💉 39 💉 It's So Much More Than Love

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The group hadn't even made it inside the school yet before hearing the familiar sounds of Michael Sembello's 'Maniac' blast through the building's walls. Wild, colored lights shot through the exposed windows of the gym, banners hung high along the buildings wall as it welcomed their seniors. With every step they took towards the entrance the louder and harder Mavis's heart thumped in her chest. She could feel a nervous wave of heat wash over her body as she stepped through the buildings entrance. She had chugged about half of the flask on the way there but when getting closer to the desired location Nancy had taken it from her when she wasn't looking. Giving it to Jonathan, who locked it in the glove compartment so no one but him could get to it.  

though Nancy had come to terms with the drinking, she wasn't going to have her friend blackout and do something she knew she was going to regret later on. She also knew that she wanted her friend to remember tonight for the rest of her life, since this was the year Mavis graduated, she knew her friend was going to go off and do bigger and better things which she would never protest to. But, she also began to fathom that one day she would look back on that day and think; "damn I had a great time at prom." so by taking her flask away from her friend she knew she had signed her death certificate, but in the end the buzzed Mavis would be thankful.

checking their names off at the door, the group walked through the dark halls of the school, their excited chatter echoing off the walls while Mavis continued to keep silent, it wasn't until they reached the gymnasium that her anxiety levels shot through the roof. Mavis gripped Steve's hand tightly, her heart beat thumping in her ears as she began to think that things were going to take a turn for the worst as soon as she were to enter that room. Feeling as though she should just cut and run she made a slight turn with her body signaling her leave but Steve wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled his date close to his side. His cologne almost suffocating her as she inhaled the masculine scent. Oddly, her nerves suddenly calmed down as she inhaled the familiar scent, spicy yet sweet just like her attitude. Sucking in a deep breath, she wrapped an arm around Steve's waist and nodded at the closed doors.

"let's fucking do this then." grinning at her words, Jonathan and Nancy pushed open the heavy wooden doors. All sense of fear left her body as Mavis witnessed her peers dressed up so nicely and dancing with one another. Music blared in her ears which she was use to since generally she liked her music loud and irritating to the outsiders, bright lights of various colors over shadowed their bodies as the group weaved through colorful balloons and streamers that hung and floated around the room. Their eyes zipping left and right as they searched for a table, but Mavis too distracted by all these wonderful and new sensations that overpowered her rendered her useless in the search. People danced along to the loud music with out shoes on making the vibration over the pounding music and jumping bodies make the floor shake, smiling at the fact she wouldn't have to wear these dancing contraptions all night Mavis took a seat at the pulled out chair Steve had ready for her and kicked off her shoes.

not even paying attention to her friends the curly haired girl continued to just sit and observe her surroundings, eyes darting in every direction as everything about the new environment over clouded her. Never before had she been to something like this and it honestly excited her a bit. Her fear had faded, her worries left behind, all of her negative energy had been replaced with the upmost positivity as the loud music and upbeat energy fueled her excitement.

draping an arm over his dates chair Steve leaned into her ear and said loud enough for her to hear,

"you okay? you seem a little spacey?" glancing at her date and her friends who all seemed a bit relieved that they're very introverted friend seemed to be having a great time.Smiling she let out a giggle and nodded her head.The alcohol kicking in bit by bit as she began to dance in her seat.

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