💉45💉 thank you friends

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"MIIIKKKEEE! MIKE!" Dustin shouted as he banged on the glass front door of the Wheeler home. while my mother said her 'hellos' to the Wheeler family, Dustin ran in and began to scream frantically about a present he had gotten for the group which was out front. and that gift was me. i was a bit nervous to say the least, i didn't know how much these kids have grown in the last year that i was here. i didn't even know if they still remembered me! but of course they would have since i left such a huge imprint on their little lives. but who knows. my thoughts consumed my mind like a nasty fog as i leaned up against my good ole impala, but the shrill cries of children pulled me away from all the thinking and instead directed my attention towards the pounding footsteps and cheers of missed loved ones.





shaking my head at all the jumbled words and sentences i shushed all of them until they became quiet. well part of the way.

"one at a time please, one at a time."

"we missed you! we missed you so much!" Mike spoke as he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me as tightly as he could, the others murmured in agreement as they too huddled around me with great love and admiration. as i looked around at sunburnt faces i began to realize how big and grown they all had gotten. they were now almost my exact height with deep voices, but not too deep, each boy still had their boyish charm and Max and Jane grew even more beautiful over the passing months. though it was only a year i felt like i had missed so much, it looked as though i had and i almost regretted going away and leaving them here. but we all knew it was for the best, they would have to learn how to fend for themselves now and i would to and by the looks of it they were doing just fine with out me.

"i missed you guys too! it's been a long and stressful year with out you guys. but now i'm back-"

"for good!?" Will said hopefully as he looked at me with shining sky blue eyes. giving him a sad smile i shook my head and watched the spark die out into nothing. i know these kids wanted nothing more than to have me back into their lives again and create one big happy family, but it couldn't work out that way. i had plans to move over to England and work in a local tattoo shop from there, i would be thousands of miles away from Indiana and a thousand miles away from these kids who i love and cherish like they are my own. it would hurt, it would kill me deep down, but again, we all knew that this would be for the good of it. all i could do now was cherish this moment for the rest of my life.

"no, not for good. but i will be here for the remaining week so let's try and enjoy it, yeah? now next q-"

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! NO WAY!"  glancing up at the shrill scream, i smiled and ran to the person who could never give up at me, and always thrusted me into new and exciting adventures. dear god i forgot about her! how could i forget about her!? my fairy godmother and definition of a best friend, Nancy god damn Wheeler.

"BEST FRIEND!" i screamed.

"BEST FRIEND!" she screamed back as we embraced each other so hard that we fell on the grassy floor. both of us rolling over one another laughing and giggling like a bunch of idiots.

"oh my god look at you did you loose weight?" she gushed as she looked at my slightly disproportionate body.

"i did! and your hair oh! it looks beautiful!"i smiled as i fluffed her shoulder length light brown hair. giggling she shook her head and smiled at me as we both took a step back to observe one another's changed appearances. She grew a couple of inches since I had last seen her, and she certainly seemed more of an independent spirit than I remember.

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