💉6💉 Draw The Anger From Within

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Searching up and down the streets and roads of Hawkins Mavis was determined to find the red headed girl and give her the ride she needed. Still feeling that Billy was being a dick to her for absolutely no reason the teen just gritted her teeth and shook her head, unable to imagine what other things he might have done to her out of sheer entertainment. Suddenly coming up upon the girl on a lone street, Mavis smiled and rolled her window down before slowly pulling up beside the girl.

The older saw the look of worry on the girls face and knew exactly what that look meant. If she didn't make it home in time she would surely go to bed hungry. 

"Max!" She shouted causing the young girl to look beside her and see the calm face of one her 'stalkers' siblings. Stopping she looked at Mavis with furrowed eyebrows, curious as to why her step brothers so called 'girlfriend' had called out to her.

"Yeah?" She asked as the car stopped beside her.

"You remember me right? Dustin-"

"Yeah I remember you, my step-brother talks about you a lot." She said flatly as she looked at the setting sun with worry and anxiousness written on her face. Taking note of her expression Mavis decided to get straight to the point.

"Well uh, do you need a ride?"Looking at the road a head of her she noticed that she wasn't even half way there yet. Giving her a questionable look the red head tried to make a fast yet smart decision. On one hand she barely knew Mavis and didn't really know why she was offering her a ride when all she knew was her name as well as her brother who she barely knew also. But on the other hand, she couldn't be late again.

"Just get in." The brunette smiled. Letting out a sigh she gave her a thankful look before shoving her skateboard in the back seat. Hopping up front she slammed the door shut and guided the driver to her destination. 

The entire ride there the younger kept silent, anger over taking her face as she stared out the window with piercing blue eyes. Knowing what it was like to be ditched like that Mavis let out a soft sigh and continued to grit her teeth in anger as well, however it wasn't matched to that of the red head.

"You have every right to be mad at Billy, even I'm mad at him and I barely know the guy!...he told me that you would be fine on your own but I didn't believe him. He asked me why I cared and I said: 'because she may not be your sister but she's still family and you never leave family behind'...then I flipped him off." the short and brief speech got Max smiling a bit again, especially the last part. She knew that deep down Billy despised her for reasons she didn't really know herself, and she hated him too but they were family now whether they liked it or not. And so they were now forced to put up with one another. 

"I know, but I was surprised when you offered me a ride home...None of his girlfriends are ever nice to me, which I don't mind...but why you?" She asked as she looked over at Mavis for the first time since getting in the car. 

"Because I have a brother your age.Dustin is all I have, with the exception of our mom of course, but even then I still have to look out for him. Even if he's old enough to take care of himself I still have to watch out for him not because he's my brother but because it's my job. I have to be there for him every step of the way no matter what." Looking from the driver to the road a head Max processed her words deeply. Was the creep with the curls really related to this almost magical human being? She said to herself as she noticed the familiar street sign and houses that lined both sides of the road. Suddenly feeling as though this might be the last time she got a private moment with the teen Max began to think that maybe her and Mavis could become friends? She seemed cool and her dislike for Billy played a huge factor in her liking towards her. However Dustin was a problem...but a problem she would willingly accept if it meant talking to her again.

Unfortunately time flies by when you have such an interesting conversation like those two had. Before Max knew it Mavis was now parked out front of her house, luckily her mother and step-fathers car weren't in the drive way yet meaning she wouldn't get questioned by the two of them, something she was internally grateful for. 

But before Max got out, Mavis reached in the back seat and handed her an empty sketch book, brand spanking new and never before used. Looking at it funnily the red head turned it over in her hands before raising a questioning eyebrow at the woman.

"Drawing is what usually helps take the anger out of me, and I encourage you to draw your anger." Smiling slightly the girl shook her head in refusal before handing it back to her.

"I don't know how." Holding her hand up she shook her head.

"It doesn't matter if you don't or do know how. All it takes is a little bit of creativity and an open mind I know it sounds cliché but it works." Running her finger tips over the soft leather cover she looked up at Mavis who gave her a thumbs up and sweet smile, making her smile widen even more something she hadn't done since the move. 

"Thank you Mavis I appreciate it, I really do." But she just shook her head and gave a slight shrug.

"No biggie. I wish you luck with shithead over there." She said as she nodded to the front door where Billy stood with a pair of work out shorts and a white, sweat stained, muscle t-shirt. blonde hair matted and muscles bulging slightly as he tried to show off to Mavis in hopes of impressing her. But instead she just rolled her eyes and pulled out her pack of cigarettes before lighting one with the lighter she got from her leather jacket pocket. 

"I'll be fine. But thanks again Mavis, oh! and tell your stalker brother I said 'to stop stalking me'." She said with a light laugh. Snorting at the comment the woman tapped the ash of her ciggie out the open drivers side window before giving her a nod. Knowing how her brother got with girls and his somewhat adorable awkwardness she knew he was only trying his best to make friends no matter how odd his methods were.

"Will do, see you around Max and if you ever-and I mean ever need someone to talk to or just need a ride I'm always around." She said as she grabbed a pen and piece of paper from the glove compartment before scribbling her phone number down and handing it to her in the form of a fist bump.Not wanting Billy to have it Max quickly caught on and fist bumped her back before dropping the paper into her palm. Quickly opening the cover of her sketch book she slipped the digits onto it before closing it swiftly as to not let it fly away. 

"Thanks, see you around." And with that she shut the door of the Impala and walked towards the front door. Brushing by the blonde Billy purposely shoved her into the house and watched as she stumbled slightly from the force. Smirking he turned to see Mavis flip him off for the second time that day before driving off. 

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