💉46💉 Intoxicating

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"How are you kitty?" Smirking at his voice the woman sighed and shrugged her bare shoulders. Cigarette loosely dangling in between her lips as the pad of her thumb lightly traced over the little black star that rested front and center on her left wrist.

She thought that if she ever saw him again she would either do one of two things;

A: Spit in his face and curse him out. 


B: Just let whatever happened, happen.

Unfortunately Mavis wasn't in the mood to throw a fit of any kind or cause an embarrassing seen out on the Wheeler's front yard, so she sat on the front step and smoked. 

The second option being the best one for both parties sakes. 

 College had done something to do with her acting the way she was at the moment, people told her she wouldn't change and they were partially correct, but the other part had opened her mind to a whole new world of things. She viewed certain things differently than she had before, and the meaning of love was definitely one of them.

And besides she wanted to talk to him, there were things that had been on her mind since she left home for school that she had the misfortune of never asking him before hand, and some that she had thought about on the drive up here. If he was willing to listen and answer Mavis didn't mind if he sat down beside her, just as long as she got some answer out of him. 

"Oh ya' know, dying of starvation, painting till the crack of dawn, sleeping less and less by the day, money is so tight I can barely afford to wipe my own ass. But other than that life is great," From the corner of her eye he could see him smirk and chuckle at her sarcasm. 

Still as witty as he remembered. 

 Digging into the back pocket of his jeans he found his pack of Malabro's, and picked one from the crumpled box before putting it back in its rightful place. His ocean blue eyes peered over at the female who he knew was watching and observing him as she sometimes did, who had suddenly pulled out her engraved, silver lighter and flipped back the cap to reveal a small flame. 

"I heard you got a job at the local pool. Life guard huh? save any lives yet?" Bringing the tip of the stick to the flame he lit it and watched as she snapped the cap forward with ease before resting it beside her. 

Taking a drag from his cigarette, he fluttered his eyes closed and let the smoke crawl out from between his lips like an eerie fog. Almost amused by this she rested her elbows on her knees and turned to face him.That charming look and curled upper lip was something she knew all too well, as it still haunted her in the deepest, darkest corners of her mind. 

But even still the past was the past, that was then, this is now. 

She put aside their differences and past no matter how bad she wanted to throw all these accusations and curse words at him, she refused and let things carry on the way they were.

"It's not the best job in the world. But I make money."Now opening his eyes he looked up at the sky then over at her. Both eyes were filled with a sense of calm, nothing burned deep with in them, not lust, not want, not evil, just peace.

"Who's Anna-lee? just curious."She shrugged as she made it sound like this other woman was going to be a problem. But he just laughed and shook his head. 

"Just a co-worker, she ain't nothin' compared to you, if that's what you're afraid of."Scoffing Mavis took another puff and shook her head.

"Nah, a little birdie tells me that you say my name in your sleep, so I'm not afraid of anything." His face went stone cold at that comment, his eyebrows furrow in anger and lips pursed into a straight line as he sighed and shook his head once again. Running a hand over his face he figured it was Max's doing, the little runt was always finding out new things to tell Mavis about. 

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