?22? some unholy war

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time was nearly approaching, approaching for what? his date. well unofficial date. he thought that tonight would be the perfect night to take Mavis on a surprise date. he knew that he had been acting like a dick lately and that was partly his fault, so he decided to make it up to her by taking her to dinner then a movie. he thought that tonight he would play the role of the good guy and earn the title "the greatest boyfriend ever". for once he actually cared about someone other than himself, so for that he was determined not to screw things up even more than he already had.

checking his reflection one last time he smiled to himself, admiring what he saw he went to light another cancer stick when a knock came upon his door. rolling his eyes he put the lighter down and looked over at the shut door.

"I'm a little busy in here Susan!" he called back as he reached for his bottle of cologne and splashing a large amount of it on himself. giving his reflection a wink he frowned at the sound of the profound voice of his father from behind the door.

"open this door right now!" sighing, he rolled his eyes and walked over to the shut door. in his mind he thought it was most likely something stupid that he did like skipping class that made his father angry, so he reluctantly opened the door. upon answering it the two parents looked very upset at the man before them.

the mother, whom was Max's mom. had a worried look on her face, coming home from a day out with her husband she found that her daughter was missing from her room. finding the window was left open in her bedroom she speculated that Max was missing, asking her step-son where she was made no difference in her worried expression, in fact it made her worry even more.

the father, on the other hand, whom was Billy's dad did not however accept his sons attitude towards his new step-mom. the level of disrespect that he was receiving was enough for him to have a good reason to kick his sons ass. but what was an even better reason was the fact his step-daughter was missing when he specifically asked Billy to be in charge. but since he failed him and his step-mother it only ruled the boiling rage deep with in him.

"yeah?" he questioned with his eyebrow raised, clearly pissed off about the fact he was being interrupted by his parents when he was just about to head out for his first official date with the girl of his dreams. he had been waiting for the right moment to pursue his dream and tonight was the night he was going to go for it. no matter who or what got in the way.

"have you seen Maxine? we can't find her anywhere and her window was left open." Susan said as she stood by the bedroom door while watching her husband walk into the room. invading Billy's personal space was never a good thing in the eyes of a young adult, just like Mavis it was his own domain where he was free to do whatever he wanted. but at the moment his domain was invaded by an unwanted presence who watched as his son continued to ready himself for the date.

"no." he rushed as he grabbed his jacket from the inside of his closet. ever so slowly Billy was becoming over heated by his father's harsh glare and invasion of privacy. not only that but seeing as how he was already three hours late to pick up Mavis. even though it was unexpected he knew that she would be home painting and becoming the artist that she was, if he could he would love to throw the whole date out the window and just sit in her room and watch her silently create master pieces of all kinds. but sitting and watching the love his life express herself in ways he couldn't believe wasn't going to help make things better for them.

"she just probably went to the arcade or something." he shrugged as he slipped his jacket on, making sure his curls weren't caught in between it and the shirt. getting closer to his son Neil watched as his temper grew and grew his face becoming red due to the hostile behavior he was receiving.

"but you were supposed to watch her." his dad said as he crossed his arms over his chest. his voice had become eerily calm making his wife, Susan fear for the worst as she stood back and watched the event unfold before her.

"I know dad but, you guys were three hours late and I also have a date tonight." he said as he grabbed his car keys and wallet off of his night stand. checking the time on his watch he bit his lip and went to walk out his room and disappear into the night, with his lovely lady by his side as they endured the nightly adventures waiting for them. but his dreams slowly began to shatter as his father blocked his path.

"so, instead of watching your sister you were staring at your reflection?" the more questions that came from Neil the more agitated Billy was becoming. he could feel the heat rush to his cheeks as he finally snapped at his father, becoming fed up with being late and all the random questions he didn't know the answer to. all he wanted was Mavis but the force blocking him resisted him from leaving his spot.

"I have been watching her all week dad! if she wants to run off let her! she doesn't need a full time babysitter!" that was the boiling point. as soon as the sentence left his lips. the older pinned the younger against the wall, making sure to smack him across the face in the process. Susan gasped at the sight and squeezed her eyes shut, not being able to bear the sight of such abuse.

"what did we talk about?" he said sternly as he glanced at the young man in front of him. blue bored into brown as Billy kept his mouth shut which was not the answering the older was expecting. smacking him again he leaned in closer hoping that this time he would get an answer from the younger.

"what. did. we. talk. about." holding back his tears in fear of seeing weak in the eyes of his superior. not being able to withstand the sound of his voice cracking he whispered back his response:

"respect and responsibility." he mumbled as he tried hard not to whimper out any of his words. his dream date was now burning in front of his eyes as he knew he was about to take the beating of a life time. nodding his head Billy noticed the visible veins popping from his dads neck, the dim light of his desk high lighted the frown set on his face.

"that is correct. now, apologize to Susan." never taking his eyes off his dad, or daring to move a single muscle he called out to her with his voice still in a whisper.

"I'm sorry Susan." glancing over at the two men she tried to help ease the situation in any way she could.she hated for things to get too ugly between the two knowing it would do no-good but only cause more pain than harm. but she knew better than that, it would do no justice so she continued to be a silent standby.

"Niel it's o-okay!" she reasoned as she glanced back down at the floor.

"no it's not! nothing about his behavior is okay!" he shouted in Billy's face, both eyes never lost sight of each other as Neil continued to be in the way of his frightened son. taking in a deep breath he suddenly backed off, looking into the terrified eyes of his fiancé he sighed and took a step back. looking at his dad suspiciously with tears still burning in his eyes he thought about all the possible things he was going to do to him. but instead he did nothing, the veins in his neck reduced to nothing, his face was slowly turning back to it's natural color. the voice he spoke with now calm as he continued to look at his fiancé for his source of restraint.

"And you know what he's gonna do?, he's gonna call whatever whore he's seeing tonight-" that was the last straw for him.no longer did the young man feel hurt or upset, but instead he became enraged. The insult to the beautiful girl struck a major nerve within him, instead of obeying his father and doing what he had been asked Billy shoved him away blinking back his tears that were threatening to spill.

"SHES NOT A WHORE! FOR ONCE SOMEONE I ACTUALLY LOVE ISN'T A WHORE! SHES AN ARTIST!, A REBEL!, AN ANGEL FOR FUCKS SAKES! SHES NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THE DEFINITION OF A WHORE! SHES A FUCKING BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART AND IF YOU CAN'T SEE THAT WELL THEN FUCK YOU!" Not even having the time to react to what was just said Billy ran out of the house and to his car all the while his father began to scream and shout for him to come back. And if he didn't he would surely be sorry. but the threats fell upon deaf ears as the young man became a whirl wind of emotions. to worked up to even care what his father was saying he drove off into the night to find his bitch of a step-sister and hopefully retrieve the love of his life.

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