💉 20💉 Paralyzing Fear

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A known enemy to those that were trapped inside the broken down bus miles away from any city life or the closet phone to dial for help. 

Loud, ear piercing screeching rang through out the junkyard, causing the child to press further into the corner of the vehicle, paralyzed with fear as he watched the two teenagers slowly walk off the bus, eyes scanning high and low for any sign of the thing that made the cry, as they stood back to back weapons in hand with darkness and fog clouding the dangerous thing or things that became hidden. 

Standing close by Dustin never looked away from his sisters form, too scared to even blink in fear she would suddenly vanish into thin air. All the while Max and Lucas still sat on the roof watching the two, the major height advantage gave them a good view of the dark and foggy area making it ideal for them to be the two teens look outs.  

Clinging on tightly to his binoculars Lucas scanned the area thoroughly so far nothing, until another loud screech erupted from the fog but this time it was a lot closer. 

"Please tell me you heard that." Mavis whispered as her eyes darted every which way, trying to see through the mist what made that noise. Nodding, Steve felt his breath hitch slightly as he felt a sudden rush of fear flow through his body, causing him to break out in a nervous sweat.

  Every footstep they made, every breath they took made them jolt and almost scream in fear.But the pair knew they had to be strong, they had to protect the kids with their lives and in no way were they willing to lose any one of them. 

"Yeah, totally." Steve whispered as he started to whistle to the creature just like one might do with a dog. Rolling her eyes she began to follow his lead hoping to draw it out from where ever it was hiding.

"Come, on buddy."  Steve whistled.

" We taste better than cat. Promise," Mavis nervously laughed as she lightly swung her axe from side to side.

"Here, monster ,monster, monster."Her voice coming out in a shaky and vulnerable tone as the two paused for a moment to listen to the low and eerie growl of Dart. Feeling her mouth run dry and color drain from her face Mavis suddenly spotted its body shining in the moonlight, nudging Steves back with her elbow he glanced over at what she was looking at and gulped. Reading their weapons they slowly made their way towards it ,not even daring to breath or whisper a single word to one another.

"GUYS LOOK OUT! THREE'O CLOCK!, THREE O'CLOCK!" Looking a head at the creature that seemed ready to pounce at any second, showed that he was not alone in his endeavors as he had guests with him. Unable to take out all four of those things with just the two of them Dustin shouted for them to forget about the whole plan and just run. 

"ABORT! ABORT! RUN! RUN!" Not being the one to stick around and see if those things would really attack she grabbed Steves arm and started running towards the bus at full speed, the creatures hot on their tails as the two teens flung themselves inside of the bus before having the doors slam shut, max and Lucas copying them as they retreated from the roof. The force of the monsters knocking against the safe haven sent everybody flying to the opposite side. Loud thuds and screams of terror erupted from every which way as Mavis and Steve realized that those things could easily enter from the open emergency hatch above them. Shoving the kids behind her Steve walked towards the emergency exit, his gaze meeting that of the thing that caused the noise from above. 

"YOU WANT SOME! COME GET SOME!" He shouted as he went to hit the thing but suddenly it looked away from him and instead off into the distance. Something was calling to it making his previous actions become ignored as the monster leaped off the bus and ran into the forest along with the others. 

Leaving the night still and quiet once again.

 Letting out a sigh of relief Mavis looked to the group of kids and gave them a brief look over to make sure they were okay and luckily enough they were just fine. 

A little scared, but fine.

"I-Is everyone okay?" She asked as she looked from the kids to Steve who was still staring up at the emergency exit with confused eyes. Nodding they all let out a breathless, "yes" causing her to give them a relieved sigh. 

 Before following her friends gaze, along with the others who all  looked up and saw nothing but the starry night sky which to some would be peaceful and calming but to them they were anything but calm, they were the complete opposite.

"Something must have called them off." Mavis whispered as she lightly pushed her friend aside and started to slowly climb up the ladder. Shaking his head Steve grabbed on to her forearm causing her to look back in confusion.

"Are you fucking crazy?" He whispered harshly.

"To some extent, yeah." She said as she looked back to the group of kids who were practically begging her not to investigate but she ignored them, and pulled herself out of Steve's surprisingly tight grip. Peaking her head up she slowly looked around the surface and saw no sign of the monster except for a few dents and claw marks. 

"Lucas toss me your binoculars." She said as she reached her hand down to grab them. Putting them in her hands she held them up to her eyes and continued to scan far off in to the direction of where the things ran. Squinting her eyes slightly she was able to spot a faint red light shining in the distance, confused as to why they would go into the specific direction she tried to rack her brain for an explanation until it finally hit her. 

"Oh shit." She mumbled as she climbed down the ladder and handed the binoculars back to Lucas. Him and everybody else looked at her funnily and raised their eyebrows in question as they watched the teen grab her axe and walk off the bus with no hesitation in her footsteps for what could still be lurking out in the open.

"W-What's wrong?" Max asked as she saw the frantic look on her friends face, quickly everyone followed her off the bus pleading with the silent woman to tell them what was going on. 

"I know where they're headed." She said as she searched for the rail road which was going in the same direction as the flashing light.

"Where?" Steve asked as he caught up with her fast pace. Suddenly realizing she was caught up in her thoughts and next plan of action she stopped and looked from Steve to the kids her eyes heavy and tired from just the thought of that damned building. The building of where their poor friend was housed for years, being tested on like an animal, poked and prodded at like some weird object. 

"The laboratory."

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