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Author's Note :

hello everyone, before we begin...Just a gentle reminder. There has been comments lately containing unknown links so I would like to remind everyone to not click on such links when you see it unless it is a verified and safe link address.
Also, I'll be doing my part by deleting those comments when I encounter them so if you see them, please ignore. Thank you.


(A little of strong language in this story so read with care) :)

Pictures doesn't belong to me so credits to owner :)


*Come in,warning warning warning warning.*Your alarm went off and you fell onto the floor.

"Ouch..."You groaned as you slowly pulled yourself up and offed the alarm.
"Aish,oppa has to stop hacking into my phone just to change my alarm."You thought to yourself as you walked into the bathroom and brushed your teeth.

After you have freshened up, you quickly changed into your school uniform and went downstairs.

Hoping to see your oppa cooking breakfast but No. Just a note saying:

Eun Na,eat the breakfast.I have to leave early as I went to SM.Meet you at school.


You sighed as you threw the note into the bin and started digging into the food.

~Author's pov~
You,Kim Eun Na has a brother that works as an idol in a group called EXO with 11 other members who also studies in the same school as you.
In public you didn't want to let everyone know your his sister and so your sibling relationship stays a secret.Your that cold,wild girl while his the hardworking kind one.
-End of Author's pov-

After finishing your breakfast you washed the dishes and quickly left for school.

When you reached the school entrance, it already makes you sick.

You hated school the most so you dragged yourself inside and met up with your "gang".

"Anneyong."You greeted and they greeted back.
"Do you know we are having an attire check today?"Nayeon, a close friend of yours said.
"So?"You shrugged.
"I assume you don't know cause your skirt is so short and your wearing ankle socks."She replied.
"Why is it only me?Look,Joshua's hair is covering his entire face!"You pointed out.
"Stop being sacarstic Eun Na."He said as he combed his hair.

Suddenly you heard someone shout,"THEY'RE HERE!"
So as a typical human you looked at the direction of the scream and saw 12 boys walking down the hall and you cursed under your breathe.
(FYI,your friends doesn't even know it as well.)

"EXO!"Nayeon shouted.She's that harcore fangirl of their but as a sister of one of the members you only support the group.
"OPPA!"someone shouted and soon girls started to surround them.
"Eun Na I'm surprised that your not in love with exo. WAE?"Nayeon asked as she stared at them.
"Cause I just don't."You simply said.
"Especially Suho,OMO how can you not like him."Nayeon stated.
"Ahem...cause his my brother?!"You thought.

Then EXO was walking the halls again.When they were walking pass you and your gang you saw Suho mouth 'Take care' His a caring brother that's why.
"SUHO JUST LOOKED AT YOU!"Nayeon shouted.
"I think his totally into you!"She said while jumping in joy.
"Pfft,don't make me puke my breakfast out."You said.
But before Nayeon could reply the bell went off signalling the start of another awful day.
"Bye guys see you guys later at lunch."You waved at them and went to Chemistry.

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