?13? turn on and turn off

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"I hate it when you don't listen to me." He growled as they walked down the hallway together. people scattered away from them, quickly making a path for the two. Having him around her was like a celebrity with a bodyguard, who is also her 'boyfriend'. He hustled her everywhere, held her hand or wrapped his arm around her waist. he threatened people's lives if they opened their mouths to speak to her. harsh, cold glares were often given if one looked at them wrong, The whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing was not working out for her and people were quickly starting to notice it.

"Do I ever listen to you?" She mumbled as she walked up to her locker,delicately twisting the lock left ,right, left until the metal door opened to reveal all sorts of papers and books.Some books nobody has even heard of because they were so old. sparking his curiosity Billy reached up, grabbing a random one before blowing the dust off it and reading the title aloud.

"A clockwork orange? The hell is this?" He said as he threw the book back in the locker. Angrily Mavis punched him in the chest, grabbed her books and slammed it shut before quickly walking away. the clear insult of her favorite novel making her face become heated with frustration, she knew he would never have respect for the simple things she loved like art and books. such things that sparked her interest never sparked his making her question why he was so attracted to her if she found such things so moving.

but shaking her head at his attractive pull towards her she put it aside and decided to question him on last night. the very remembrance of the night before left an everlasting scar in her mind, she dreaded the very thought of discussing it. but it was the only way she would get her answers, she knew Billy wasn't going to mention it since he wanted to know if she remembered anything about the night before. lucky for him she remembered every little detail.

"so I went home last night," She began as she looked up at him with a slight glare. nodding in response he glanced darkly from person to person making them look away quickly. sighing lightly she hit his arm once again to draw away from his devilish stare and instead look to her. snapping his attention to her he already knew what to say next, in order to show her that he was, in fact, listening to her.

"Oh, I know. you went off with some kid and Harringtons girl. I thought I told you to stick by me the entire night." he growled lowly as they continued to walk down the hall to her first class while also trying her hardest to avoid the looks people were giving them. regardless of his harsh glare people continued to stare behind their backs some of anger, jealousy and surprisingly worry.

most people had already adapted a reputation for him. but Mavis already had one way before she met him. considering how opposite the two were it worried some people that it would change the good-hearted Mavis for good, but others thought differently. the other half believed she would change Billy, change his whole attitude towards his bad boy rep or the way he thought of himself and others around him. but either way one of them was going to change and they were both very stubborn about the fact of change.

"Yeah well, shit happens. by the way, did you happen to, oh, I don't know sneak in my fucking room last night!?" she snapped causing him to become taken aback by her sudden shift in mood. stopping outside the art room door he licked his lips, amusement shower in his eyes as he looked from the floor to her, her face twisted with fright as she began to back away from him.

Finding what she thought at first was a horrible dream was, in fact, a reality scared her to no end. she told herself that yesterday was just a terrible nightmare that she had, but sadly it was the complete opposite. it was all so real and all so terrifying.

"what? I can't kiss my girlfriend goodnight." he grinned causing her give him a terrified look and quickly walk into her classroom. while Billy casually walked behind her admiring how frightened she looked, how vulnerable she was now since he had claimed her in front of everyone at Hawkins along with the threat of bashing their faces into the ground if they dared look at her in such a way that he didn't like. all of her friends were gone all because of this madman who "loved" her.

"You know what sugar pop," he said as he took a seat beside her little setup. eyes watching her move from the table to the back counter with various paint colors strewn across the top. once she came back to the table he grabbed her hand and pulled her down to his eye level.

" it makes no god damn point in you running away from me, if we have the same class together and if you see me every day, so why don't you just give up!" He growled in her ear, people eyed them with jealousy or concern. looking at the mixed expressions people were giving them she ripped herself out of his grip and continued getting her supplies together, while Billy just watched her. admiring her beauty and how quickly she could whip out her supplies and begin working it was like in a way she was prepared for moments like this wherever and whenever.

tying her long curly hair up into a high ponytail she pulled out her black, thick-rimmed glasses putting them on she began to see her canvas a bit more clearly. her nearsightedness getting the best of her as she observed all the tiny little details in the painting. whether it was tweaking things or adding things she was a little blind close up.

never knowing she had poor eyesight he looked at her funnily. the thick frames made her eyes look bigger in a comedic way, but to him, it gave him full access to see what he thought were stars in her eyes.

"I didn't know you wore glasses." he pointed out as he got real close to her concentrated face, glancing over at him she took her brush and streaked his face with the yellow paint. jolting back he wiped at the spot with the back of his hand and chuckled slightly. every little action she did that caused a touch between them made him instantly jolt with electricity.

"hoping that's a major turn off for you," she said as she looked around the table in search of the thinnest tipped brush she had in her set. but yet couldn't find it at all, making her feel worried that she would have to finish her piece tomorrow even though the deadline was today.

"damn it, son of a bitch where the fuck did that brush go?" she groaned as she looked under the table in search of the missing brush, but immediately let out a low growl when she heard a voice clear itself. she slowly looked up and saw the brush she needed in between his teeth much like one would do with a rose.

Romantic in one way, disgusting in another.

"I would very much appreciate it if you gave me back my paintbrush." shaking his head he took it out from between his teeth before tapping his lips, signaling he wanted a kiss. shaking her head and rolling her eyes at Billy's ridiculous attitude she went to reach for the brush but he held it far away from her reach, making her have to tackle him in order to get it back which she refused to do.

"please don't make me," she whined as she threw her glasses down on the table in frustration. today was not Mavis's day and Billy was only making it worse. he purposely wanted to piss her off just to see what she would do. if she really had the guts to punch him in the face like she had claimed many times before, seeing his lovely lady get heated always turned him on. last night and previous days before proved that.

"kiss me first," he said teasingly as he waved the brush in her face. growling lowly to show she was in no mood for his flirtatious ways she grabbed his wrist, leaned in and kissed him quickly before retrieving the brush and painting once again. ignoring the fact that his lips were soft and sweet or that his cheeks had turned a light shade of pink she continued back to her work.

Billy looked to be in a daze as he smiled a goofy, lazy smile and just sat back with his head on the table watching her create masterpiece after masterpiece. eyes transfixed on the canvas like it was a book, scanning, looking from every direction, her breath hitching ever so slightly when she added a fine line of detail then letting it out once she realized she had lost her breath. just sitting and watching her made him instantly relax, his stress was put aside as he continuously watched the girl of his dreams paint hills and valleys he's never seen before, a sky he thought he would never see in a million years. he knew that deep down what he was feeling was actually love, not something he was very fond of but with her it was natural.

"and by the way, I don't think the glasses are a turnoff. if anything they make me want you more and more."

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