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It's worth sacrificing some things for the love of your life.

Sorry for any errors up ahead.🙏

-Your pov-
       As I arrived at Han River I started to look around for Austin.
It wasn't that crowded except for a few couples.
Chanyeol was right... It was romantic.
Suddenly as I was looking around someone from behind back hugged me causing me to jump.
"Chill it's just me." That voice... Instead of making you feel comforted I tensed up on the spot.
I immediately removed his hands from my waist and turned around to look at him.
That smile... It literally makes you feel guilty for your purpose of coming here.

"You don't look happy to see me..." He pouted.
"No, I'm just surprised."I faked a smile.
"You wanted to meet me?"I asked.
"Oh yea, we're here on our first date in Korea!"He exclaimed and I gasped.


"So... You asked me here to lure me out on a date?"I questioned.
"Isn't Han River just romantic."He said.

I have to tell him if not he will have his hopes high and think we're still dating.
Here I go...

"Actually Austin, I want to tell you something."I spoke.
"What about?"He asked.
"Let's... Break up if we're even still a thing."I said. Yes... Nailed it.
His expression turned pale and you immediately regretted your decision by a little.
"Wh-Wh-What?"He stuttered.

Gosh I feel bad.

"You heard me, let's break up."I said, while this time I was filled with determination.
"Why? What's wrong Eun."He asked.
"Sorry Austin... I guess I have moved on for the past few years."I apologized.
"No... You promised me that you will only love me. I will always be your love of your life."He sounded a little panicked and he was holding onto my arms tightly, no signs of letting go yet.
"I'm sorry Austin but I like someone else already."I said.
"As you said, it isn't love! You love me right?!"He started to look a little like a mad man. A side that you have never seen before on him.
"Yes, I loved you."I emphasized on the 'ed'.
"I don't believe you. Whose that bastard that you like?! I will murder him."He started to rage. He looked scary. You felt afraid of him. Fear was building in you.
I got a little offended when he said Chanyeol definitely isn't a bastard.
"Don't say that about Chanyeol!"It slipped my mouth and I immediately regretted it.
"Who the hell is Chanyeol?"He sneered.
"You... You don't need to know."I stuttered.
"So the person you like now is Chanyeol eh?"He smirked and you didn't like it.
Then, he grabbed onto your wrist harshly and said,"Your my property, forever mine."
It send shivers down your spine.

"Why did I fall for such a monster like you."A tear rolled down your cheek. He was shocked.
"M...M...Monster?!"He stuttered.
His grip on my wrist started to loosen and I took the chance to run away.
-End of Your pov-

       You didn't know where your heading but all you knew is that your running away from him.

Somehow, you made it back home and you heaved a sigh of relief at the thought of being safe because Chanyeol was home.
You quickly dried your tears and walked in to be greeted by the silence and the cold air from the air conditioners.

"Yeol..."You called out as you took off your shoes and placed them nicely on the rack after closing the door behind you.
You walked upstairs into Chanyeol's room to only hear the running water coming from his shower.

"Oh... His in the shower."You murmurmed before closing his door and returned to your room.
You quickly took a shower to wash away all the tears and the fatigue you gained today.
You walked out of the shower while wearing your hoodie and shorts.

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