💉24💉 coming for blood

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"this chapter is shit. I am so sorry."~Natalia💕

"so...like the Germans? right?" Steve piped up making everyone around him give a confused look. seeing as how he was trying to understand all this the best he could but was failing miserably.

"don't you mean the nazis?" Mavis asked as she put a hand on her hip, he looked from her to the manual and slowly nodded his head. a light red tint staining his cheeks as he tried to cover up his embarrassment.

"y-yeah thats what I meant..." he trailed off as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. around the room people groaned in annoyance until Dustin broke in and began to pick the conversation back up.

"if the Nazis were from another dimension then yeah, I guess. it uh views other races like ourselves as inferior to itself."

"it wants to spread, a-and take over other dimensions." Mike said as he looked around at everyone with in the house who was now crowded around the small kitchen table listening in on the plan.

"we are talking about the end of our world as we know it!" Lucas sad as he gave everyone around him a worried look. running a hand through her thick brown curls Mavis sighed and thought about all the things she would most likely lose in the fight for the win. her family, her friends, her art everything she knew and loved would be good as dead if they didn't do something fast. the whole town of Hawkins could be over run by those demo-dogs, or even worse the whole country.

"that's great...thats really great. Jesus Christ!" Steve groaned as he rubbed his temples and sighing in agitation over this life threatening matter. since he wasn't making things even better for the group or her, Mavis felt her blood nearly boil at his comment. she wouldn't admit to defeat, she would never. but to hear the people around her run around frantically like headless chickens she couldn't bear to hear it aloud.

"Steve get over it and just shut the fuck up please!" Mavis snapped. looking over at his stressed friend he saw visible rain clouds over her head. lighting and thunder rumbled around her like a halo as he attempted to not make things any worse than they already were.

"okay, so if this is the brain that controls everything, if we kill it than we kill everything it controls right?" Nancy asked as she looked from Dustin to Mike who nodded in agreement.


"so how do we kill this thing? shoot it with fire balls or something?" Hopper sighed as he to pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. shaking his head Dustin, announced his own solution to the problem.

"no. y-you summon an undead army, cuz t-they eat brains a-and zombies eat brains." slowly trailing off at the sight of his sisters harsh glare he quickly stopped and pursed his lips into straight line as he slowly looked away from her infuriating gaze.

"jesus fucking c-" Steve began again, but was quickly interrupted by Mike.

"we can't just shoot it with guns!"

"you don't know that!, you don't know anything!"Hopper snapped.

"we do know that those things killed what ever people were in that lab!" Lucas snapped back.

"we know the monsters are gonna molt again If we don't figure out a way to kill them soon!" Mavis said as she slammed her hands down on the table hoping to get order back in the room again.

"we also know those tunnels reach town." Mike said as he gave Mavis a calm look. he hoped to calm the angered teen down since he noticed she had been through a lot for the past couple of weeks. pinching the bridge of her nose she sighed heavily and leaned away from the table.

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