Last A/N i swear!

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Hey, guess what... I'm baaaaaaaack!!! As I had promised I would. I had just finished my first year at tech school and let me tell you how amazing it is to be surrounded by photographers, graphic designers and visual artist like myself! The whole experience was amazing and I can't wait to do my second class in the fall!!!!

But enough about me and more about the topic of this book! I appreciate you all for being so patient and respectful of my absence and what not, but now that I'm out of school that leaves me more time to do the things I love which is writing chapters for all of you guys and drawing.

A new chapter will be up and ready by tomorrow afternoon I promise! And again thank you guys so much for being so respectful of why I had to take a long break. I promise from here on out this will be the last authors note.~ Natalia💕

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