💉 5 💉 Rain, Rain, Go Away

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Rain poured down heavily over Hawkins high school, making those who rode on bikes or skateboards, much like Mavis, begin to regret their decision of ever leaving home with it. However, she didn't mind skateboarding in the rain, even though it was completely dangerous due to how slick the roads were or the fact that the rain poured down so hard that it was almost impossible to see her hand if she were to place it directly in front of her.

She didn't care.

 Feeling the rain on her skin made her feel so alive, so free.

But since she had her priceless art portfolio filled with various drawings of all sorts she knew she couldn't risk ruining them. She couldn't even catch the bus due to missing it!  all because of her art supplies spilling out of her bag as soon as she made it out the school doors. Paint brushes and pencils rolled along the wet concrete as she scrambled to pick them up, but as soon as she found them all the bus was already gone. And so because of this she decided to wait out front of the school until it stopped or even let up just a little bit. But judging by the dark clouds overhead it wasn't going to get better any time soon.

"Need a ride darlin'? " Groaning at the raspy voice from behind her she scrunched up her nose at the strong scent of cologne that came with the voice. Ignoring him she rolled her eyes and carried on watching the rain.

"Come on beautiful let me give you a ride." He said as he threw his cigarette butt in the grass. His late stay was due to serving detention for skipping his fifth period class. He knew he was going to get an ear full of it at dinner tonight but he didn't care, as long as the curly harried beauty was in his world everything would be just fine. Her eyes never meeting his as she watched the last of his cigarette burn and fade away, suddenly she no longer craved one after taking a mental note of his smoking addiction. She wanted nothing in common with this jerk.


She knew that the rain wasn't letting up many time soon. It had been like this for the past thirty minutes and she knew Dustin would probably burn the house down in an attempt to make himself an after school snack. She couldn't sit around and wait any longer she had to make it home sooner than later...

 And so she sighed in defeat, knowing Billy was her only option as for getting a way home. Her mother was at work, Jonathan was already long gone with Nancy off doing god knows what. She had no choice but to go with him, much to her disgust.

"Fine. Stay out here in the rain, ruin your pretty little projects I don't care." He scoffed as he shoved his hands in his jean jacket pockets, eyes never leaving the top of her head as he tried to make her look at him. Hoping to catch a glimpse of those beautiful eyes of hers no matter what they may be filled with, fear or disgust, it didn't matter he just wanted to look at her.

"If. You give me a ride will you shut up?" Mavis snapped as she had finally had enough of Billy and his cocky attitude, though he had done barely anything to irritate her, his voice was what made her go off.

"Finally you come around! thought I was gonna have to force you to get in." He said as he held out his hand which she brushed away and got up off the concrete with her skate board and portfolio in hand and satchel slung around her body she held the objects close to her chest and looked to Billy as if asking if he was ready, to which he just smirked and winked. Thinking that taking his offer was a mistake she just rolled her eyes and made a dash for the blue Camaro, rain beating down on the two causing them to become soaked until they were sheltered by the car.

Letting out a laugh Billy pushed back his wet, matted blonde hair before putting the keys into the ignition and letting the car warm up. Mavis, who always loved to be soaked in the rain as mentioned before, giggled with him too as they both found the whole ordeal funny. Hearing her laughter he glanced over at her and noticed through her thick curly locks he could see her lips were formed into a smile that seemed to so bright and warm, her cheeks tinged pink as she continued to giggle like a child. Her entire being seemed unreal in that moment so much so that for just a second Billy forgot where he was...for all he could seem to focus on was well...her.

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