💉21💉 Howling And Prowling

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Eyes snapped every which way whenever the smallest sound was made, while the small group followed the train tracks to the lab, the only guiding light they had being the moonlight and their flashlights. With Steve guarding the back, and the kids in the middle, Mavis stood as the leader, her paralyzing fear still present however slowly diminishing as she remembered facing much worse things than this.

 With Dustin and Lucas from behind, arguing over who's fault it was about Dart escaping, and Steve as the mediator, Max decided to take this time to catch up to the teenager.

"Hey, what I said back there I-I didn't mean to scare you if I did." The red head felt that she needed to say a few things to Mavis about the whole Billy situation, hopefully trying to make this one a bit more comforting than the last talk. 

She saw the faces the older girl made when she told her how much she meant to her step-brother, pure fear and worry filled her almost lifeless eyes as she tried not to break down into a screaming fit and burst into tears once again.Her fate was sealed to those who watched this 'romance' unfold, but Mavis was determined to fight hard for her freedom even if it meant costing her lively hood in the process. 

"It's fine you were only speaking the truth that's all." She said as she looked at the girl beside her a small sad smile etching its way onto her face. 

"I want you to fight this Mavis-" The red heads confidence made the teenager and even herself become quite shocked. Max knew Mavis was absolutely tourmented by him to the point of giving up, but she couldn't allow that to happen, she wouldn't. And so she continued to be a driving force to the teenager and push her along as much as she needed in order to beat this. 

"I fight. Hard. Very hard. And i'm met with nothing but an agonizing defeat," Mavis scoffed and shook her head, before running a hand over her tired face. 

"And yet I still continue to fight because if I want something bad enough I know not to give up, I'm almost there...I can feel it." Confused the red head squinted her eyes at the teenager and furrowed her brows.

"Feel what?" Smirking she looked down at her before looking back at the dark railroad ahead.But the sound of a rather loud howl raptured in the distance causing everyone to scream and jump frantically as they looked around in search of the source. 

"This way!" Mavis shouted as she began to run in the direction of the howl. Running off the tracks the leader pushed through various tree branches and falling leaves, with the kids following suit and Steve trailing closely behind. 

Knowing that following the noise was nothing but stupid and dangerous Max tried to protest to the now gone crowd but eventually went along with it seeing as how everyone was following Mavis's lead, the matter of their lives being put a risk nonexistent. The crunch of the brush of leaves and branches crinkled under their racing feet as they began to close in on the glowing building as well as the thing that made the howl.

 Adrenaline pumping through their veins as Mavis and Steve drew their weapons, until they made it out of the dense woods and into the hill side of the laboratory with an exhausted and confused Nancy and Jonathan standing before them. 

"Mavis? Steve?" Nancy questioned as she looked at the group in disbelief.

"Nancy? Jonathan?" Steve spoke breathlessly as he raised an eyebrow at them in curiosity. The friends looked at one another with pure confusion as they couldn't even begin to explain what each group was doing out here in the first place. 

"We came to find Mike and Will." Jonathan said as he looked from Nancy to Mavis.

"Is that why you guys are here?" Dustin piped up as he stood beside his sister, concern lacing his voice. Nodding the pair looked over at the security guard station, to the locked gates of the building. 

"We need to get in there." Lucas said as he yanked on the gates, hoping to attract someone in hopes of letting them in but it was useless the building looked vacant, with no lights on and no people walking about. 

Glancing back over at the unlock button Mavis ran in the guard booth and began to press the unlock button furiously. Shaking his head in dismay at his sisters slight stupidity Dustin ran into the station before shoving his sister aside and slamming his fist down on the same button. Soon enough the gates rumbled to life and pulled apart revealing a way in. 

She along with the others smiled and cheered in satisfaction, but it didn't last long when they noticed a car suddenly zooming beside them, glancing over,  Mavis noticed Jonathan and Nancy had pulled up in his car beside the station sticking her head out the window Nancy gestured to the building.

"Me and Jonathan are gonna drive up and see whats going on, you guys stay here." Not even waiting for a response the two drove off. Leaving Steve and Mavis alone with the three kids, sighing she leaned against the security booth and pulled her leather jacket tighter around her as she wished for a cigarette to help warm her up on this cold November night. 

"So... what now?"

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