💉18💉 Finding Dart

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"what did you do to her?" Max asked as Billy drove towards the local arcade. Ever since Billy had come to pick her up from their home Max had been bugging Billy to tell her what happened between him and Mavis. Wave's of different emotions crashed over her as soon as she opened the car door: anger, greed, sadness and strangely enough happiness. Eerily enough she knew her step-brother didn't feel happiness unless it was receiving a new car part in the mail or he inflicted some kind of pain onto someone. But since he didn't get a package in the mail it was obviously the second option.

"nothing dip shit, I just asked her to prom," he said as he lit a cigarette. Glancing over at the young girl he blew the smoke in Maxes face causing her to cough and scrunch up her nose in disgust. the strong scent making her eyes water as well. Glaring at him she let out another cough before giving him a snarky reply:

"A-And I'm guessing she said no," she coughed. Glaring at her evilly he took another drag from his cigarette, before looking at the long and seemingly never-ending roads of Hawkins. He thought back to her refusal and how strong she was with her reply, then smirked to himself remembering how she ultimately collapsed and gave in to his thunderous rage. Snapping himself back to reality he frowned at the young girls' comment before picking the conversation back up again.

"she said yes, you little shit. And you better not do something or anything that can get me in trouble so I won't be able to go," he warned as he pointed a menacing finger at her, through his dark aviators she could feel his harsh gaze on her and decided to drop the topic altogether. 

But it didn't sit right with her at all. After all the stuff that Mavis had said to her when she dropped her off at her house along with the way she reacted when Billy shouted at her to tell him that she "belonged" to him. She didn't understand why she was suddenly agreeing to be his after fighting and resisting him so much. To all of a sudden drop her stubborn ways and be with her awful step-brother didn't sound like the Mavis she knew, even though she hadn't known her long she felt like her step-sibling had done something horrible and tragic in order for her to go along with his devious plans. But instead of risking something she valued to become broken she decided not to press on about it any further.

upon there arrival to the arcade, Billy gave her, her usual warning while she gave back her usual answer. Relentlessly she tried to think of a good enough explanation for her friends' behavior but instantly chose against it no matter how much it bit and scratched at the back of her mind. Slamming the car door shut Billy quickly drove away all the while Max angrily stormed inside the arcade. Always seeking for her favorite game as her stress reliever, but when she got to it a sign on the screen wrote out: out of order. Letting out a frustrated groan she looked over at Kieth, one of the few people that worked at the game center. Leaning against one of the nearby machines he happily munched away at his Cheetos until he noticed the heated little girl in front of him.

"sorry mad Max, the motherboard is jammed, but fear not I have you all set up in the back. follow me," he said through chews, as he gestured for her to follow him towards the back of the store. Max, not caring where or how she played eagerly followed behind until they made it to the back room with a door that said: "staff only".

"hold these," he said as he handed her the bag of Cheetos. Grabbing the bag impatiently she watched as he grabbed a small array of keys from his back pocket and slowly flip through them until he found the right one. Putting it in the keyhole he unlocked the door and pushed it open, handing the bag back to Kieth she walked in hoping to get some peace and quiet as she played her game. But nope, there sat Lucas, who was waiting patiently for Maxes arrival to tell her all the information he knew about the upside down, El, why they call Will zombie boy.



"I don't see why we can't just drop the conversation!" Mavis spat, as she threw more raw meat onto the rusty and barren train tracks. Eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as she tried to pass over the subject of what happened between her and Billy. Ever since it happened Steve had been begging her to give some sort of explanation as to why his enemy was even here in the first place. But nope, she kept her lips locked and sealed along with the memory of it all. All of it was tucked away in the little box of things she hated to reminisce about.

while Steve pried for answers Dustin kept his concentration on the findings of the baby demogorgan. He asked his sister only once about what happened but when she replied with no answer he knew not to go any further. His sister was like a blank sheet of paper, she kept to herself, on occasions like this because she knew that in her mind showing emotion made you weak. And that was something Mavis was not. 

"because you were a crying and hysterical mess like an hour ago!" he snapped back as he looked at her with sad brown eyes. Steve yearned to figure out what happened to his friend ,who, was a complete and utter mess a mere hour ago. Her eyes were still a bit glossy due to crying so heavily, her throat sore as she screamed for Billy to stop ripping at her precious works of art. she was a disastrous mess and instead of pouring out her emotions like he thought she would he was instead shut out completely. At this point, he was pleading with Mavis for answers that were never going to be given, and so for that, he became upset.

"can you two please stop shouting! or else we're gonna scare Dart away!" Dustin whisper-shouted to the two friends who were flushed red with frustration. Letting out an angry sigh Steve continued to throw bits of raw meat on the ground. Eyes downcast as he looked at the forest floor, every so often he glanced over at Mavis who was conflicted between anger and sadness. her bottom lip in between her teeth and eyebrows furrowing every so often as she held back the emotions that were fighting to break through.

she was a mess, but a beautiful mess in his eyes.

"so Dustin what's going on with you and Max?" his sister piped up as she looked up at her curly-haired sibling. His cheeks instantly turning into a dusty pink at the mention of the name as well as making his heart skip a beat every time he heard it. Eyeing the tinge in his cheeks a wild smile creep on her lips, the smile making both men look at her weirdly.

"w-we're just f-friends," he stuttered as he looked back at the way they came, in case Dart snuck up on them and tried to eat their faces off. Or to cover up the fact that his blush had grown a deeper pink, either way, it wasn't fooling anyone.

"Who's Max?" Steve asked as he looked at the two siblings curiously. The oldest looked over and let out a light laugh at her brothers' sudden shy behavior.

"a girl at school. that he likes," she said as she smiled at her brother who gave her a death glare. a stern frown planted on his lips as he eyed his sister evilly seeing as how she was just blurting out his business to Steve without his permission.

"what? I can't tell people that my little bro has a crush on a girl?!" she giggled as she said the sentence a bit louder. Watching his face turn bright red with embarrassment made the girl laugh with amusement as she loved to annoy him with the fact he had a crush.

"yeah, so what? she probably doesn't even like me. I wanted her to so thats why I kept Dart," he muttered as he dropped a handful of meat on the ground. Shaking her head Mavis sighed and tisked her brother for his stupid idea.

"dude no girl in the world would ever find that thing cool, not even me. and I find people getting hurt tragically amusing." Mavis said as she looked from her brother to the raw meat that was strewn about the ground. 

"don't think that way man, any girl would be lucky to have you. trust me with a face like that girls will be all over you." Steve said as he looked back at the embarrassed kid with hope-filled eyes. Feeling his confidence suddenly rise just a bit, Dustin smiled to himself and began to throw more meat on the ground as he thought of all the girls that would come running to him during the snowball that was vastly approaching.

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