?28? disobeyed

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"so as I stated before...what now?" Mavis sighed as she began to sweep up pieces of broken glass from the window that was suddenly shattered into pieces. still with in the Byers, home they decided to do the residents a favor and clean the place up for them while they were off conducting the plan they had creatively and strategically came up with.  the house was eerily silent now that everyone was out doing what they were supposed to. finding out that El knew how to close the gate, caused everyone's spirits to rise and finally grasp a hold of faith.  instantly the adults along with some of the kiddies came up with a strategic plan to distract the ravenous monsters, free Will of the spy and get El to the lab to close the gate once and for all.

everyone was involved in a super dangerous, life risking job that was life or death! except for the kids and the two teens.who were left behind because the plan was too dangerous and they needed someone to watch the small party while the plan went into action. so who better to do it than Steve and Mavis?

by now all seven of them were doing nothing but cleaning and arguing over how they could help distract the Demo-gorgans from attacking El while she closes the gate. but Steve gave his word to Nancy and wouldn't let them dare mutter a single word about helping. Mavis, on the other hand, agreed with the kids finding it helpful yet risky if they did help a friend out but Steve only told her to stop talking because she was only making it worse.

"come on Mavis take us to the farm! please!" Lucas begged as he lightly shook the teens arm. but she just shrugged and sunk deeper into the soft comfy couch, while her eyes aimlessly watched the kids clean up broken glass and Steve try to shove the dead demo-dog in the Byers refrigerator. oddly enough Dustin wanted to study it when the whole event was over, so to keep it from rotting he had Steve lug the thing in the emptied out ice box. the whole feat seemed challenging to do since the fridge was so small and cramped but surprisingly he managed to put it in the cooler and shut the door in one swift motion.

"I can't little dude, my car is back at the train tracks along with Steve's we don't have a way of getting the-" suddenly out from the darkness came a loud roar of an engine. the sound causing Max to run towards the living room window to see the bright headlights of her brothers blue Camaro. her eyes widened in fear as she backed away to look at her friends with fear written eyes. the look of terror on the young girls face made the two teens and five kids look at her with concern as she looked to be in the midst of a break down.

"my step-brother is here, he can't know I'm here! he's gonna kill me!" the red head panicked as she frantically looked around for somewhere to hide. getting up Mavis peeked through the window and sure enough the girl was right. feeling as though she was the last man standing in this battle Mavis went to comfort the girl then venture off into the fight but Steve stopped her.

Steve knew that now was the time to help his friend in a way that would reconstruct their friendship. defeating Billy was the only possible way he thought he could help, but no matter how many times Mavis had said: 'I'm fine' or 'it's okay'  he knew deep down she was screaming, crying and begging to be set free. even though she walked through it with a smile on her face Steve saw behind the mask of tears, and knew he couldn't be fooled by her unchanging emotions.

"no he won't."Steve growled lowly as he walked towards the front door but the other teen stopped him before he could open it. her body blocking the door and hand resting on the door knob as she silently begged him not to go out there alone. even though she was so angry at everything in that moment, she couldn't let Steve fight this alone. the feeling of all that weight and emotion on her shoulders weighed her down but still she continued to fight.

"Steve don't." she whispered lowly so the kids wouldn't hear.

"he will kill you." shaking his head he shoved his friend away from the door.deciding not to cower away from the monster but instead defend his friend and protect the kids just like he had promised Nancy Steve wrapped a firm hand around the door knob and looked at his worried friend. reassuring brown eyes looked into scared hazel ones as he nodded to her with a slight smirk on his face.

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