?19? too good to be evil

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Yeah so I got my story back! That's all good! ~Natalia💕

"I radioed into Lucas he should be here soon," Dustin said as he and his sister helped Steve pour some of the leftover raw meat they had into a pile. the group ended up making a plan to draw dart out of the woods by leaving pieces of meat on the ground leading to the abandoned junkyard, where they planned to bash his body to pieces and be done!

no more Demogorgon!, no more upside! no more trouble! everything would just go back to the way it was, well almost with the exception of Billy still ruining Mavis's life. at this point, she knew that she couldn't give up and give in but sadly that's what she did. she gave up against the fight for her freedom, the people around her continued to silently cheer her on but she was weak, she was vulnerable but worst of all she was empty.

"Hey!, I said medium well!" shouted a voice from the distance.  the familiar sound of the voice caused the three friends to look over and spot two more familiar faces. smiling as wide as she could to hopefully surpass her heartache, she waved to the two as they rode down the small hill on Lucas's bike putting down the now empty bucket she walked over to the pair giving them both a fist bump and friendly smile.

"Lucas give my brother a hand, please? I need to talk to Max." always been one to obey the olders' orders to make her happy Lucas nodded and biked past the two girls. once at a fair enough distance she looked down at the small child before her and with an almost serious tone asked:

"you know what's going on?" she asked as she looked back over at Dustin and Lucas who looked to be in the midst of an argument. most likely over the fact that Max was here and that she shouldn't be involved with this whole mess but was anyhow. even though nobody outside the party was to know about the lab and the Demogorgon's he thought she had the right to know, even if they were all sworn to secrecy by the government not to say a word to anybody or they would all be killed.

she remembered the day she discovered her brothers secret like it was yesterday. she remembered the time she first met Eleven and how curious she was about the world around her, never knowing more than the walls of the lab that had enclosed her all her life. she admired Mavis's work much like everybody did, she loved Eleven like a sister, even if they had just only met. whenever she could, Mavis would draw her just to remember what she looked like if she never saw her again, which she was starting to suspect sadly. all she seemed to remember now was just a scared, afraid and lonely little girl. but Mavis did always think back to the times she made her see that the world around her was beautiful, that she didn't have to be afraid. but now, every drawing she had of her was burned to ash, every memory was tucked away into that small little box in the back of her mind.nobody risked the chance of saying anything to anybody about her or the situation at hand. but now Lucas has risked his life to tell a girl outside of the party everything that had happened. everybody was at risk of being killed.

"Yeah, something about Demogrgans and stuff I-i don't know." she shrugged as she followed the older to the rusty old bus to help Steve pull out sheets of metal and steel to set up barriers outside the bus, where they would hide out at to wait for Darts arrival. smirking she picked up a piece of sheet metal and leaned it against the rusty exterior of the bus.

"you believe it?" she asked as she rubbed the dirt off of her hands and instead onto her pants which left light brown handprints on her blue jeans. letting out a light laugh Max nodded her head from side to side, she still though Lucas story was just ridiculous and unreal. but on the journey home from the arcade the more she thought about it the more she slowly began to believe it.

"not the slightest, I think it's a bear or maybe even a wild dog something along those lines." she shrugged as she went over to collect more pieces of metal. Mavis smiled slightly and nodded her head in understanding. she knew the whole scenario must sound crazy in every way but truth be told this was all real and very scary.

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