💉 35 💉 Trouble Is A Brewin'

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"What the hell am I doing?" The curly haired teen muttered as she held the securely packed package of her latest art work in her slightly shaking hands. The cold weather causing her hands to become as pale as the frost covered ground as she continued to grip the thick packet in her hands. Biting her bottom lip she turned to her friend, Jonathan, who sat in the passengers seat behind her. His lips curved into a smile as he nodded at her in approval, the kids sat in the backseat with their faces pressed against the cold glass.Eyes glued onto their friend as she stood in front of the blue mailbox, frozen in place.

This was her chance to finally run away like she had told Jane about, she could finally leave town and everything behind. Even though her brother would miss her terribly and Steve would be heartbroken to see her go off with out him she knew it was for the best.She need a change of scenery and getting away from all this craziness would give her a chance to clear her head.

" you're doing something great Mav. You've talked about applying to that school for years! And now it's your chance! Don't give up now you're already there!" Dustin mumbled through the glass.

looking back at the smudged, foggy faces pressed against the glass window and the sweet brown eyes of her friend, with the tip of his nose and ears tinged red from the cold. She nodded and slid the package in the mail slot, loud applause and cheers erupted from the Impala as she fist pumped the air with glee and smiled a smile as wide as could be. She was achieving her dreams for the first time and nobody could believe it, the amount of faith placed on her shoulders was overbearing but not in the way her past feelings did. With all that weight she felt stronger, powerful and almighty.

Walking around, towards the drivers side, she couldn't help but feel a familiar set of eyes on her. The eyes of great sadness and anger that she was all too familiar with. Glancing across the street she was met face to face with deep blue eyes. The bags under them heavy due to lack of sleep, nose and lips pink due to the cold weather as he looked up at her from his cigarette. Opening his mouth to say something all that came out was grey toxic smoke, wanting to just spit up an apology to patch together some sort of relationship he decided against it and let the girl be.

quickly looking away from him she got in her car and drove off with the audience still cheering her triumph. Watching her disappear before his eyes like a million times before the man-no longer mad with rage- walked away in the opposite direction. His eyes downcast and empty as he stared at the concrete ground. His mind fluttering in all different directions as he thought about how he had messed things up terribly between the two of them, it broke his heart to think he could have taken something so different and exciting for granted. It was like he finally woke up and realized she would never be by his side again. But then again was she ever really beside him in the first place?


"Homecoming is tomorrow night. Are you going?" Nancy asked her friend from the other line. Ever since she had dropped her portfolio off at the post office and had a celebratory pizza party with the gang and Jonathan she had decided to call Nancy to tell her the good news. After a while the excitement of it died down and they decided to talk about more pressing matters like, homecoming.

"I don't know Nan...I don't do stuff like that usually and even if I did I don't have a dress." Mavis sighed as she leaned against the kitchen door way to see her brother and friends playing video games and gorging themselves on pizza. She missed being that young with her friends, continuously going outside and into the woods to look for buried treasure. But over time as school became more over bearing and friends came and went Mavis began to spend her days inside and away from all things nature or outdoorsy.

now she just stayed inside, smoking cigarettes and making art like never before. And you know what? she was happy about that.

"don't say that! you know that you can barrow anyone of mine if you need to."

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