel in distress.

Skillfully locking the front door while making little to no sound, Mavis crept into her bedroom and slowly shut her bedroom door, in fear of waking up her sleeping family.

However once she knew the coast was clear she collapsed face first on to her bed. Letting out a loud and muffled scream she wanted nothing more than to sleep the night away and forget all about the terrible, horrible and unfortunate events that took place over the course of the day. Her eyes were heavy and sore from the crying she did earlier and the adrenaline rush of it all left her in a zombie like state. And yet, her mind still raced with many incoherent thoughts that she wished would just shut the fuck up. Flipping onto her back she stared up at the ceiling with disgust as the second hand embarrassment suddenly seeped in, having her first kiss in front of hundreds of people and then having it be announced to everyone that she was his was unbelievably embarrassing. 

 Shaking her head at the memories she kicked off her dock martins, slid her jeans off of her legs and closed her eyes while mumbling swears of what she would say the next time they met. 

But not before checking to see if she had shut her window. 


That night a cool breeze swept over the teenage girls half clothed form, the sudden temperature drop made her shiver realizing she had kicked her covers off in her sleep. With her eyes still closed she reached for her blanket but then relaxed once she felt a sudden warmth wrap around her. Snuggling into it she thought that it was her mother who had come to see if her daughter had made it home safely, she had done this before so she payed no mind to it.  

"I love you." A raspy voice whispered as the person pressed their lips against her temple. 

Strangely the voice seemed too deep to be her mothers and Dustin never comes in his sisters room at this hour, so who was this person?

Out of curiosity and slight fear she opened her eyes and saw a dark figure climb out her window which she originally had shut. Watching as they shut the window and quickly disappear from her line of sight, Mavis sat up and ran to it just in time to see a blue Camaro zoom off into the dark, the only thing she could spot from down the road were its tail bright red lights and the sound of its loud engine roaring in the distance. 

Feeling the color drain from her face and her stomach twist in an unbearable pain she locked her window with shaky hands and slowly backed into bed, her eyes never leaving the window as she felt an undeniable fear grow with in her.  

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