247 16 18

Make sure to read 46 as well.🙈

-The next day-

              You didn't sleep at all yesterday night but just starred into blank space.

Maybe due to the caffeine?!

You dragged yourself out of bed and into the bathroom.

You dreaded to go to school. Another day of maths equations, boring note takings and more high school drama cliché.

You got dressed and ready for school and walked out of your room.

"Morning Oppa." You smiled as you sat down at the dining table.
"Morning Eun." He smiled as he placed the breakfast down on the table.

"Em...can I have coffee as well?" You asked and he looked at you weirdly.

You don't drink coffee in the mornings so of course he will find it weird.

"I'm pretty sure Xiumin will get coffee later so why not you get yours later as well." He said and you simply nodded before digging in.


Then, the bell rang and you already knew who it was.

You opened the door.

As usual, Baekhyun was fooling around with Chen at the doorstep.

Lay still looking half awake.

While the rest smiled.

You moved to the side to let them in.

The last who entered was Chanyeol.

He looked at you but you didn't look back. You was looking somewhere else but at him.

Then, you heard him sigh before walking in.

You closed the door when he walked in and went back to sit down at the dining table.

You felt awkward since they were in the living room while oppa was in the kitchen.

You started to play with the rings on your fingers.

It reminded you of Chanyeol who also had the exact same rings as you had.

You stopped looking at them and took your phone out.

Nothing interesting....

"Let's go!" Suho suddenly shouted making you jump in your seat.

You kept your phone into your pocket and stood up.

-At school-

              As you walked in many people were starring at you.

You shrugged it off and walked to your first class of the day, English.

Apparently, you were having the same class as Chanyeol.

You wanted to avoid him as much as you could but he just had to have the same class as you.


Then, he walked to the empty seat behind you and sat down.

Luckily, he wasn't seating beside you.

Then, Joshua walked in and you smiled at him.

He smiled back and sat in front of you which made you a little confused.


He turned around.

"Why are you seating in front?" You asked.

"Because, I want to seat with a new friend that I made." He smiled and you glared at him.

"What? Your going to replace me with another guy!"

He laughed and shook his head.

"Nahh... Go seat with your Chanyeol. He seems lonely." He slightly lowered his voice when he said that and your eyes widened.

Immediately you grabbed your English homework and crushed it into a ball and threw it at him making him laugh.

Seeing him laugh, you laughed along.

Just nice, the teacher walked in and saw you throw HER worksheet.

"Ms. Kim, I didn't know English was rubbish." She spoke as she walked in.

Your eyes widened and immediately you ran to pick it up and uncrushed it.

She glared at you and immediately you apologized.

"If I see anyone else crush my homework, I will crush you, understand!" She exclaimed and everyone nodded.

"Now let's begin class proper!" She said.

-Chanyeol's pov-
Eun Na is definitely avoiding me and ira getting annoying.

All I want to is to talk to her but whenever she sees me she runs away.

Heaven is on my side. I had the first two periods the same as Eun Na.

As I walked into the classroom. I spotted her.

I wanted to give her her space so I went to seat behind her.

Then, Joshua walked in and I thought he would seat next to Eun but he didn't. He sat in front instead.

Suddenly, Eun Na crushed her English homework and threw it towards Joshua and started to laugh.

I'm happy if she's happy. Her smile is so beautiful, I will die to make her smile myself.

"Ms. Kim I didn't know my homework was trash?" The English teacher walked in.

Her eyes widened and she went to pick it up. Her expression is so priceless and cute.

Then, class started proper. Here's the boring part...
-End of Chanyeol's pov-


             "Now everyone get out of my class!" She shouted and we all gasped before running out.

As you walked towards your locker you punched Josh's arm lightly.

"Ouch, What was that for?" He groaned as he looked at you.

"For abandoning me for your "new" friend." You air coated the new.

"Well I'm sorry." He apologized.

You opened your locker and grabbed your maths textbook out and placed your English one in.

"Anyways, why don't I see you hanging out with your husband?" He asked and you looked at him.

"Don't even Josh, it's not funny." You slammed your locker door shut and glared at him before walking away.


"Yah! Yah!" He called after you but you quicken your steps.

"What's wrong?" Joshua grabbed onto your arm to stop you from walking.

"Wrong? I'm fine." You said before walking again.

"Fine? Please Eun Na I can tell when your lying." He eyed you suspiciously.

"Now spill." He said.

"No, seriously Josh, I'm fine!" You said before walking to your next class.

As you can enter, Joshua stopped you and stood in between you and the door to maths.

"Seriously Joshua!" You exclaimed.

"I'm being very serious. Tell me what your running away from and I will let you in." He said.

I didn't like maths anyways so I can skip it.
It's just detention, who cares?!
Plus, Chanyeol is in there shoooo ye.

You turned around and walked away from him and the classroom.

"YAH!" He shouted as he ran after you.

"I should have expected you to skip Maths." He face-palmed himself and you just shrugged.


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