💉 34 💉 Hopeless romantics

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looking him up and down with suspicious eyes Mavis hesitated with his question. She was unsure of a lot of things in life, but this man-the same one that stood before her- was the first thing on her list that made her uneasy when ever he approached her. His glance was cold and dangerous, yet he still seemed so upset about her, her and the fact he had screwed things up so bad for them. the damage that was done between them was permeant and in no way could he fix it. but he was determined to try one last time.

bitting her bottom lip she looked back inside the house in the direction of her bedroom and saw Steve peek out with a raised eyebrow. giving him a look of reassurance he slowly nodded and disappeared back into her room. looking back at her nightmare and crazed lover she sighed and stepped out into the cold December air. goosebumps quickly grew along her exposed arms as she crossed them over her chest to keep herself warm.

"you better make this fucking quick."  noticing her shaking form he went to take off his jacket but she stopped him, brushing back her bangs she raised a questioning eyebrow at him. wanting this whole conversation to end as quickly as it started. sighing he looked from the stone patio to her dagger like hazel eyes, the same ones he admitted to falling in love with the moment he looked into them. he couldn't help that just by a single glance at her he had become so infatuated with her and everything about her. she was intoxicating in a way.

"look, I just came by to tell you that I'm sorry for everything and that I still love you. I-" before he could finish he saw the questioning look on her face. looking back at everything he had done and said not once had he told her he loved her. he just thought she knew he loved him like he loved her, but since no mention of the word love or any relation to it spilled from his lips his actions spoke for him causing a whole other flood of emotions to erupt from him.

"you love me? funny. when you 'love' someone you don't destroy their lives in order to make themselves happy. what you claim to be 'love' is a bunch of bullshit and knowing you for as long as I have you don't love anything but yourself and making other people miserable. forgiving you isn't going to do anything for the both of us, its just empty meaningless words." losing his voice, his thoughts, his words he just stared blankly at the girl in front of him. feeling as though for the first time he was truly broken he bit his bottom lip hard and felt his hands ball into fists. attempting to cool himself down before he got out of control and losing it once again like he did the last time he was here he breathed in and out as calmly as he could all the while his wild love sat back and watched with a blank expression.

she was all to use too it and was as unfazed as he was when she answered the door the way she did. feeling his temper finally cool down he glanced back at her and sighed heavily, still undeniably in love with her even if her words were stinging and bitting at his very heart he STILL loved her to no end.

" I don't want them to be meaning less, what I'm saying is killing me to admit. I love you! god damn it just fucking take my apology!" shaking her head she leaned against the brick stones of her house and watched with dark eyes insanity at it's fine point. feeling unnerved by his out burst she unoticingly saw a car pull up to the bottom of the driveway, looking over Billy's broad shoulder she heard the sound of her brother send off his friends with good-byes and promises of seeing them at school. smiling at her sibling she brushed off Billies words and took notice of Dustins happy grin.

"sup, little dude! how was the snowball?" about to tell his sister about the fun and amazing night he had with his friends was interrupted by the sight of Billy. his intimidating look and persona making Dustin glare at him, gesturing to the man with a raised eyebrow he ignored his sisters question and asked one of his own.

"the hell is he doing here?" shaking her head she gestured to the front door.

"none of your business, inside." not being one to be told what to do with out reason, Dustin pressed on.

"no. tell me why th-" having just about enough of her siblings stubborn attitude she pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. wanting to keep Steve's identity hidden just in case Billy reacted horribly to the friend she kept his name out of her mouth. but couldn't keep her vow of silence any longer knowing it was the only way she could keep her brother inside and away from her conversation and so she let the name roll off her tongue.

"Steve's inside tell him all about your big night alright? I'll be in soon." she finished as she watched her brother slowly open the front door and disappear inside. getting a little too close to her than she would like Billy glared at her at the mention of Steve's name.

"the fuck is Harrington doing here?" shooting daggers at him with just her eyes she pointed an angry finger at him and roughly poked him in the chest. causing him to lightly rub his chest. scowling at him she couldn't believe he had the nerve to beg for forgiveness then turn around and at the mention of a name he hated to his very core. the reaction she was receiving from him told her he wasn't ready to make nice, and neither was she.

"he has the right to be here unlike you who doesn't!" she spat. realizing that getting mad over a close friend of hers wasn't going to win her over he lowered his tone, unclenched his fists and sighed out all his frustrations. running a hand through his golden locks he gripped the root of his hair and put a hand on his hip as he saw the anger slowly leave her beautiful face.

"Listen, if the only reason you came here is to state your apologies fine. that's great, but if you're here to confess your 'love' for me that train has already left the station since day one. It's gone, it's over, it's done Billy."

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you I just thought that-"

"you thought what? that I was like every other sleaze ball around here huh? you thought I was easy to fuck with didn't you? well guess what Billy I'm not. and you wanna know what the funniest thing about this whole 'fling' was? if you hadn't approached me the way you did it was possible that we could have been something." feeling his heart drop to the pit of his stomach he let his arms fall to his sides, his lips pressed tightly together as he bit back the tears that threatened to spill. he so desperately wanted her back, a month after she left him high and dry passed out on the floor of the Byers home his life had taken a turn for the worst. instead of being upset or angry at the world and the people in it he became emotionless, he was like a shell of a person.

"Ma-" he nearly croaked out, but still he managed to keep his composure. even though he was on the verge of either throwing a fit or crying. even billy himself had no idea what the outcome of this might hold for him emotionally.

shaking her head she gripped her forearms tightly and turned towards the front door. her hand gripping the knob tightly.

"get out of my sight, I never wanna see your fucking face around here ever again." and just like that she walked inside and slammed the door in his face. leaning against it she waited until she heard his fading footsteps walk away from the door feeling emotionless about what she did she looked over at the eyes that watched her shocked yet happily.

"what did he want?"Steve asked as he hoped his friend wouldn't block herself off from any help that was so desperately needed.

"to apologize and give what we had another chance." sighing she walked off towards her bedroom and past the two young men who still burned with questions that needed answers.

"w-well what did you say?" Dustin asked as he watched her pull apart the second to last slice of pizza in the box. taking a bite she walked towards her window and watched as the Camaro zoomed out of the cul-de-sack. the last thing she saw was the bright red taillights, feeling like absolute nothing, she faced her friends and in-between chews said:

"I told him that I never wanted to see his fucking face around here ever again."

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