💉47💉 BONUS chapter - Beautiful Boy - 🛑 SPOILERS! 🛑

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I would also like to thank all my readers for helping me reach my goal of 100K views! i never thought that in the span of the five years that i have been writing stories on here that i would reach this goal! thank you all so much i love you!~ Natalia💕


"Hey Mav, you got a phone call." Putting my glasses on the top of my head I looked away from my watercolor self-portrait and glanced over at my dorm mate who gestured to the phones outside of our rooms. Giving her a thankful smile I got up and made a light jog to the only phone that was off the hook.  

"Thanks Andrea." I called as I watched her give me a thumbs up before disappearing back into our room. 

Smirking in thought about who it is that was calling me since he usually calls at this hour anyway, it's been a week since our last talk anyway. Grabbing the phone that was on top of the phone box I held it to my ear and let out a heavy sigh,

"Yes?" Although I may have sounded irritated in truth I wasn't I was in fact happy, I just always made it seem like a bother just to make it seem like I was extremely busy, which I was but I didn't care.

"Hey Mav, you uh...gotta minute?" Furrowing my eyebrows at the saddened voice of Mad Max I  leaned back against the wall stone wall behind me and began to anxiously play with the phone cord, my eyes focused on the cord that twisted itself around my stained hands.

"Hey kiddo, whats with the sad voice?" 

" It's about uh...Billy..." Quickly my ears perked up in attention at the name. Feeling my cheeks burn with a boiling anger i clenched my fist and breathed out an aggressive sigh. I was stupid to believe that men like him could actually change, I really thought that moment we shared during the forth of July party proved that. I played myself, my poor gullible self. 

"Billy? What the fuck did he do?! I swear to go-"


My heart stopped.

"Mav? y-you okay?"

My breathing had stopped.

My stomach churned.

My brain malfunctioned.

My emotions flickered to every which way.

I was...nothing.

I could feel nothing

"...Y-Yeah I'm fine just...uh...how?" Did he die like Barb? in the upside down? Maybe even like Bob being devoured by a supernatural force? or maybe something natural like a heart attack? there were so many possibilities that it made my head spin.

"Long story." She whispered, which confirmed my suspicions of supernatural forces. Nodding I sighed and looked down at the ground, my arm now wrapped comfortingly around my stomach as turned myself away from the open hallway and instead into the small confined space of the phone box.

"Oh." Was all I could say as this sudden wave of numbness left me soaked in a feeling of emptiness.

"The funeral is this Friday if you want to come."

Want to?

 I need to.

"It would really be great if you could-"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll uh...definitely be down there when I can."Taking in a sharp breath I felt my stomach suddenly twist once again, a lump slowly began to take shape in my throat as I suddenly found it hard to breath or even speak.

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